Sweet God frow BC Bud Depot


Well-Known Member
IDK, seed came from club meds, so it will be good, just don't know what it is.
I almost shit-canned it about a month ago.


Well-Known Member
I started flushing the big girls 2 nights ago, but they need one more feeding.
Went heavy 2100ppm

Cart girls are coming fast, first batch w/ CO2 for the start of flowering.

Turned up the CO2 a few nights ago up from 5ft3 to 7ft3, seems to have helped.

Raised the 400 way up and turned off the light mover, I want them to stretch a little for cloning, this is a very compact strains(cannacopias)



Well-Known Member
Sunday, I think.
Hey I'm using AN Final Phase, I have 1/2 bottle, I used it once, you like it don't you.

Gave them a dose two days ago, I'll go back to it tomorrow.

Almost done, I'll try to get some tric shots in the morning.


Well-Known Member
yeah read the site but it says you have to be a medical patient to use or get bud so if you already have a med card why does it matter? I wish Florida had a med program like California. Hey maby if I am lucky by the time I get out of school the housing market will crash more there and I could actually afford to raise a family there. Just would suck for everone who already has a house =)


Well-Known Member
good bro wasnt 2 hot 2day but humidity is at like 95% cause it rained all day so its really sticky and how is it up there

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
Same way humid is like 90% but i had to brake out the dehumidafire...ya thare was a tornado that hen thrue the next town over!!!i got a dime of shwag for $30 buck's today!!! what a fucking good deal!!! witch is sad...
but it will give me some releaf... So to me that 30 buck's was the best $30 i have ever spent..am going to get some sleep.....
every day thare's a chaleng whey your sick..
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
This is what I quit using, bad move.

Got this 5l today,he was out of 1ls, so he says "I'll give you a killer deal on that 5er" 32%off, I'm tell'in you, they're my bros at the hydro shop.
He has a slightly used 6in Vortex for me, I looked at it, its like brand new, just a tiny bit of dust inside it, $120, damn,I got friends in low places.
I know he loans equipment to people too.

l's run $50,so 5l for $136, sweet.
You only need 1ml per 1l, so its going to last.

The Cart Girls got a dose, with A&B and Top Booster,forgot to snap a pic.


da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
that's y your bud's whare so crystaly befor like a mounth 1/2 ago....they look like a differnt strain befor..see i notes that stuff i dont see them every day...
but ya look back and you will see a big chang in the look..not that they dont look good b-cuz they still look dank..but like a differnt look...that stuff make's them crystaly..that shit must rock..da plantDOC..HOW MUTCH IS LIKE 1L...