swamp growing


Active Member
is it all right to plant in swamp land? theres no surface water at all, but im worried about root rot what do you think?


New Member
I planted close to water aswell, i put my plants out at different distances from the water, still trying to fiure out how far is best. Plus there is always the possibility of flood or drought so spread em around.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
i use big pots with the bottom cut off more like a tube fill good compost and perlite put pot in ground 5cms or so plant in top the the roots will grow out the bottom into swampy soil get its water the roots in the pot will still have loads of oxegen when feeding feed into pot that is where the mat of feeding roots will be (tap roots out the bottom) hope this helps you to grow where no one will go.


Active Member
allright, thanks thats alot of help, i already got 3 girls out in bags but the pots sound like a good idea for my next 6


Well-Known Member
is it all right to plant in swamp land? theres no surface water at all, but im worried about root rot what do you think?
my mate grows in the mangroves ,plenty of water but if it is in the swamp? not sure, but do as he does get grow bags and put them in the plants of bushes growing around there,keep them out of the muddy shit. ,but my idea of a swamp myy be different ???:peace:


Active Member
hye i've been looking for grow bags but all i can find are tiny little ones, do you have any idea where i could look for them?


Well-Known Member
I think HTG supply carries them. But if you don't want to order online I am sure you have a garden store near you? I am growing near a swamp too. Well an old swamp, but with alot of rain it could turn into a swamp again; a lot of cypress trees.


Active Member
how big are your grow bags? all the ones i'm finding are like 1 foot by one foot, and i don't think that would grow too big of a plant


Well-Known Member
I used to have some 3 gallon ones. They were big enough for a mature plant. I don't know the measurements though...


Well-Known Member
cant you get compost in bags at the garden center in 80 liter bags or the u.s equivalent you can cut holes in these and plant straight in it