Swallowing my pride: My sick plant pics

Hey guys, today im really trying to pinpoint these problems that have been affecting my bubble buckets. Also a few nute defs in some of my soil plants but theyre 43 days in(out of 60-70 depending on strain) so this may be normal. First time running these cuts.


My guesses are Ca in the first pic and Zn in the 2nd. Thoughts? Not sure about the middle, its been a mystery for a while now but these plants aren't a major concern to us.


Gotta go water but ill post my thoughts on these soon.

Hopefully once these are positively ID'd it can be reference for others.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Lol ok you have def problems and before you get an answer your going to water?!? I hope you're feeding them without feedback also


Well-Known Member
You may have high heat, you may be over feeding while at the same time needing some CA/Mg I would stop feeding base and just use the CA/Mg for a feeding or two and also double check temps are under 80


Well-Known Member
Your hydro looks like a lock out of cal/mag. Lock out either from mixing up nutes in wrong order or from too high ppm is my guess. If not that, some disease? Are your roots healthy and white? You clean your rez and change nutes at least every two weeks?

The dirt grow is harder to understand if you are in supersoil and only feeding with Organicare 5-5-5. Nothing else has been put on them? You composted your supersoil first? I'm seeing different issues in every photo and not coming up with the thread that ties them all together. In a couple shots they just look like they are fading early and need a little food, other shots they look possibly overfed and locked out.


Well-Known Member
Whats the PH.5.4-6.2, 5.8 is perfect and where you wanna be. I also say add Calmag+ to res. But you should foliar spray it to, about an hour after lights come on. so the pores on the plants are open and the lights help dry it. Keeps it from causing bud rot and powdery mildew.
Your hydro looks like a lock out of cal/mag. Lock out either from mixing up nutes in wrong order or from too high ppm is my guess. If not that, some disease? Are your roots healthy and white? You clean your rez and change nutes at least every two weeks?

The dirt grow is harder to understand if you are in supersoil and only feeding with Organicare 5-5-5. Nothing else has been put on them? You composted your supersoil first? I'm seeing different issues in every photo and not coming up with the thread that ties them all together. In a couple shots they just look like they are fading early and need a little food, other shots they look possibly overfed and locked out.
yeah man Im sorry, a lot of info lacking. Didn have time to complete the thread earlier, still dont lol

Just have to finish this work then Ill sit down and fill you guys in. Apologize for posting this while it was incomplete.

Thanks for all of the responses though guys, warms my heart :)
kermit2692 said:
You may have high heat, you may be over feeding while at the same time needing some CA/Mg I would stop feeding base and just use the CA/Mg for a feeding or two and also double check temps are under 80

The heat was a little high up until today. It would hover around 77-79 but now its 73. Had a few non-aircooled hoods but now all of them are AC and the temps dropped perfectly. Still have to plug in one more 1k but that shouldnt raise it much. So yeah, definitely a possibility. I agree on the cal mag front, that is actually what we did last feeding. Straight H2O w/ CaMg at pH 6.0. Thanks for chiming in mon

schuylaar said:
yeah def heat they're taco-ing also here you go:
Thanks, already have it saved on my phone though lol :)

Bugeye said:
Your hydro looks like a lock out of cal/mag. Lock out either from mixing up nutes in wrong order or from too high ppm is my guess. If not that, some disease? Are your roots healthy and white? You clean your rez and change nutes at least every two weeks?

The dirt grow is harder to understand if you are in supersoil and only feeding with Organicare 5-5-5. Nothing else has been put on them? You composted your supersoil first? I'm seeing different issues in every photo and not coming up with the thread that ties them all together. In a couple shots they just look like they are fading early and need a little food, other shots they look possibly overfed and locked out.
Thanks for popping in Bugeye!

Definitely possible the ppms are too high, going to start monitoring the hydro solutions better. A disease was another guess of mine and no unfortunately the roots are not too healthy and we just flush it with clean h2o every 7-10 days. If we were able to we would be much more on top of it. We fucked up by scrogging the buckets but they were so big we didnt have much of a choice. But like I said, the buckets arent a major concern for us. We fucked them up a long time ago by not flowering them so we are just happy we'll be getting what we get. Still going to do my best to care for them, its just hard with the given circumstances.

The buckets and the soil girls that are all 43 days in get the following, only difference is the pH of the soil is slightly higher(6.3-6.6):

Advanced sensi bloom a&b(pH perfect)
cal mag(always first)

the ppms are usually around 1500-1700 which I know is high by most people's standards, but the person who gave us these cuts suggested this strength to us for bloom. Any suggestions on taking care of these buckets without having to lift them up :D? We just planned to ride it out for the remainder of the grow.

The ones that are experiencing these problems are actually in sunshine mix and are being feed with the regimen above. I did not compost my supersoil first as I was told I didnt need too by the LGS guy. Should have double checked before blindly taking his word for it but w/e. Here is a link to the soil:


The soil plants having these issues are 2-3 weeks from finish. Think it is just natural fade? That was my guess. Didn't consider over feeding though to be honest, is that because of the burnt margins?

Im going to edit the post with more details I didnt have time to fit in earlier.

Thanks again bro!

