switching to 12/12 anything else I should know


I am planning on turning the lights off this evening at their new end time and covering the plant for absolute darkness. Yes just the one

I have 150 watts of cfl 2700k light divided amongst 5 lights which I plan adjusting daily trying to keep lights all within 6 inches of any cfl so they are getting at least equivalent of 10k lumens in all areas. I know more photons is better but hopefully. I have extremely positionable lights.

I repotted her a few days ago and since then her growth I think has been slow but I generally have found that for a few days after a transplant she is growing roots like mad. (Pretty sure it is a girl having seen pear shaped pre-flowers and definately not male). My camera is shit so no close up of pre flowers.. guess I will have to wait a few weeks to be absolutely sure.

here's how she looks now. She has plenty of space for growth and the next time she leaves the pot she is for harvest.

2012-11-29 10.54.05.jpg2012-11-29 10.53.29.jpg2012-11-29 10.53.02.jpg

so anything else I should know or am I good to switch now?

The pots diameter to give you some idea is around 1.5 foot the plant is about 10" high from the soil

I have really enjoyed growing it so far. I have never been a gardener in my life but I seem to be enjoying gardening immensly and it's not just because of the subject.
Looks good to me man, I say flip em. Should be able to tell sex in a week or two, once she pops pistils you'll know. What are you planning on covering the plant with to keep it dark?
your best bet is to leave the lights off for a full 24 hours before going into flowering light mode also a nice blooming feed will help but no need to over do the nutes just time to start dropping the nitrogen.
Looks good. Flip it. No need for 24 hours of dark. Just flip it and make sure you have no light leaks or light sources in the area. Red LED are known to cause problems like hermies for example.
Looks good to me man, I say flip em. Should be able to tell sex in a week or two, once she pops pistils you'll know. What are you planning on covering the plant with to keep it dark?

She is in my room and whilst I will not have any lights on at all I will have my two monitors going for at least 4 hours during her dark period and obviously light from my room door opening and closing.

To protect against this light I have a metal frame around her which should give her about 3 foot of growing room before she hits the top. The metal frame I will cover with a couple of cotton green sheets. I have already checked and can see no light through the sheets. I am concerned about humidity during the dark hours but I plan on removing the sheets when I switch the monitors off so it wont be covered for too long maybe 4 hours at most.

My room is dark with the lights off. I have blackout blinds.. I am unable to make out any movement of my hand in front of my face once I switch the lights off in my room.. :)
Looks good. Flip it. No need for 24 hours of dark. Just flip it and make sure you have no light leaks or light sources in the area. Red LED are known to cause problems like hermies for example.

I have read up about the 24 hours dark and I think for my first grow I will not be doing this. As I understand some say it helps the plants flower quicker as it allows for a bigger build up of whatever the chemical was called that triggers flowering. I think I would like to experience as natural as possible light cycle before messing around with things like 24 hours dark so I know the difference.

your best bet is to leave the lights off for a full 24 hours before going into flowering light mode also a nice blooming feed will help but no need to over do the nutes just time to start dropping the nitrogen.

I will give her a feed when she next needs watering as I understand they have quite a spurt of growth during the first 2 weeks of flower (2.1.2 I think NPK I need slowly decraesing the N thoughout the flowering stage) Two changes I plan to make for my next grow is to use a supersoil rather then just any old crap which I used when I started and LST.

Thanks for the replies
Looks good man....I like the plant....I don't see much perlite in ur soil so b careful w ur watering....but u seem to b doing fine so far.....I didn't give mine 24hrs dark...just switched em...I do plan on giving 24-36 hrs of darkness right b4 harvest tho....I think ur plant will produce a nice little amount....it'll have 4 nice tops it looks like
Looks good man....I like the plant....I don't see much perlite in ur soil so b careful w ur watering....but u seem to b doing fine so far.....I didn't give mine 24hrs dark...just switched em...I do plan on giving 24-36 hrs of darkness right b4 harvest tho....I think ur plant will produce a nice little amount....it'll have 4 nice tops it looks like

yer the topping I did didn't turn out too well.. I mean it didn't spring into two colas or anything. There's 4 main colas and a few inches further from the centre of the plant from each of them is another cola.. SO 4 main colas and 4 secondary colas together with a buch of smaller bud sites. If it supplies enougth bud to last me until the end of my next grow then I will be happy.

No perlite.. lol... I found some bag seed and looked how to germinate it. I just chucked it into some old fertilizer that had already been used once so not so much fertilizer as random medium. I have 0 gardening experience my wife however grows veg outdoors so that was our pool of knowledge for growing an indoor plant. (This forum has been invaluable.. thanks to everyone who has posted anything here especially some of the arguments in the advanced section).. my first CFL was a 14 watt 2700k.. I really had 0 experience but I have had so much fun I haven't brought anymore weed from elsewhere as I would rather put the money into my home grow at the moment.

I think I still need to buy a couple of things.. 100x seeing thing for looking at the trichs to help determine harvest optimum once pistels have retracted and a hydrogenator to combat mold and I am so going for that perfect cure.