switching dark period before flowering


When I decide to start flowering is it ok for me to keep the lights on for 31 hours prior in order for me to start my 12 hr cycle of darkness at 6am?

I want to do this in order to control temperature during flowering. Will one 31hr period of light after weeks of 18 be bad?

Better explained my lights go off every day st 5PM and turn back on at 11PM. Instead of turning them off at 5PM can i keep them on til 6am the next morning and turn them off for their 12/12 cycle for flowering?


Well-Known Member
Ive never heard that lol. But yeah you'll be good bro just watch them to make sure they dont get too stressed i doubt it but better to be safe then sorry


Would you say it's a good time to start flowering? I'm 3 weeks into veg from seeds. They're doing pretty well but I want to get more than an ounce or two per plants.20150317_165724.jpg 20150317_165729.jpg 20150317_165730.jpg


Well-Known Member
Those are some beautiful ladies. And you could flower now but really no telling how much you'll get. I veg for 2 months and then flower. I would let yours go for another week or 2.

