switch to hydro


Well-Known Member
ive been in soil an hyrdro. nft, dwc, an flood n drain, it all comes down to experiance. do some research on what you want like do you want tall plants with massive yields but longer veg or alota plants turning over more quickly. me personaly, i run a sog of 48 cutting once a month n get about 1.5 lbs a month. i veg for about 2 weeks, an in each system i got comparable results as the last i used. imo flood drain is easy to use u dont need to worry about an air pump in you rez, or getting root rot (unless you use rockwool n flood 5 times a day)


Well-Known Member
I would suggest DWC or some type of drip hydro like a Waterfarm. Waterfarm's are extremely to use and probably provide just as good as growth as DWC.

"IMO its the best hydro system out there Ive done custom built High pressure Aeroponics you name it, nothing has out performed it yet. I have had 15 oz yeilds on a regular with one water farm, 400w hps and one plant.

It works by pumping air in a tube witch makes bubbles the bubbles push water up the tube pushing water with it.. the water enters the drip ring spiting water and air.. I think the reason they work so well is 90% of oxygen in water is picked up threw the surface layer of the water.. well all the water that drips over the hydroton is all surface water.. so its really oxygenated... great system I end up with a brick of roots in the top bucket and a brick or roots in the lower bucket when its done..View attachment 1907413"

That's from Scottyballs. A great waterfarm grower. Check out his grow. He's proof to how well waterfarms work. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/344359-pineapple-express-g13-labs-seed.html


Here's a pic of my lady too at week 2 of veg.
2011-11-26 01.43.04.jpg2011-11-26 01.44.30.jpg2011-11-26 01.42.26.jpg2011-11-26 01.41.56.jpg


Active Member
My first advice is to try as many ways as you can and decide what is best for you. Everybody has the method that they are most comfortable with and IMO there is no one universally right answer.

That said I've tried both and I would recommend DWC if you don't mind having to manage a bunch of reservoirs. Of the two I've consistently gotten better results from DWC (started with a painfully simple DWC, switch to E&F, then switched back to DWC.) You can tweak the solution for each plants individual needs. It's also a breeze to setup. Bucket, net pot lid (with a few holes drilled in for air hose and PPM meter), water, done. Tweaking all that solution takes some time but hey this is a labor of love (yes I know I could just mix up a big ass thing of it and use that to fill the buckets.)

Ebb & flow is nice because it's just one big ass reservoir but if you wind up with different sized plants you wind up with a nutrient solution that is only preferable for some of the plants in the tray. You also have to get the flood time (both time that the tray remains flooded and the time between flood) to your plants liking. Ebb & flow would be nice for a big ass scrog where all the plants are clones but otherwise I'd go with DWC.

Aeroponics looks awesome and I plan to give it a try when I start running clones. From what I've read they are not at all difficult to construct. The overgrow archive has some nice plans for an aeroponics setup.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I have been growing in dirt for a while and want to switch to either dwc or ebb flow but dont know which to try so may be some one can help i want to get the most yield possable and which ever one is easyiest to learn to use
When I made the switch from outdoor to inside, I started with a small dwc. Now I am doing flood tables and loving it. :D