Swims Grow Diary - Plot 1 - Shotguns or Sandwichs...


Well-Known Member
Returned to patch that had been cleared a month earlier, 4m x 4m lowland wooded area, removed dead growth, tied a few tree tops back. Bit concerned as a few tree trunks I chopped as dead wood have started to give of little sprouts. Maybe not so dead as I first thought, (I don't make a habbit of destroying wildlife and do not do so with the serious intent to damage it either)

No Damage to the strategically placed foliage - A few lst'd weeds, brambles and small bushs placed over what would be the most direct paths to the clearing.

Soil - ph just below 7, hit clay at maybe 7-8 inchs down. Seems very nutrient happy as there is a lot of nettles and other small plant life thriving in the little valley.

Wild Life - Rabbits!!!! lots of the little long eared buggers. Transported a roll of chicken wire during the night, possible badgers although not sure what risk they pose, any ideas??

Sunlight - Have yet to see how its cast with the tree tops in blossom but to give you an understanding, there is a clearing of at least 10m x 10m in the tree canopy that is maybe 5mtrs up, casting direct sunlight between 10am and 3pm. this doesn't concern me too much as the year is young and the sun is yet to get higher in the sky, plus I have some good tree climbing skills - climb up and tie a few branchs down if need be.

Location - :) 15mtrs from country single track road and 3m down a sheer drop, 100mtrs from public footpath, only accessible through 2 agricultural fields.

Accessibility - Not Easy, depending on your climbing ability or daring to push your way through 1-2'' thick bramble stems... day 1 almost had a broken ankle going down the first slope.

NOTES: 2 SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES FOUND IN VICINTY, 1 Brass cap was missing off 1 shell and the other still had it but it looked rather rusty, only a couple of shiny patch's left on it. anyone know about hunting? how long they take to degrade, what animals are hunted through out the year. month by month so as not to cross paths with said hunter.... last thing wanted is to be sitting down eating a bacon sarnie and get ones head blown off for wearing camo gear and my face looked liked a pheasant sitting between the foliage.

Promising on the whole. Will post back with pictures over the next few days.