switching day/night due to heat problems

so it is starting to get hot here and i am thinking about switching day and night. RIght now lights on at 8am and off at 8pm because im flowering. im only 2 weeks in to flower today so i was thinking of somehow switching the days and night, either by gradually changing the on/off times daily or just straight up switching. anyone have any ideas??? i do have access to a small window a/c but i wont be able to pick it up for a few days. Also it really only gets hot from about 3-7pm when the sun is setting on that side of the house.


I made the switch, just gave them 24 hours of darkness. This was in the 2nd week of flower with multiple strains. Some of the more picky ones were quite droopy by the time I went in there to turn the lights on but I use hydroton which doesnt have as much water retention as other media. I know they dont require water while lights are off but next time if I ever have to do that again (I plan not to), I will just throw a quick watering in the 12 hours of darkness mark. Btw I didnt really notice any stress from it, just that they were quite thirsty and ready for light when lights finally turned on lol. Good luck and dont worry too much... the shit grows easily, if it stresses itll just pop back up in no time. :P