switching over to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Now I read are saw a video somewhere that when you change over that you either change to 12/12 with MH then after a week to put the HPS in, or you put the HPS bulb in and keep it with the 18/6 for a week then switch over to 12/12. Can anybody figure this out are am I making this to complicated?

luvvin growin

Active Member
sure,here goes my technique.When the girls are ready to begin the flower stage,start them out on hps at 18 hours for a week to get them thinking that summer is shortening,then go all out 12/12,I've done it both ways,but the MH seems to make the buds airy,HPS tightens em up,at least for me.

luvvin growin

Active Member
true that.It's a good set,you just have to adjust along with the strain your growing at the time,but in my years I've found that I get a better bud with HPS


Well-Known Member
I wasn't going to flower with the MH I was going to do it with HPS I just wanted to no how to switch them, I have a switchable ballast.

luvvin growin

Active Member
I meant that I used both for veg growth but found better results switching up between the two for pre-flower.Hope it all helped.

luvvin growin

Active Member
hydro for seven years,11 in soil before that.I will still throw a seed in some good soil tho,I get the urge to go natural once in a while.I experiment with alot of stuff now to figure out what's shit and what's not.


Well-Known Member
. I have three female bag seeds in a supper soil that are for me. Well I wanted to clone them and put it in an aeroponic system that at the moment is halfway built. The clone products I want to sale for extra cash. Now with the supper soil I don't think it's going to last through flowering so I've been looking for an organic bloom fert, no ideas, yet. My question is do you know a good way to store the bud if I can't push it.

luvvin growin

Active Member
airtight jars(glass),stored in a dark place,but you have to open the jars once a week or youll get mold.You can also refrigerate,but too may heads in and out of mine for that,so to the closet they go.


Well-Known Member
I have a couple those pop top mason jars that im going to cure in. I read a couple hours ago where this guy said to put in a dark paper bag then put in plastic

ziplock then in the fridge. I thought about buying one of those mini fridges to put in my apartment. When and if ever you had grown in organic soil did you

flush? Cause I'm debating weither or not to. The reason I thought about not doing it was that I wanted to reuse my soil, and also I've read that with organic

the nutes are not going in the plant they being eaten by bacteria and those guys are feeding the plants

luvvin growin

Active Member
You dont reuse the soil,no matter how much people say you can.The flushing prevents salt build up on the roots,which you will get regardless of system.Only have to fully flush once,usually before I switch cycles since I'm going to be introducing a new chemical balance.It really helps the buds add flavor and aroma as well.

luvvin growin

Active Member
Yep,last two weeks are good,and don't sweat it when the lower leaves turn yellow,its just the plant sucking every drop out of the soil.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
I give them 24hours of darkness then jump straight into 12/12 under the HPS. Buds start forming very quickly that way. I dont see any point to keeping them under 18/6 just because you changed the bulb.

luvvin growin

Active Member
Nope,not usually.Tried over three generations of Mother's Finest and the impact was the same with or without it.Overall 120 clones treated with molasses,no improvement in THC production,finish,or overall quality...but some people swear by it,to each his own.


Well-Known Member
tell you this I thinking about flushing this time, but once I get this first full grow under my belt I'm going to start experimenting in all sorts of ways to see what happens. One of my big girls was burnt real bad back when she was maybe 3 or 4 inches tall so cut her main stem right above the second node and now she looks awesome she has two man stims


Well-Known Member
This might sound stupid but what does a scrog do for you. Also ok I know that a plant is not going to look happy all the time(leaves up in the air all perky geting light and stuff) but everyday or every night about an hour or two before lights go off they all sloop down. Now I figure this is nothing cause in the morning they are perky again. Is casue their tired?