~CReePeR~ said:
Whats the PH.5.4-6.2, 5.8 is perfect and where you wanna be. I also say add Calmag+ to res. But you should foliar spray it to, about an hour after lights come on. so the pores on the plants are open and the lights help dry it. Keeps it from causing bud rot and powdery mildew.
pH soil:6.3-6.6
pH hydro: 5.8-6.2

Been adding cal mag for the past week or so. Slow improvement IMHO. Not a big fan of foliar feeding when they have buds, just a fear of mine. Thanks for the suggestions though
Going to post some pics of the nugs when the lights go off tonight. I want to see if any of you think there is anything wrong with them. I personally think they look great.

Later fam!


Well-Known Member
Sorry, when you said supersoil, I thought you were referring to 'subcools supersoil'. When you mix it up yourself you gotta let it cook for a good month. Understand it is now in bag form. I would not imagine you would need to compost a bagged product. Looks like good ingredients on your link.

Yeah, 2-3 weeks to go who really cares if the fan leaves are getting ugly. All the better in my book.

On your hydro, you gotta get those roots cleaned and happy. I see links to some tea for that but haven't paid a lot of attention as I haven't grown hydro for a good 8 or 9 years. I'm sure someone will have the link. Your ppms could be fine if that is what your friend recommended, but I'd say that is too high for many strains.
Sorry, when you said supersoil, I thought you were referring to 'subcools supersoil'. When you mix it up yourself you gotta let it cook for a good month. Understand it is now in bag form. I would not imagine you would need to compost a bagged product. Looks like good ingredients on your link.

Yeah, 2-3 weeks to go who really cares if the fan leaves are getting ugly. All the better in my book.

On your hydro, you gotta get those roots cleaned and happy. I see links to some tea for that but haven't paid a lot of attention as I haven't grown hydro for a good 8 or 9 years. I'm sure someone will have the link. Your ppms could be fine if that is what your friend recommended, but I'd say that is too high for many strains.
Its just that there are other plants of the same cut getting the same mix and responding well to it. ANOTHER thing I thought of is the bucket is under a 600 where as the table of it(which is kicking complete ass) is under a 1k. Would this really cause them to eat up their food that much faster? The amount of light is in proportion to the plant size imo.

I tried giving them some h2o2 once, should I keep giving that to them with their nutes or perhaps hit them with a straight h202 solution?

And yeah when I had read about cooking the SS it was in reference to sub's mix. Is that specific to his or all self-mixes(its to let the mycorrhizae colonize, correct?)?

Thanks again man, and I apologize for not giving you rep earlier, Im new to using forums and smoke an absurd amount of weed! Got you now though!


Well-Known Member
I DO think there is a big difference in growth between the 600W and 1000W lights, especially in flowering.

I think the H2O2 is better for prevention but not necessarily the stuff if you are getting slimy. Again, I'm too far removed to give you spot on advice here.

Cooking your soil is sort of dependent on what you are putting into it. Things like bone meal, blood meal, guano are all far easier for your plant to handle if composted first. Really you are feeding these to your micro-organisms which break them down into easier to digest form for your plants. You NEVER add myco fungi to soil that you are going to cook because that kills the fungi. So if you are going to mix your own soil, no reason to spend money on a potting soil that has myco fungi added. Myco fungi needs live roots to colonize as it lives off your plants exudates (wastes). It's pretty cool stuff and seems to make a tremendous difference if you can get it established.
I DO think there is a big difference in growth between the 600W and 1000W lights, especially in flowering.

I think the H2O2 is better for prevention but not necessarily the stuff if you are getting slimy. Again, I'm too far removed to give you spot on advice here.

Cooking your soil is sort of dependent on what you are putting into it. Things like bone meal, blood meal, guano are all far easier for your plant to handle if composted first. Really you are feeding these to your micro-organisms which break them down into easier to digest form for your plants. You NEVER add myco fungi to soil that you are going to cook because that kills the fungi. So if you are going to mix your own soil, no reason to spend money on a potting soil that has myco fungi added. Myco fungi needs live roots to colonize as it lives off your plants exudates (wastes). It's pretty cool stuff and seems to make a tremendous difference if you can get it established.
Yeah we were using the 600's out of necessity at first but then we figured putting a 1000 over some shit plants isn't worth it.

Great info too, def cleared that up for me bit.

Thanks again for taking all this time to help me man, wish I could give you more rep :)
Awww man. I got high and took a nap. Everybody beat me.
Its okay man, better late than never!

What do you think based on the pics? The necrotic spots surrounded by 'green halo's' and the weird spotty chlorosis were what had me worried.
Thanks for stopping by too!


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents worth has already been said.

Pic #1 looks like classic Ca deficiency.
Pic #2 has the claw going on, possibly you are pushing the limits on N. Just did that myself! No big deal.
Thanks danny boy! looks exactly the same id say

Hey Aim! Good to see you!

Funny you mention the N toxicity, I was actually just going to ask about that! My deathstars took on a really dark green, almost blue color to the leaves. Also a slight hooking on some of the leaves so I figured that what was causing it. Will post pics here in a bit.

No big deal in your opinion though? Didn't think it was but I'll certainly cut back on N if it will benefit them

Thanks for stopping by! Hope the new year is treating you well so far!

PS I forgot to post my veg plants that are sick guys! im sorry!

Just finished working for the day so Im just going to hang out for a bit. Will post them soon

Happy saturday RIU fam :bigjoint: