Sweet Guano deals to be had....


Well-Known Member
I just bought a guano pack from that dude - willieonthehill (ebay). He's a good dude - everything I've gotten from him is straight. He's selling a High Nitrogen & High Phosphorus Pack for $ 9 . That's a deal, the shipping is included. Hell, I burnt that much gas today, going to & from the quickie mart. The High N is 9-3-2 NPK & the High P is 0-7-0. You get four ounces of each for a total of 1/2 pound.
Now, since you only need two teaspoons to a gallon of soil, every two weeks - that will go a long way. Three teaspoons equal a tablespoon.
Two tablespoons equal one ounce. So, thats 24 teaspoons or 8 tablespoons in each four ounce pack.
Beats the heck out of paying 15 dollars for a pound of High N, then 15 dollars for a pound of High P.
Just though I'd share.. since it's a good deal & I'm a F-R-U-G-A-L guy.
Keep it Real.... Organic
Guano is 1.00 or less a Lb. If you buy it in bulk. 50+lbs. I would happily sell you 1/2 pound of any guano I have for 18.00 a pound. 9 bucks. Hell, Ill even sell it for 15.00Lb. for a discount. Its outrageous to think that a 10Lb. bag sells for 180.00
You got ripped. Friend. HTG Supply has good deals on it. Please say shipping was included. If not you really took one up the ass.
I honestly think you got fucked on this one.
Oh...listen to the nay sayers... I got news for you guys, I like guano - but I don't want 50 pounds of it sitting around my house. Plus, I don't think with fuel prices being what they are, anyone is going to ship it for free ?
Now, if you buy a pound of High N from Wormsway it's $ 7.95 plus $ 8 shipping, which is $ 15.95 - plus a pound of High P would be another $ 6.95. So you end up with a total of $ 22.95. for two pounds - hardly $ 1 a pound ?
Plus sometimes, I buy both a Super Plant Tonic and some Guano & he throws in some extra worm castings or beefs up the Guano weight. I don't think Hydro Harrys or Wormsway will do that for ya.
So, mumble, complain & tell it like it ain't all you want. I'm happy with the price, the shipping & the service. So...you'll just have to live with that... Oh...enlighted ones..
Post all you like, I will not respond to such bull pucky in the future... P.S. - I'm not the guy selling it there Forest Gump.....
i just bought a 10 lb bag at walmart of 100% worm castings for $3.00. dude you got ripped a new one!
We are not talking about worm castings. We are talking about High N & High P Guano. So, Duh.... I did not over pay or get ripped.
If I bought both of them (High N / High P Bat Guano) from Wormsway, it averages out to $ 11.50 a pound for each one - because of the shipping.
I get a quarter pound of each for $ 4.75 total, then $ 4.25 for the shipping. Now that's all I really wanted & if you do a little math, you'd see that's fair. Because, if I fire up my truck & drive to & from a garden center, I've burned $ 6 - $ 8 in gas - plus I'd still have to buy the guano's & they don't sell them in units under a pound.
Plus - this way I'm sure I like the stuff without a major investment & the guy will sell it in bulk - if you just email him. He cut's deals for repeat customers - I'm one.
Man, what a bunch of anal types on this site... I can do math, & I have not over paid....
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Guano is 1.00 or less a Lb. If you buy it in bulk. 50+lbs. I would happily sell you 1/2 pound of any guano I have for 18.00 a pound. 9 bucks. Hell, Ill even sell it for 15.00Lb. for a discount. Its outrageous to think that a 10Lb. bag sells for 180.00
You got ripped. Friend. HTG Supply has good deals on it. Please say shipping was included. If not you really took one up the ass.
I honestly think you got fucked on this one.
Well, it seems your mind is wondering. $ 11.50 per pound (shipping included) from Wormsway divided by four quarters equals 2.87 per quarter pound. Ok, I paid 2.37 per quarter pound ($ 4.75 for both total) plus a very fair shipping price ($ 4.25) - that makes the grand total $ 9 for 1/2 pount of two different kinds of guano (1/4 pound High N - 1/4 pound High P). That's all I needed, I'm not farming forty acres. I notice certain people - have something sassy to say about every post they come across. Either add to the conversation - or go watch cartoons.
Plus I like trying, before buying a large amount of anything. So, this appeals to me. You say only $ 1 a pound if you buy 50 pounds - I bet the shipping on that is a bitch. Plus, I don't want 50 pound bags of guano sitting around in my garage. So, it serves my purpose & the price is fair enought.
Hell, with gas at $ 4 a gallon, I'd spend $ 6 - $ 8 bucks just going to & from the garden center. I like having it brought right to my door & I like the privacy of receiving it in a unmarked box. So, works for me...
Plus he just gave me a quote of $ 5.75 for a fat pound on either, with $ 5.00 for shipping - so in the end - he beats Wormsway & your prices... You seem to keep forgetting the cost of gas (to & from) or shipping. Your math is not complete. Sorry, I will not be buying from you.. Plus your customer service skills need improving... You are a bit Rude... & the customer is always right...
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Get over yourself, dude. You got ripped off. You can justify it to yourself all you want. YOU STILL GOT RIPPED OFF. I dont run HTG, they are just good people to deal with. 5.75 a lb + shipping is still a ripoff. Its only 3.25 for a lb. at the RIPOFF hydro store.
I feel bad for you, actually. BECAUSE, YOU GOT RIPPED. Period.
P.S. People that are frugal buy in bulk. And can anticipate their needs.
P.P.S. You got RIPPED OFF!
This post is still about Bat Guanos - Not Worm Castings - Earth to aladdin2685. I guess I will add both you & Early to my ignore list; it will make for better reading. Go get some growing under your belt, then get back with us.....when you actually have some skills... Bye, Bye..now...
Stimulating Closed Minds... A tough job - but Ohsogreen is up to the task.....
Well, on one hand I do wish our local Walmart carried worm castings, on the other hand I prefer to support our local businesses. Our local garden center, where I got the Gardener & Bloome, had the castings. I paid close to $10 for 20qts (no one measures the same way, makes it difficult to calculate for the mathematically declined like myself). But they're less than 3 miles away, versus close to 20 miles to get to Walmart.

