Sweet Guano deals to be had....

Yeah FUCK Walmart. I rather get ripped off 10 dallors by some dirty hippies any day then these big box store. AND FUCK fert companies for pimping mother earth.
super awesome at night to see the skyline. especially from a boat out on the bay SD is quite the area to live in but i am becoming agoraphobic after joining this site lol where do both of you live now OHSO and SEAMAiden
(sigh) I now live east of Sacramento, and it's beautiful up here in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Certainly MUCH easier to get completely away from humans (I'm weird that way, always have been), although it's been much more difficult to find places to take my dogs off leash.. But, there are times when I can't tell you how much I miss living at least near enough to the ocean to be able to drive to it within 45mins.
Oh! I've got a pic for you guys. 8)

Anyway, I'm south of Lake Tahoe and north of Yosemite, east of Sact'o.

Ok, the pic. This is Missy dawg about ten years ago, now Old Miss (she can't get up or down very well anymore). This pic was taken at IB, while we were walking on the beach behind my friend, John Verdugo's, place, across from the Tijuana Preserve (his place was almost at the end of Seacoast Dr., right across from the estuary). I "accidentally" let the leash go. :oops: :twisted:


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super awesome at night to see the skyline. especially from a boat out on the bay SD is quite the area to live in but i am becoming agoraphobic after joining this site lol where do both of you live now OHSO and SEAMAiden
I hang my hat, in the Burbs - Little Rock, Arkansas. I miss the Ocean, but Arkansas has lots of rivers & lakes - so, I get wet all summer long.
Hey, Seamaiden.. I checked with willieonthehill, they changed their name to Blue Mountain Organics. He said guanos they sell - are earth friendly - they will not buy from anyone, who does not follow the Responsible Harvest Guidelines.
He said the Higher N stuff was from a couple of caves near, Mountain Home, Arkansas. The people who harvest it, use a solar dryer to reduce the moisture to an even 50 percent. That preserves nutrients & slows decomposition (preserving the N content). The Higher P is from Indonesia, imported by a company in Arizona. He says it is fossilized, so it's real dry and stable at 0-7-0.
Ohso, thanks for the info.
i'm going to be flowering within the next few weeks and going to pick up some of the guano but wondering how you could use it for flowering.
im guessing tea..but would you use the 0-7-0 or mix both?
Ohso, thanks for the info.
i'm going to be flowering within the next few weeks and going to pick up some of the guano but wondering how you could use it for flowering.
im guessing tea..but would you use the 0-7-0 or mix both?
Jollygreengiant I prefer using High P Guano Tea, like the 0-7-0 stuff we are talking about during flowering. I mix two tablespoons of it to one gallon of unchlorinated water & bubble it for a day or two, with a cheap aquarium air pump / air stone. You could throw in 1/2 a tablespoon of the Higher N, to provide some N, with no ill effects.
Then use your guano tea - one quart per gallon of soil (in containers / 1 gallon max) or the 1 gallon per plant, when they are planted in the ground. Throw the left over crud in your compost barrel.
Now, some people are going to say - " Well, I use allot more ". Well, that's fine. I don't. I fertilize slow & steady - which guarantees I don't burn my plants. Remember, with 0-7-0 Bat Guano, that number represents what P is readily available (soluble) - it actually contains anywhere from 7 to 14 percent more P, which will break down slowly over time. So, going easy ensures you don't over do it.
If you fertilize slow & steady - it's much easier to read problems in your plants. When you throw Mega-Doses of this & that at them - sorting out whats going on - becomes much more difficult.
More plants are harmed by overwatering & overfertilizing - then all other problems combined.
Hope this helps...
yeah i like to keep it simple. so far ive only given them 5-1-1 fish emulsion and theyre doing fine. just trying to keep it organic so your info is much appreciated +rep.

one more ?. is it necessary to agitate the tea with airstones? shaking wont break it down enough?
If I may, it's not so much an issue of breaking it down as it is keeping the solution oxygenated for the microbes you want, as opposed to letting it possibly become anaerobic and allowing undesirables into the fray. I stir mine with a little shovel, stir it up really well to make lots and lots of surface agitation and that's working great.
Your welcome JollyGreenGiant..
Oh... Seamaiden... A little shovel is OK... as long as you didn't swipe it from a Garden Troll. I hear that makes them real angry. LOL
Your welcome JollyGreenGiant..
Oh... Seamaiden... A little shovel is OK... as long as you didn't swipe it from a Garden Troll. I hear that makes them real angry. LOL
I plied the Garden Troll with wine, he's currently a little distracted. ;)
I was just on Ebay a little while ago. I found a couple of listings for Bat Guano at a sweet price. You might want to give it a look, if you need some.
Keep it Real .... Organic ...
i ordered my guano from ebay and got my bucket and airstones ready..waiting on the mail now.
going to feed once more with fish emulsion and then switch to flowering.
thanks again for the deal Ohso...and keeping it real...organic