
i heartmj

Active Member
I don't know where to post this so I'm going to post it here. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I ordered a package from Additude and the order was shipped. I checked No Added Guarrentee like I have the last 7 times I have ordered. My package has always arrived in my mailbox no problem. I received a notice from the post office saying "sorry we missed you" and I must sign for this package because it is registered mail. I have double checked my invoice and it says no added guarentee. My question is... Do I go to the post office and sign for my shit? or should I say fuck it and take the loss? I'm suspicious as to why it says registered mail when every other time it wasnt.
damn that sounds sketchy. I vote fuck it. Better safe than sorry. I know that must be quite a hit to take...but damn man if it smells fishy and looks fishy I would be smart about it and let it go. Better to lose out on a bag of seeds than to have to explain why you have MJ seeds getting mailed to your house (especially if you have a grow there!!)

Sorry bout your luck :(


Well-Known Member
i would see if you could call attitude or email them and ask them if they sent it signature required, if not then forget about it not worth the rish.


Well-Known Member
thats a tough one, If they found out somehow they would arrest you at the post office since it confirms someone else didnt just jack your address hoping to pick it up when you werent home I would imagine. Like these other guys said Get ahold of attitude and check the status of your order and how they shipped it. I would be a little nervous, but then again you would think they would deliver it to you still when they see your home since the *delivery guy* would be a police or whatever *undercover*. Thats how the people around here seem to get busted when they send weed through the mail, or they could get a search warrant and kick your door in. Let us know how it goes, I wish you the absolute best of luck.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can be arrested for seeds or ordering them, but let them touch water and your breaking the law.


Active Member
The banks I have used say you will not need to sign for it. IMHO, SET UP, DO NOT SIGN FOR IT! WRITE IT OFF BRO! Bummer, S


Active Member
I'm guessing there might still be some backward ass states that consider seeds the same as marijuana, but even in those states possession and the legal ramifications are based on weight. As your seeds undoubtedly weigh minute percentages of a gram, the penalties should be rather insignificant, unless you have an active grow which they are hoping to find were they to search your home based on the original charge. In any case, if the law is involved, and seeds were going to your address, they already know where you are so I can't really see the logic in their attempting to draw you in. On final note. Have never heard of cops trying a bust like this on seeds, but I know people who have had their seeds confiscated by the postal service. They received a letter from Post Office telling them seeds were confiscated, and that was the end of it. Seems to be a random thing as they have since ordered again and had seeds arrive.


Well-Known Member
id assume your in canada by what you said about the post officce , and id just borrow a car or take the bus and go get it . attitude could have made a mistake and even if they didt i still would just because seeds arent illegal and thats not the way you would get busted , just my opinion hope this helps

i heartmj

Active Member
I am in the US. The order was a single 10 pack plus 5 freebies. I think I'm going to say fuck it. Also.. my grow is not at my residence. It's an entire city away.
I've thought about this a lot because I want to order seeds but am reluctant. The post that said contact attitude was the best advice I heard overall. A lot of it depends on how you paid for the seeds, if it was a credit card than your kinda binded to it. If I ordered with a money order and it came then who's to say that someone else didn't order it, send it to my address and use me as a patsy, at least that would be my way out of it. No paper trail= no proof


Active Member
Write Attitude an email and let them know what happened. I have found them to be great people if you treat them nicely and respectfully. Ask them if they will replace the order and ship by FedEx or UPS. Offer to pay the shipping, maybe it will help, can't hurt. But DON'T GO TO THE PO TO SIGN!!!! If it's a legit signature issue, the PO will ship them back to Attitude within so many days anyway. S


New Member
Has anybody heard of a USA bust that involved seed ordering as part of the charges or mentioned as circumstantial evidence?


Well-Known Member
Well if your grow is no where near your place of residence, and u think u can clear out any illegal contriban from your house before you go to the post office then go. Tell the post office that you received the note, but don't remember ordering anything. Ask to see the package and see where it is from. If it seems at all suspicious then say you don't know who sent this package, and refuse receipt.

You have to remember, if this is a setup they will need the law to stay at the post office and wait to apprehend you when you come pick up.

Another thing you can try is if your home when the mail runs, ask the mail person if they could bring the package again cuz you can't make it to the PO for some unknown reason.

Everyones right though, this is fishy. But to me it seems like a fishy shipping screw up, not a fishy bust screw up! Contact Attitude and get there side of it like the others said, they may resend.

Good luck and let us know what happens, I'm intrigued to know the outcome now


Active Member
I ordered some questionable stuff once. and got the same notice. did the same thing your doing now, tried to see if it ever happend to anyone else. and found several that picked up their package with out incident. so i went and picked them up at the post office, i was nervous standing in line. but then got my envelope, no problems.

Think about it.
1. how long is the police going to sit at the post office waiting and hoping you will show up? every day all day till you come around?
2. are they going to try to take down someone they assume is a criminal in front of public innocent ppl? and lure u into the public?

i saw a bust on tv once, kinda the same thing. but what the cops did in this instance, is deliver the package, and have him sign for it. and once he signed for it they rushed in and arrested him. he was a convinence store owner, recieveing the package at the store.

i think like others have said, if you were already busted, they would be at YOUR door.

BTW what i ordered was some salvia, and some syrian rue seeds.

i heartmj

Active Member
I called the post office 800 number to schedule a redelivery. I don't have anything illegal in my house other than an eighth of weed and a pipe. I will get rid of all of that before the redelivery. I have also thought that if I go to pick up the package that when they scan it out to give to me.. it may have a red flag on it saying to contact police if receiver comes to pick up. I'm more than sure I am just paranoid. I guess we will see what happens when they redeliver it?