How's your Friday going, Ohso?
Well, on one hand I do wish our local Walmart carried worm castings, on the other hand I prefer to support our local businesses. Our local garden center, where I got the Gardener & Bloome, had the castings. I paid close to $10 for 20qts (no one measures the same way, makes it difficult to calculate for the mathematically declined like myself). But they're less than 3 miles away, versus close to 20 miles to get to Walmart.

How's your Friday going, Ohso?
It's going pretty well.
I too prefer to support local business and these days - mail order. With gas prices being so high, I like having things brought to me. Mostly, cause I hate the traffic here in Little Rock. Sometimes, it takes 20 minutes to go five miles. Before we used to live within a mile of a great garden center, when we moved - it put us about 10 miles from it. I still go there sometimes - but have to make every trip count.
We don't have any Hydro Stores here - the hard core - radical bible thumpers - shut down the only one we did have - by constantly harassing them & their customers. It lasted all of 3 months then went bust.
So, our shopping choices are limited.
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I always go to walmart, because I live very close to 3 of there stores here in SO CAL. walmart just started to carry the worm castings within the last month. What a great contribution to the cause Walmart.
Let's all give aladdin2685 a big hand. Congrats Man - you have scored the deal of a lifetime. What was that again - 10 pounds of Worm Castings for $ 3. 10 pounds of Worm Castings for $ 3. 10 pounds of Worm Castings for $ 3.
Are you a front man for Wal-Mart ? Have they conditioned you to buy, buy, buy because of falling prices..falling prices....falling prices....
OK, if it makes you happy - buy it, & go tell it on the mountain......
Ok, I was going to try & keep this thread on subject (BAT GUANO), but it seems like many others - here we go drifting away.

Aladdin, I think you should start a thread just about your Worm Castings... oh, please describe their color, size & taste to the rest of us. We will be standing by...... & let that friendly guy Early know about it - I am sure he will want to say something deep & thoughtful.
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i started a thread where i was talking about making my own fertilizer and i got the SAME exact responses....who fuckkkking cares about getting ripped off, im sure his plants arent thinking about how much theyre 'being ripped off' plus bud is worth more than currency...
bud is worth more than currency...
Amen to that. These cats are mumbling about a buck here & a buck there. Now, I'm Frugal, but not willing to turn my garage into the Guano Shack to save a buck..
Early was saying oh but, if you buy fifty pounds of guano you'll get it cheap. Sure, buying in bulk always brings the price down.
Just thought I'd share this with people new to Organics... A cheap way to get a little of High N & High P Bat Guano - without making a big investment. Check out Organic Fertilizers on www.Ebay.com Casue not everyone wants to have fifty pounds of guano sitting around their house.
Either add to this thread (something positive or helpful).... or don't bother posting....
Ok... this thread has s-l-o-w-e-d down.. It happens. Guano Update - you can now get a half pound of High N & a half pound of High P for under $ 10 delivered to your door. Where ? On Ebay - from the same guys who sells Super Plant Tonic.
Now that's pretty sweet. Plus they have other combos of stuff. I don't own stock in their company or any company. I just like the SPT & their Guanos are good quality. If you need some, they got it. Beats firing up the Ford & burning $ 10 in gas...which is way to easy to do these days...
Remember, you are what you eat, drink & smoke.....
That makes me sweet, fat, caffeinated, full of THC & Shit...LOL...
Keep it Real...Organic