switching a flowering plant's light schedule


Active Member
I have a plant that has been flowering for about a month now. There isnt any reason to go into why but it would be beneficial for me to move the time from 5pm-5am to 9pm-9am as long as it doesnt harm the plants. If I give a 24hour period of darkness will the plants self adjust with minimal stress, or will doing his really send them into some crisis?


Well-Known Member
This is what i did. I went from 5am-5pm to 8am-8pm.

Took 3 days but i can gaurantee it didnt stress them. At night before the light timer goes off, set it for an extra hour( i.e. i went from 5am to 6am. and 5pm to 6pm. Every day i would change it an hour. Untill i got to the desired time. It worked well for me
