Sweet God frow BC Bud Depot


New Member
Look what the cat dragged in.

174 hours from UPS Store to R.O.,that makes two I owe you now,User.

This is how I learned how to germ.

Small piece of sandpaper in the bottom of an Altoids box, add seeds, shake gently back and forth on a flat surface (seeds have a waxy coating that protects them from pathogens)

Soak in R.O. overnight.

What do you do?, User.
I've heard that scuffing is especially good for older seeds. I drop them in a cup of water until they sink. Then put them about 3/8" below the soil line and mist the top layer to a consistent dampness until they take off.

I think I'm almost as excited as you are about these seeds. I hope you document with lots of pics. Deep Chunk just looks so amazing. I know you don't like purple buds, but I think you might change your mind soon enough. :wink: Maybe you will start a new thread for them?


Well-Known Member

I was wondering why you had that quote in your sig, didn't want to ask.

Now I know, that punk is trying to make you look dumb, I think he should read your link. Then he will know whom the RETARD is.

I always wondered why I "NEVER" had a hermie.

Read "User's" link to find out why.
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Well-Known Member
About the same, varying feed schedule, looking not too bad.

Clones are getting calluses, this strain is not the fastest rooter, but it makes up for it in flower.

I like the challenge, looking forward to the in and outs of the new strains.



New Member
Double-clicking sucks balls. I usually open in a new tab but why would they go and do a thing like that? If they really want to do something nice, they'd let us change the title under our screen names.

Yo THC, how many gph is the pump in your cloner?


New Member

I was wondering why you had that quote in your sig, didn't want to ask.

Now I know, that punk is trying to make you look dumb, I think he should read your link. Then he will know whom the RETARD is.

I always wondered why I "NEVER" had a hermie.

Read "User's" link to find out why.
Lets see anyone argue with DJ Short. :bigjoint:

Look at this shit.The wonders of modern tek.
HID Smart 6
This is the shit. All the flip-flops I've seen people using have been homemade; you have to cut up your ballast 'n shit. I loves me some warranty. I hope to see a scaled down version soon.


Well-Known Member
mid size are getting 6-30-30

big girls 3-38-38

Clones are baking 91+F, this is the fastest they have ever rooted.

wool mothers are really going too.

They get watered 15min on, 45min off.

I think this is a good hot weather strain.



Well-Known Member
Clones in the oven.

According to the books and what not, 90F+ rez. and air:fire:, no humidifier, clones should be wilted and dying.:spew:

Had to look this morning 89F+, after seeing temps last night, they love it, listen to them, what are they saying??8-)

