Sweet Tooth, Harsh growing?


Active Member
I've germinated 4 sweet tooth seeds with 7 or 8 more on the way. I now have them under 3 coil lamps in my basement 20 hrs a day. I plan to start them inside for a little bit of the veg cycle to get them hearty enough to plant them outside guerilla style with perhaps weekly to biweekly maintenance. I also have one seed of purple haze germinating that I have similar plans for. It is the beginning of July and I'm in around 44 degrees north latitude in the US. Will I have time for this, this late in the season? How can I speed up the veg/growth of the plant in its early stages, or "beef" it up somehow with minimal time before going outside with it? Any advice at all is much appreciated as this is my first grow. Thanks alot.


Well-Known Member
make it outside by the end of August and you will be just fine ;). Fluorescents up the wazzoo a couple CLFs and metal Halide, all at the right distance with the right angle and good cool air circulation, mulch it for humidity (or sticks grass etc.), I recommend Fox Farm soil. Make sure you transplant by Aug 12th-15th, start 20/4 then after the first five to six days switch to 24/7 until transplant (though before you transplant it would probably be a good idea to turn the light off on a work up to it schedule). Use fish emulsion when you transplant, I recommend the Alaska brand (as it doesn't burn)... if you use a good soil like fox farm you won't need to use nutes for 17-20 days... and even then work your way up a feeding schedule. and the secret is every three waterings, when the soil is "thirsty" give them some super thrive. But don't use it for at least 6 days before transplant, then use it again just after (this will help it deal with all the stress involved with being moved, light schedule change, and ecosystem changes, as well as promote them into flowering faster). Start your bloom nutes ten days after transplant (considering you use a 2/3 Fox Farm mix), should do you just fine


Well-Known Member
sweet tooth is an awesome strain it is finished budding by the first week in september
I'm @ 49 degrees so it might finish a little later where u are good luck


Active Member
Thanks for the responses guys; I really appreciate it. I bought a bag of Fox Farm Ocean something or other today. I had them in Miracle Grow Seedling Starter, which I here is NOT the way to go. Also picked up some Tricarboxylic Acid "Energy" nutes for later. None of the germinated seeds I put in the soil have broken the surface yet, and none of the others have germinated yet either. Once the true leaves come in on the seedlings, I'll start them on the energy stuff and move them into the fox farm soil, but until then I guess I've just go to wait. I've been putting them outside in my back yard approx 10 hrs, then into the basement under 3 coil lamps for another 6 to 8 then darkness. Thanks again for the info so far guys, and once they break the surface and make some progress I'll post some pics. Peace.:joint:


Active Member
Hey guy,
OK, sorry for the delay. Its now been like a week and a half since I germinated the first four. I have since germinated 10 more with 10 more on the way... I got an hp of some really good sweet tooth, out of which I found around 30 seeds. Here are some pics:mrgreen: of my grow room, actually its more of a closet or bureau I retrofitted. I realize it was pretty ghetto at first, but you can see I made some upgrades. I've got 4 50W CFL's hanging apprrox 6 in above the plants. Are the one's that broke the surface underdeveloped for almost 2 weeks? They had shitty light at first but now they are under the CFL's 20/4. Also, I plan to move these all outside in about a month. My buddy and I prepped the sight the other day...clearing rocks, weeding, digging hoes, getting eaten alive by fucking bugs. Anyway, the soil out the is somewhat rocky and there is a fair amount of clay around 1 ft deep. We dug holes 2 ft in diameter by 1.5 ft deep. We plan to hike in 3 40lb bags of Fox Farm Ocean Forest and some other nutes with a soil ph tester, etc and start conditioning the soil soon...prob 2/3 Fox Farm to local soil...which isn't that horrible, the first 10 in is dark brown and black. Is there anything else I should be doing to prep the soil out there? Also, because of the rocks and clay, would it be worth it to try grow bags? Also, I'm growing sweet tooth which I guess grows somewhat low and bushy...its 90 ind 10 sat, supposedly done by mid sept... any ideas when I should be transplanting? Is it ever too early to go from my one's basement/grow room to outside? Any advice you guys could give me would help a lot as this is my first grow and any input is appreciated. Hope you like the pics.



