Swine flu & brickweed


Active Member
Do you think we could get swine flu from smoking brickweed..maybe im just stoned and thinking too much..but
you got a bunch of mexicans..coughin and hackin all over the plants:spew:..they are choppin and makin bricks off..sending them.all across the states..then we smoke it.:joint:.cough,cough..but its not from the weed..mmmm makes ya wonder...
whatcha think? could it happin:confused:


Active Member
I would think that the heat from the bud burning and your lighter burning the bud would pretty much kill anything bad

You should be cool unless you straight eat the bud that's been "coughed" on


Active Member
idk..it is a virus..can be transformed from coughing,sneezing....i mean when you get sick at school..its not cuz u ate thursdays hotdish...its cuz you touched something that had the virus on it..and u said it yourself.before you burn the weed.....how is that weed getting into the pipe..(by you touching it)...then when you cough your head off..your hands go to your mouth...and cough cough..ur dead....idk.....makes ya wonder...


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of the e. coli and spinach shit that was going down not too long ago. If some how the virus did find its way into/onto I don't think it could even make the journey to you. Unlike spinach your bud is fairly dry and the virus would dry out. I don't remember the term for it but its the same reason microbes don't survive long on hard dry surfaces. Any microbiology majors?


Well-Known Member
haha i was talking about this yest to my dad (great minds think alike)

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
Something I can't remember is, can you kill virus's just by heat? I know that's how you kill bacteria but Virus's arn't the same.

Collie Buddz

Active Member
I can't say I didn't think about it myself like 2 days ago. We were hotboxing a tent and all we could talk about was getting swine flu lol.


Well-Known Member
your biggest problem would be in the actual prep of the bud. if the virus existed you could easily get it from breaking up the bud.

I doubt you could possibly get it through burning though . . . too much heat, fry any virus.

wash your hands a lot people ;).


Active Member
Stop supporting mexican drug cartels!!!!! Buy american!!!
We poor folk...the mexicans get it cheaper..
its sad,but tru.most white boy weed is expensive.cuz its good.and aint filled with beaners..
how come u never see chronic in brick form??
or at least ive never seen it like that..its always big healthy buddies...:bigjoint:in a big ass bag...sucks to transport..lol
anyone on that one??


Well-Known Member
Ah dude, the best weed I ever smoked, was from a brick.... and I have smoked countless bootloads full of weed in my life...


Well-Known Member
We poor folk...the mexicans get it cheaper..
its sad,but tru.most white boy weed is expensive.cuz its good.and aint filled with beaners..
how come u never see chronic in brick form??
or at least ive never seen it like that..its always big healthy buddies...:bigjoint:in a big ass bag...sucks to transport..lol
anyone on that one??

look at my avatar, look at all the buds i smoke.. all brick weed from holland :D

its the best stuff out there :D

Ah dude, the best weed I ever smoked, was from a brick.... and I have smoked countless bootloads full of weed in my life...

see :D told ya :D :peace:


Active Member
well lucky for you guys then..cuz around here..its flat as a pancake,seedy,stemie, and your not coughin cuz it took your breath away..coughing cuz it hurts your throat..lol...some would know what i was talking about...but ive never seen goodbuds..bricked..not saying there isnt any..


Active Member
ill post a pic of some plain ass brickweed laterz,not a brick..maybe like a 20..lol,but u can still tell it compressed as hell..
There in Holland..u guys prolly wouldnt even consider this weed..
its diff places,diff qualities of buds..but i guess now i know,good bud is bricked..