Sustainable fertilizer: Urine and wood ash produce large harvest


Well-Known Member
I was watching Daily Planet and saw them talking about this,thought it was pretty interesting...

Results of the first study evaluating the use of human urine mixed with wood ash as a fertilizer for food crops has found that the combination can be substituted for costly synthetic fertilizers to produce bumper crops of tomatoes without introducing any risk of disease for consumers. The study appears in the current issue of ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a bi-weekly publication.
In the study, Surendra Pradhan and colleagues point out that urine, a good source of nitrogen, has been successfully used to fertilize cucumber, corn, cabbage, and other crops. Only a few studies, however, have investigated the use of wood ash, which is rich in minerals and also reduces the acidity of certain soils. Scientists have not reported on the combinaton of urine and wood ash, they say.
The new study found that plants fertilized with urine produced four times more tomatoes than nonfertilized plants and as much as plants given synthetic fertilizer. Urine plus wood ash produced almost as great a yield, with the added benefit of reducing the acidity of acid soils. "The results suggest that urine with or without wood ash can be used as a substitute for mineral fertilizer to increase the yields of tomato without posing any microbial or chemical risks," the report says.
"Stored Human Urine Supplemented with Wood Ash as Fertilizer in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Cultivation and Its Impacts on Fruit Yield and Quality"
Surendra K. Pradhan, Ph.D.
University of Kuopio
Kuopio, Finland
Phone: 358 403553169
Fax: 358 17 163191
Email: [email protected]


Well-Known Member
urine is nitrogen, and i believe wood ash is phosphorus
i think you cut urine at 1/10 ratio


Active Member
Nice research. Rept. Anyone else know anything more about the actual application of cheap/free nonsynthetic fertilizers? I'm runnin low on Foxfarm and don't wanna keep buying it, even though it works like gangbusters


Active Member
Nice research. Rept. Anyone else know anything more about the actual application of cheap/free nonsynthetic fertilizers? I'm runnin low on Foxfarm and don't wanna keep buying it, even though it works like gangbusters
build a worm farm, make a compost pile and find a source of manure and your done
I am an organic Gardener. I use Urine on all my plants as a fertilizer.I water it down but don't measure exactly how much I use. It would be very difficult to damage your plants with this.You would be more likely to damage them by over watering than you would with the use of urine. Plants love it!!!
I believe that we are all sold stuff that we don't need. We are much better equip naturally to survive than we realize. All these bottles of potions and lotions we are told that we need. Its just Babylon money making scam that's spoiling the earth.
I use urine in my watering can and Worm casts, seaweed nutrient, Molasses as fertilizer. I make my own compost from garden and kitchen waste.
Sometimes I make a fertilizer out of nettles.; Just common nettles In a 5 litre water bottle fill with water and leave for a few weeks.Added watered down to your watering can plants love this too.
To keep the slugs at bay I scatter broken egg shells and old coffee grounds around my plants which they Hate and to keep the bugs at bay a spray of Garlic water once in a while as a deterrent. My plants look beautiful !!
It feels very rewarding to know I have grown my plants in a totally natural way

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
You can grow big plants with urine but I use a variety I'm always changing but I use alfalfa mostly and urine, oats, coffee, milk, ewc, and pot leaves when I need nitrogen I go with 10 -1 urine



New Member
Just don't want to add too much and can't find much anywhere saying how much to use. Got a wood burning boiler so I'm good on the ash situation.
This is all hypothetical of course.
I did find an exact recipe... But you need a scale accurate to the (tenth)? of a gram. Haven't had opportunity to test it yet but here ya go:
Vegatative Mixture
N: 400ppm
Ca: 333ppm
Mg: 72ppm
Mixture 51ml Urine, 1.54g Wood Ash

Bloom Mixture
N: 380ppm
P: 123ppm
K: 440ppm
Ca: 550ppm
Mg: 119ppm
Mixture: 45ml Urine, 2.5g Wood Ash

Does anyone know if the NPK ratio here in ppm just gets rounded down for standard NPK ratios ex:20-20-20.... how does that work ????