Active Member
by the way, i ran out of aluminum foil half way through so thats why its all cracked out, im just a lazy stoner who still hasn't gotten any more foil. is foil ok to use? to avoid hot spots i have the shiny side against the walls. hope these guys grow nice and strong. :joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah, I never use foil... but enjoy sweet tooth quite a lot! Cele is the best! Search for wall lining.... you decide... other than that lookin good mate... cheers!

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Paint the walls flat white. No more than you need the room, painting would be my choice. You may also think about adding some dolemite lime to your mix. I use about 1 tablespoon per gal of soil. It helps balance your PH. Just an idea and good luck with your grow. :joint:


Active Member
Thanks for the comments. Yeah, I think I'll add some perlite or something like that when I finally transfer outside. Probably 1 40lb bag Fox Farm Ocean Forest, 1 15lb bag miracle grow potting soil, 1 small bag perlite, 1 40lb bag local commercial compost, and probab a few cubic feet of the local top soil. Then fill in the hole with that mixture with approx 8" soil mix on bottom, then plants (5 in pete cups now), and cover with the remaining mix.

More importantly, my first seedling to break the surface of the soil is getting sick. She (hopefully) is turning yellowish on the leaves and stalk is redening. I've attacted a shitty cell phone pic. Any advice would help. I think it might be a N or P deficiency but thats going by a grow book....anyone know what's wrong?



Active Member
in the pics the one with the stunted growth on the right is the one with the problems...smaller than the one germinated 5 days after it!!!???:-?


Active Member
Hey guys,
I know its been forever since my last post but I've had a crazy summer and what seems like it will be a crazy semester to come. Here's an update...
Originally I had planned to go outside with the ladies after vegging them for a little while. Like the stoner that I am I kept putting it off and putting it off, and sure enough Sept 1 was around the corner and they were still in my house. My friend and I went out to the site we had prepared so many weeks prior and found it relatively intact; minimal animal tracks, not much erosion or runoff from heavy rains, etc. After erecting a badass fence with 50lb test fishing wire and a nearby sapling that donated itself, we were about add the last level of fishing wire when we heard a dog bark from what sounded like a ways away, couple hundred yards. We started to pack up...and pack a bowl, when about fifteen minutes later we heard it again only much much closer. We both grabbed all of our shit and were shoving it into our backpacks as we sprinted through the woods. Needless to say we decided it probably wasn't a good idea to grow there.:wall:

Anyway, the girls are still inside in my basement and I'm down to six. Or atleast I think. One of them I think might be a hermie. Like the stoner I am, I put off buying a proper light timer for the pretty much the first week of 12/12 and a half and one night forgot to turn off the back floro tube (see pics). I put them into 24 dark for a day and then back to 12/12 and here I am. I'm now three weeks into flowering and I think I see two staminate flowers on one of my plants. There is a shitty camera phone pic that you can barely see the protrusions. First of all, can anyone tell from this crappy pic? Also, I only see two of these potential male and they haven't opened up yet. Can I just cut them off and let the rest of the plant flower with an eye open for more? Also, I'm running floros' and was wondering if I should cut off some of the older, larger fan leaves for more light penetration? Maybe just some from the top? Also, I'm experimenting with cloning as well, as you can see in the pics. Had some pete discs left over from germination so I used that and some rooting gel and gave it a try. The one doesn't look so hot in the foreground though. If you guys have any advice or answers for me I'd really appreciate it. This is my first grow and it has certainly been interesting to say the least. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
dont cut the leaves. If you do dont cut the top leaves. Lotta peeps prune the lower are to give more cola up top:) u can tuck the leaves behind other elaves. Or just leave them,*shrugs*. I a nub too, first gro a few months in. I read all day and dont cut is the advice i read most.


Well-Known Member
haha lookin good, ur right its been a while, i just went to myrollitup and saw sweet tooth and here we are


Active Member
hey guys,
sorry about the slacking on posting on my part. shits really busy now and i've had a lot of work. anyway, here are some updated pics. harvested one of the plants; just the top half actually, 16g wet... I'm in the process drying them now. I've got them hanging upside down in a closet. Probably wait a week and move them to mason jars. also, has anyone used the water curing method? can u use it without drying...i.e. right after chopping? anyway, enjoy the pics...they seemed to have done alright

