Switching from outdoor to indoor grow. Advice appreciated


New Member
First time grower here, stealth and discretion are of upmost importance for my purposes. I was planning on growing an auto outdoors in my backyard garden, but I realized I ordered photo seeds instead of autos. I felt confident about keeping an auto short and tucked away behind my garden plants, but not a full photo. So - I'm switching to indoor. My scenario is different than most because I want the plant to stay short with limited yield, I only want enough to help with my insomnia.

I've been doing so much outdoor research and now I find myself overwhelmed by the indoor options so I'd like to get opinions on what gear to get from the pros :cool:. Assume money is no object for now, I'm looking to run a small grow tent, less than 4 feet, preferably 3. LED lights would be best based on my limited research but open to opinions. I have GG4 seeds, i'll do either 1 or 2 plants at a time, probably 1.

Was looking at something like:

https://www.amazon.com/VIVOSUN-Hydroponic-Observation-Window-Growing/dp/B07VRSCVVC/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=Indoor+Grow+Tent+and+Light+Package&qid=1617840865&refinements=p_36:2661614011&rnid=2661611011&s=lawn-garden&sr=1-10 for a tent

Or an all in one: https://www.spider-farmer.com/collections/all/products/sf1000-led-grow-light-full-spectrum-70x70cm-grow-tent-kits-carbon-filter-indoor caught my eye but its taller than I want.

It also seems like SF-1000 is a good light choice, but is it too much for a small tent?

Thanks in advance!