Switching between Nutes and Water for feeding


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU,
I see in some threads that some people alternate
the feeding schedule to include plain water every other feeding.

Why not Nutes every Day?

Just a Very curious Nube waiting with baited breath and some smoke for Wisdom.

wouldn't you simply be diluting the food that the plant is eating?

Sometimes I feed several times in a row if my plants seem to be taking it well. There are a few other factors in my decision. How much nutes I have. Am I in a hurry and do I have a batch mixed. There are others but this white widow has me floating. Right now I am swapping over to Hempy. I water them twice a day. Morning they get fed and mid afternoon they get water. They are almost growing to fast.


Well-Known Member
That is what I have been doing for the last 72 hours,
water 2 times daily full strength Nutes then just water on the 2nd feeding.
I seem to have a lot of transpiration, water loss from fans moving across plants.
CFL 95 watt lights and 2 10" fans running 24/7.
all PH set at 6.0


Active Member
I think the feeding schedule and amount depends on your growing medium. I'm growing in a 50/50 coco/perlite mix and I feed twice daily to the point where it looks like the plant is being drown. I always thought that was a bad thing but because coco is very porous and retains little moisture it makes it nearly impossible to over water, so long as you let them drain. I know this is NOT the fact when it comes to growing in soil. I also never feed with just water and my nutrient PPM for my second week of flower is currently at 1500 (a lot I know but my plants are loving it, dirty little girls haha).


Well-Known Member
You need to use nutes everyday if you want big plants you need nutes and creatine will help bulk them up also you should use advanced nutrients if you want advanced results their nutes are special and you need to use the complete line for the good results and I would say throw some creatine in to give the plants the pump