Active Member
I love the MythBusters sweet ass show
Tons of people have cameras. In a one block radius I know of at least 10 houses that have cameras near me, and this is a nice neighborhood. If you're worried about attention from them, then don't mount them in plain view... it's that simple. Especially since this is a 100% legal grow, cameras would be a great idea. If you happened to get robbed whether it's for your crop or not you have all the right (and should) to go to the police with the video footage.I would highly recommend you DON'T get cameras. That is the most suspicious thing you could do other than set a plant out on the front porch for sunlight. Everytime someone sees one of those they will think, "Why exactly does this guy need cameras that badly?" It will cause you way too much unwanted attention.
they already covered this on mythbusters twice now.....even a 50. caluilber didnt knock a man back even a foot........MYTH BUSTED when some one gets shot they DONT fly backwards they fall to the ground..ask some one who has actually killed somone in iraq if they flew back in air.........lolNewton didn't have to know about those or anything yet invented when he came up with universal laws of motion, the key here being 'universal.'
Certainly recoil can be redirected but the amount of force that would knock a grown man 3 feet backward is still going to have a major effect on the shooter, even if a small amount of that force can be directed into loading another shell. Stop getting your physics from Hollywood.
plus rep for you man......can believe people are trying to argue with newton on this one haha laughable![video=youtube;QCzD5uhSViY][/video]
The shooting starts about 4:50
Youtube...Lady shooting a 50 calSounds sexy what wyteberrywidow saidwhere do i sign up to see this happen?
That works too.My house is protected by the good lord&a gun-you could meet'em both if you show up here not welcome son! Honestly-u gota be home to use a gun& a dog aint nuthin' a hotdog w/d-con wont fix. Best security.....shut ur mouth!
I got ya, got a new hobby now! LolYoutube...Lady shooting a 50 cal
I've used an old laptop running linux with some FOSS application called ZoneMinder and a few $50 webcams from best buy. Works out real well.
I do admit, though, that running long usb cables throughout your home can be a pain in the ass.
But, it IS the most cost-efficient system I've come across yet. Just need to be willing to get your hands dirty with some computer shit.
Oh, and, did I mention that I can check my camera system remotely from anywhere I can get an internet connection?![]()
Its a difference when you have a burglar break into your house you can shoot that motherfucker as long as your gun is legal what do you have to worry about?all the clint eastwoods on here are funny, you really wanna take a life over some weed?
i bet you think you do but you will regret it as the biggest mistake of your life, if you ever did, a little reality is needed here.
Cameras might make a stupid guy say "oh he has a camera, there must be somthing to steal",
in reality they would say "oh he has a camera, let go to the next place where there isnt one".