Sweet Raw Tea?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to my grow store tomorrow to pick up. For my plants in flower I will be feeding with Tea. This is what I'm thinking.....

Indo Bat Guano
Age Old Kelp
Botanicare Sweet Raw (No Flavor)

I have been using a vermitea that I got the hook up with at the store. It has been working really well. I'm out of it though. So I know I can add the guano, ewc, and kelp but I can I also add the Sweet? Do I bubble the Tea with the Sweet Raw?

Also, I plan on watering with the tea once a week. I'm on a twice a week watering schedule at this point so I am planing on watering on the other days with just water and Sweet Raw. Should I add anything else? I want to keep it fairly simple. I'm new to all the nute game so most shit is out of my comfort zone at this point. Also, Im not trying to spend hella money either. Maybe next season. I'm just getting my feet wet.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if it makes a difference but I have been using Age Old Grow and Molasses since I put them in dirt. That's it until I got the vermiT.

Also the reason I am choosing to go with the Sweet Raw is because that's what my dispensary uses and their shit is always smelly as fuck. No matter what strain. If its a berry strain it smells like grapes. Seriously, like grape candy. If its a citrus type strain it smells citrusy. Its wild. I don't know if its the Sweet Raw that does it, but all the strains have a distinct smell no matter what the strain and I love it.

I have the full list of nutrients they use in their grows if anyone cares to see. I just don't know enough about nutrients to know what each does what.