switching light schedules

Ok so this is what I have been doing.

O.. and I'm a newb.

Anyways, I started germinating seeds in some water, when the sprout came out I put it in some dirt, I was using a 150 watt light and the one that I've had growing for a couple of weeks grew up to about.. 7 or 8 inches tall, stem is decently strong, leaves are green, I have 2 sets of leaves, 3rd node is coming up. I stopped putting the light on yesterday because it was sunny outside and decided to start using the sun instead. I had the light schedule from 4 am to 9-10 pm, then yesterday I put them up at 6 for their night time, I put them back out at 7:30 today and will let them stay outside from now on. Everything looks fine with them but I was wondering for some feedback.

I also heard if you have the plants on 12/12 it'll make them bud sooner and it'll stay relatively small. Any ideas on this?

I can post pictures up, haven't taken any. O and all of the plants are in 1 pot. I know I have to seperate them but haven't had time to get another pot yet. It's a 1 gallon pot.
thanks in advance


Well you're definitely going to want to have your plants in separate pots, being a weed the strongest ones will overgrow and kill the others eventually. As far as the light cycle goes your plants will continue to grow without budding for as long as you keep them under light for 18-24 hrs a day. You use this time (the vegetative stage) to grow your plant and prune/train it to grow however you'd like and once you switch the light cycle to 12 hours of light the plant begins its natural budding cycle (called the flowering stage). Be careful, a lot of plants will increase almost double in flowering so if you have space constraints wait for a couple of nodes to grow then maybe start to flower. If you want a more specific answer I will have to see some pictures.


Active Member
Hey dude. This is our first grow too. We vegged our six under a 24 light/0 dark light schedule, then switched them into flowering under 13/11 for increased yield, then 12/12 for increased resin production.

If you're looking to bud sooner an 11/13 schedule might work better. It also has been said to decrease yield though.
I tried seperating a couple of them yesterday but ended up disturbing the roots so I am just going to leave that pot of plants alone, unfortunately I have like 6 of them in there because I germed too many at one time then just through the rest in there, but I have a different pot I am just going to put one in there and see how it will do. Thanks for the response
Hey dude. This is our first grow too. We vegged our six under a 24 light/0 dark light schedule, then switched them into flowering under 13/11 for increased yield, then 12/12 for increased resin production.

If you're looking to bud sooner an 11/13 schedule might work better. It also has been said to decrease yield though.
I'm growing mine outside during this winter season, but when do you switch from 13/11 to 12/12? and if you do the 12/12 does that mean your buds are bursting with resin? Do you have any pics of your grow?


Active Member
Cool, did you have any problems associated with the winter as opposed to summer?

We switched over to 12/12 during the last few weeks of flowering. That crop had a long flowering time. The link at the bottom of these posts should take you to our last grow