svchop's closet rubbermaid grow


Well-Known Member
This is my modest grow I am not achieving new records here just growing one plant in a simple way.
it might look like a journal but its not I am open to suggestions, I just haven't had access to the net for a bit so if you feel like there is something I need to improve on please feel free to let me know.

Nov. 20:
Day one, I started one seed found in a bag of weed I bought, under one 26w 2700k CFL. Light schedule is 24/0 for now will continue this light schedule until day 14 at wich point I will switch to a 18/6 schedule until day 28. This grow is currently being conducted in my 20 gallon rubermaid grow box equipped with a 6" intake fan I took from an old air hockey table and a 4" computer fan for exhaust that I took from an old power source the interior of the box is lined with crumpled tinfoil and mylar. I plan on getting some chrome duct tape to cover the areas not currently covered and to improve light-proofing. Might get rid of the tinfoil, it holds alot of heat but this wont present an issue until I add more bulbs


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Nov. 22:
Day two, seedling broke the surface the shell had not shed yet so at the end of the day
I helped it out some. Nothing much other than that turned on the light and the exhaust fan
and removed saran wrap from the top of the pot.


Well-Known Member
Nov. 24:
Day Four, seedling reached a height of 2.38" before it stopped stretching, with a width
of about 1", raised the pot 1.25" to slow stretch especially because of the amount of light I'm currently working with. On that note I constructed a crude reflector on the lid to the grow box out of some thin oak paneling and covered it with mylar.


Well-Known Member
Nov. 27:
Day Seven, I give thanks returned home from Thanksgiving holiday at the Grandparents and the seedling is still living and grew to 2.75" and a width of approx. 2.125". Seedling curently has cotyledons, first set of leaves are singles, second set just started and appear to be single sets as well, on another note leaves are bright green with purple veins. This plant looks like its going to be awesome so far I hope its a female.


Well-Known Member
Nov. 28:
Day Eight, the seedling is still doing well not much change in height, in width either but the
leaves are becoming much more broad, and the second set is developing, other than that a
couple things I need pick up is a thermometer, a coffee pot timer, a couple Y split light
sockets and a 26w 6500k CFL or get my bulb back from B if his plants aren't living anymore.


Well-Known Member
Nov. 29:
Day Nine, took a closer look at the second set of leaves and they are in fact triple sets.
At this rate I predict the third set to be another triple set if I continue with the current
set-up. I would like to get the two Y splits and run three bulbs the 26w 2700k a 26w 6500k
and a 15w 6500k. I would only need to buy the Y splits and the 26w 6500k bulb I could
probably pick that up for about 15$. It would be great because I would be running 67w equiv.
of 260w incandescent. I think I could achieve a 5 set on the 3rd set of leaves with this
set-up this would allow me to top earlier. My other option if I cant get enough cash around
is to buy one split and run my 15w 6500k with the 26w I have now = 41w or 160w incandescent.


Well-Known Member
Nov. 30:
Day Ten, found a coffee pot timer I will put it to use on Friday. Also the seedling reached a height of 3" today and a width of 2.5" leaves are still becoming more broad. I filled the bottom ridge of the grow box with water in an attempt to increase humidity it seems to have helped leaves are becoming more dark with age after I get the right bulb going maybe they will darken out more. I also started a graph today to chart growth


Well-Known Member
Dec. 4:
Day Fourteen, went and bought one Y split socket couldn't afford the 26w 6500k bulb I'll need about 8$ for that one but was able to add my 15w 6500k so I am currently running 41w CFL. Also just started the 18/6 photo-period and transplanted into a 4''x4''x6'' pot the root system was the best that I've ever achieved. Yellowing of first set of leaves is getting worse I'm going to discontinue spraying the leaves and lower the pot away from the light to see if that helps. I also mixed a weak solution of miracle grow and molasses. I still need to buy the thermometer and the 26w 6500k bulb and another two Y split sockets. Overall everything is going very well despite slight discoloration, the seedling is already developing a strong, skunky lemony floral aroma that is quite pleasant. Also took a picture for visual growth comparison and will be taking a picture every four days to do so.


