sweet sweet sugar for plants?


Well-Known Member
hey i was wondering, i read this grow journal and he used molasses during the flowering stage, im about 5 days, mabey a week, and i was going to try it out when i watered today. annyways i don't have molasses but i have pure "michigan maple syrup" from maple trees, any input on if this would work the same? or have positive/negative effects. warm water 1 1/2 tablespoon per 1 gallon of h20 is the method i read about. oh yeah its a 3 gallon potter so it wont need more than a 1/2 gallon, but will i have to re-heat the water every time to use the solution? im kind of in a cold temperature and so are the plants at night...around the low 40s some nights!:confused:

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
just dissolve the syrup in a small amount of hot water first..then add it to your watering jug. You don't need to heat the whole jug...just enough to dissolve the syrup.

I recommend you go get a bottle of molasses from walfart or the grocery store instead though. Lots of good stuff in molasses besides sugar. More than maple syrup has.



Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick and speedy reply, i just got home from class its around 9:30pm now. ill have to wait for tomorrows photo period! :evil: but it also gives me time to run to wally-world and get some supply.

to much work to start a new topic so here goes it. whats the worst thing about growing in a cold environment? like when cannabis is exposed to temperatures 35-50 degrees for long periods of time? should i expect a small yeild? weak buds? ect?

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
yes to all opf the above. Run your light at night to help with the night cold temps. get a heater of some sort that doesn't emit light when it's on.



Well-Known Member
I have a small oil filled thermostatically controlled radiator that i bought cheap as chips.
Its 700watts and only comes on when its cold and goes of when its not,so its cheap to run as well and i can grow in the winter.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I have a small oil filled thermostatically controlled radiator that i bought cheap as chips.
Its 700watts and only comes on when its cold and goes of when its not,so its cheap to run as well and i can grow in the winter.:blsmoke:
mmm that sounds like a fire hazard, but sweet as maple syrup! :hump:

i am growing in an uncontrollable environment though... in my attic there is no way of building a box with the struts the way they are, plus its only a 4 1/2 foot tall area :(. but i was doing some reading on scrog? growing i think? and starting 12-20 small 1-2 footers. any input on this?


mmm that sounds like a fire hazard, but sweet as maple syrup! <img src=\"https://www.rollitup.org/images/smilies/hump.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"hump\" smilieid=\"205\" class=\"inlineimg\" border=\"0\">

i am growing in an uncontrollable environment though... in my attic there is no way of building a box with the struts the way they are, plus its only a 4 1/2 foot tall area <img src=\"https://www.rollitup.org/images/smilies/icon_sad.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"Sad\" smilieid=\"11\" class=\"inlineimg\" border=\"0\">. but i was doing some reading on scrog? growing i think? and starting 12-20 small 1-2 footers. any input on this?

i have been using grandmas molasses for a while from wallyworld just make sure it is un sulphured.