Switch To Dirt Or Stay In DWC

Should I stay the course of DWC in hopes of a larger yield, or should I go with the s

  • Soil

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • DWC

    Votes: 3 75.0%

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Well-Known Member
I'm really looking for some advice here so please read the whole post before you vote or comment.

I've been having trouble with growing in DWC for a good 8mo now. Every time I make an attempt at it either the rapid rooter plug gets too wet or I have pathogen problems, plus the damn containers leak from around the lid and overall this experience has been rather frustrating. Every time a plant wasn't gonna make it or was growing for weeks with little or no development, I would switch it in to soil. What I would get then is a day or two tops of stagnation, then the plant begins to grow crazy fast and I end up with a decent albeit small harvest. I use mostly fish/kelp fert with cal-mag, Great White Myco, SuperThrive, Pure Blend Organic Tea, etc in the soil grows with great results... I keep the DWC sterile with bleach (cal hypo) and DM Zone. Yet, I keep having problems with shitty plant development or pathogens or both. I use FloraNova Grow, Superthrive, and that's pretty much it. I keep it between 5.6-6ph and I use either RO water or a mix of RO/Tap and a chiller set to 70 +-1F. Don't say it's my temp or I'll digitally slap you. I've set the temp as low as 64 +-1f and still the same shit. well no shit, I had massive light leaks that I was unaware of. A few days ago I went out and bought new reservoir totes, this time I picked the Rubbermaid Roughneck's and I painted the SOB's with a few coats of spray paint and a bunch of coats on the lid, including 2 coats of navy blue followed by 2 thicker coats of flat white. This solution fixed the leaky lid problem from the other cheap ass totes and I thought it fixed the light leak issue but after a few days this past week of not much growth I thought wtf is going on? I popped out one of the air lines as this was the only place I could visibly see in to the reservoir with the lid completely on, and I noticed FUCKING LIGHT LEAKS AND THE LID HAD A NICE GLOW!!!!

OK, fuck it, I'm switching these plants to soil and doing all soil until I've in a better situation to solve this issue by using 5g buckets or something rather than stupid ass storage totes! But wait, if it's from light leaks, then maybe if I got rid of them the plants would start to grow? So since I had little time during the work week to do a soil transplant, I decided to get crazy and I took some Panda film (visqueen plastic sheeting...) that was pretty much the same size of my table so the plastic would completely over the lid and the edges and I cut the plant site holes out and put that down along with cutting out some over sized net pot covers from the plastic as well. I took a look back in the air line hole and saw no mahfucking (thanks JROC) light!! Yes, fuck, finally. This was on Wednesday night and now I see the 5 clones are looking nicer with new roots coming out and even the same is happening with the older veg'ing plant.

That's the history and here is the current situation...

I was going to start my soil transplant tonight and then turn that room in to a flowering room in about a week and just fill my table tent (6x3') with plants in 1.5g 8" tall pots, so about 18 plants. I know that this will be a reliable way of growing, which has given me good results before. However, I'm kinda like, eh, maybe I should keep the DWC with it's 6 plants going now and see this through? They're growing but will they keep growing? Or will I run in to another fucking problem, like if the chiller fails or some other crazy shit? I don't know, I guess I'm just feeling gun shy about the DWC and it's in a time when I really need my fucking plants to grow and come to fruition.

Or should I keep the DWC going? I've seen other people with soil grows with 1+gpw harvests and the plants seem to respond very well to the organics and beneficial's in soil.

Question: Should I stay the course of DWC in hopes of a larger yield, or should I go with the smaller but safe pretty much guaranteed method of soil? Which one may result in a more potent/flavorful yield?

Thanks for reading the long story! I'm stoned typing lol.


if you are going for taste organic soil but it is tricky too. I think you should master soilless growing (sunshine #4 etc) and then do one dwc plant while growing in soilless. once you master that one plant then switch over to dwc.


Well-Known Member
if you are going for taste organic soil but it is tricky too. I think you should master soilless growing (sunshine #4 etc) and then do one dwc plant while growing in soilless. once you master that one plant then switch over to dwc.
I see what you mean, but I've had great results in soil over the past couple months when my DWC attempts failed. I have 2 northern lights blue and 1 serious seeds white russian going in soil right now and they're looking and smelling fantastic after only 3wks flowering under 400w hps.

If I went with soil I could grow more but smaller plants... My thinking is that I could have a continual harvest situation by using clones... I could do up to 18 maybe even 21 plants in flower space and 1.5g pots, so I would just stagger them out for a continual harvest grow.


Well-Known Member
If I went with soil I could grow more but smaller plants... My thinking is that I could have a continual harvest situation by using clones... I could do up to 18 maybe even 21 plants in flower space and 1.5g pots, so I would just stagger them out for a continual harvest grow.
Without a watering system that will become much more time consuming vs. DWC. Not to mention the different nute mixtures for the plants that are in various stages of life.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Without a watering system that will become much more time consuming vs. DWC. Not to mention the different nute mixtures for the plants that are in various stages of life.
More time consuming? You check your pH every day, right? So you water instead, so whats the diff really?

The same differing nute mix's DWC takes, so whats the diff here?

You could run Dyna grow and never change a mix, hmm faster?

You don't have to dump and refill soil every cpl a weeks or more.

Soil is more forgiving.

Hey whatever works for you is what works!

I like organic water only soil growing best. It works for me, so it works.