Well-Known Member
Dec. 7:
Day Seventeen; Five leaves are growing! So awesome I was right about the adding light it barely popped five on the third set of leaves if I can get seven on the next set I know I'm doing good then. It might help if I get this magnesium deficiency under control it is getting better but its not 100%. Possibly get another Y split and add my other 13w 2700k bulb until I can get another 6500k. New dimensions are 3.5'' x 2.55''


Well-Known Member
Dec. 8:
Day Eighteen; I took a second picture for comparison and four days really changed a plant. So far the plant has grown to 3.75'' x 3.25''. recently growth has really took off I think mostly because of the transplant but partly because of the nutrients I've been using on it. I gave it a straight dose of 1/4 miracle grow molasses and Epsom salt and growth rates exploded . I think this growth chart idea is really helpful in being able to tell when root bind and nutrient deficiency's are approaching based on growth rates you can almost tell a few days ahead when the plant needs to be transplanted or if more light needs to be added.
On that note I don't believe that I will need more light for a little bit now the fourth set of leaves, five blades are already visible and the other two are always too small to see this early but I am very confident that I will be seeing seven blades in the fourth set. Which means that despite the early magnesium deficiency that could have been avoided by using fresh soil I am doing better with this plant than I have with any other.


Well-Known Member
Dec. 9:
Day Nineteen; Things are going great color is returning to the lower leaves, I dont expect total recovery of those leaves but that isnt too important they will fall off eventually anyway and there is enough of a canopy now to support the plant. The cotyledons are starting to die now one is dry and yellow the other looks like it will stick around for awhile. Growth is still going nuts especially in width, current dimensions are 3.95'' x 4.'' width finally surpassed height and I would like to keep it that way until pre-flowering stage. I have nine days left until I reduce the light schedule to 16/8 I think it would be best to make that change in two steps. Increasing dark one hour four days apart. by that point in time I believe it will be necessary to transplant again possibly before that. That being the case I will extend the current light schedule an extra week depending on plant height I foresee some serious LST being required.


Well-Known Member
Dec. 10:
Day Twenty; vertical growth seems to have stopped currently while width is still amazing me growing by .75'' each day for the last three days, the current dimensions are 4''x4.75''. last night I made a new pot out of an old waste paper basket with approximately 3x the volume of the current pot I hope this will be enough space to support the plant for at least the rest of the winter or until I can determine sex of plant. If its male I will cut dry and make butter from it if its female I will clone it. fourth set looks like its a five set again not seven oh well maybe the fifth pair will surprise me. Anyway I think I should transplant earlier than the 28throots are already appearing at the bottom of the pot and vertical growth has stopped though I believe that is because the canopy is now 2.25'' from the lights.


Well-Known Member
this is my growth chart I dont have the pictures uploaded to this computer yet but i will within a couple of weeks after i have more than three to post



Well-Known Member
if you think im doing something wrong or could be doing something better feel free to post your advice I know it looks like a journal but its not i just havent had the internet since I started the grow.


Well-Known Member
Dec. 14
Day Twenty Four; growth has been steady mostly leaf development and vertical growth due to LST actual height would be about 5'' I think I will discontinue charting vertical growth now, kind of difficult while doing LST. Width hasn't changed but I suspect that has something to do with the fact that I should have transplanted 3 days ago. Still no soil but I am hoping I can pick some up tomorrow. I did my first FIM this morning hoping it turned out right I will take a look at 10:37 when the lights come on, other than that not much else to say the plant has only been producing 5 blade sets but the side branches are beginning to develop so I think if I transplant soon and up the wattage in the "sky" I will be doing good.



Well-Known Member
Dec. 15
Day Twenty Five, finally picked up some potting soil today, got the miracle grow organic potting mix and a bag of some cheap stuff HYPONEX it was 1.69 pec cubic foot and is mostly sand topsoil, and perlite. Transplanted my plant, it really needed it I couldn't even see the dirt on the bottom half.


Well-Known Member
Dec. 20
Day Thirty, one month down I think this is the longest i've ever had a plant which is great. On the other hand its starting to get yellow again and I dont know why for sure. It might have something to do with the fact that I transplanted and then left for 3 days or the ph from the new soil, but I really need to figure it out. It could be the magnesium defficiency again but it looks more like a nitrogen defficiency which would make more sense considering I dont have any Veg nutrients just flowering. I still need a thermometer and more light and a ph pen.


Well-Known Member
Dec. 23
Day Thirty Three, I really do think that this is a ph issue because of the yellowing is blotchy there is slight burns on the edges of some of the fan leaves and some are twisting. My thought is that the new soil is a bit on the acidic side so I am going to attempt to top dress the soil with some wood ash to bring the ph up. If this dosent work I dont know what to do but it does not seem to be getting worse. As far as growth goes nothing much has changed in width and height is unknown because im doing LST, all new growth is in side branches and the two new tops I have :) .I go to 16/8 in two days, I might push that out a few days if i cannot get this ph issue under control.