Surprised to see Hlg slumming it.

I've got a few in hand..... We are starting a hemp grow for R&D. Electrical is just getting started. We will have 7 flower rooms to start. Each with their own lighting. One will feature racks so we can show off the new fixture. 5 of the rooms will be rolling tables flood and drain. 1 Will be full organic soil grow. We have a partnership with a lab. We may even do soil microbe testing to see spectral effects on the rhizosphere as well.

The rack light is 40"X36" if that helps. Patent attorney has it now so hopefully in a few weeks we can start showing it of. I have several thousand drivers coming for it. It's also at ETL for certification. It is definitely different from everything else on the market for close proximity growing. Optimal mounting height is around 12"-15". I have seen lots of bar lights and most seem flimsy is to keep weight down. This light is a little on the heavy side at ~32 lbs but not horrendous. It has some really neat features to it. The price point will be below most of the competition and it's efficiency will be the highest around. There will be 2 models one that is ~ 2.8 umol/j and one that is 3.0 umol/j +. The lower cost one will be best efficiency around and be less expensive than most except straight out of china...... Which I'll never be able to compete with......
I know we rarely talk but want to thank you again for everything you have done for my garden & furthing studies on plant development. Hopefully you will be sharing your findings? You know what i feel is the direction to head or at least try right away.

But to broaden the Horizons of the QB I would recommend testing this as well.
I would actually be Really interested in providing this test for you as i know you have better access & knowledge on these things & am sure you have considered it at one point. A sheet of 70% frosted, pixeled, or whatever the best material would be suspended 1/4" below the diodes. I can retro-fit the board to receive the panel NP.
Because the 550 & many models are a SE or DE, 1000w drop in replacement, i feel this would be the answer to the Hot-Spot issues some are having & may be beneficial beyond that.
Here it is:
lmk your thoughts?
That is cheap

I am saying that you can not accurately compare different fixtures with different spectrums using a PAR meter
Why are you saying this might i ask?
A par-meter reads only what the plants see.
A sphere reads only the total out-put.
I don't know the range used to measure photon output in a sphere? My par-meter is picking up outside the normal 400-700. Reads 300-1100nm. 300-810nm, all used by the plant & will be incorporated in the newer leds coming out. At least 385-730nm anyways. If you have a rough idea of a decent spectrum then you should not be betrayed by the par-meter.
I'm sorry if you have been miss-informed by GG's or whomever. But there is a reason Shane from Mi-Gro compares fixtures using the Flat-Intigration method or par-meter & ppfd. Where all those #'s land on the canopy makes the big difference too as well as spectrum. Hot spot on not spot?
Hence the importance of seeing the Par-Map itself so you know if that fixture works for your space. Do you want spread or central light source? Ceiling height plays a big role as well as plant growing techniques to make this decision.
All things a Shpere will not tell you.
Don't get me wrong, it deffinetly has its place. Like for instance, a sphere will provide the efficiency ratings needed for a tax deductions from Energy Star or however it may work in some places for commercial growers. Total output vs canopy input basically. Both useful. One more so in the garden then the other.
True. And Par is really what growers need to know, for things like hot spots as you mentioned. This is why boards and strip/bar fixtures are so popular now. Not because they're just cool technology, but they offer the best distribution and overall SPREAD of those Photons.
It is so comforting to know that there are at least 2 led experts on here, you and airwalker seem to know everything. Thankyou both for telling everyone the facts not the scams behind testing. All those companies that do sphere tests are obvious scammers and you have made that very clear to me
No they are not jist just both have their job.
Diode efficiency (board efficiency maybe its called as system would be the completed system but maybe I'm wrong?) And system or board . Knew but smoke allot. Is determined this way & is crucial. Total light output of a lamp prior to adjustments for direction is important. The list goes on.
Don't get it twisted.
No they are not jist just both have their job.
Diode efficiency (board efficiency maybe its called as system would be the completed system but maybe I'm wrong?) And system or board . Knew but smoke allot. Is determined this way & is crucial. Total light output of a lamp prior to adjustments for direction is important. The list goes on.
Don't get it twisted.
Is there a machine that tells both? I would think that the scientists would have made a machine that can give the answer to spread and efficiency
Is there a machine that tells both? I would think that the scientists would have made a machine that can give the answer to spread and efficiency
Yeah, its called a par-meter , lol!
Again, why Shane uses a par-meter to do ppfd mapping in order to derermine the canopy efficiency. Because that is what matters when comparing fixtures.
Many other things as well but light output hitting the canopy, this is the best way to do it. Understand spectrum & begin to understand how the two correlate.
Yeah, its called a par-meter , lol!
Again, why Shane uses a par-meter to do ppfd mapping in order to derermine the canopy efficiency. Because that is what matters when comparing fixtures.
Many other things as well but light output hitting the canopy, this is the best way to do it. Understand spectrum & begin to understand how the two correlate.

OK so just the canopy matters not the rest. How did you become such an expert in all things LED? Are you a professor?
Decent third party reports are only going to enhance a products claims. It can be interesting to observe and compare product specs. I have a huge liking for lumens per watts figures. But that can be a fallacy. A lot of manufacturers state PPE, and you can see them all jostling for pole position to offer product with the highest PPF. Before @Stephenj37826 succumbed to the robot voice on GML's show, he made reference to the ongoing comparison Growershouse is doing with different lights. Just look at the figures on those California Light Works products. The disparity between lumens/watt and PPE is quite a mindtwister.

Personally, I really like PAR maps arranged in grid format. They have great utility for users that dont have access to their own PAR sensors.
LED Gardener always does beautiful presentations. This one shows the potential hots spots on a light as the mounting height is lowered from 24" to 18".
I said they both matter Joe.
Haha I get what you are doing you are trying to make sure I am paying attention just like a proper teacher does, I remember my physics teacher testing me the same way as this in high school. I love it you are awesome. Unlike in highschool I am paying more attention now instead of chasing girls around. Teach me more about it all please
I want to know more about gardening efficiency and diffusion along with led deficiencies. I love this forum and learning from a true genius
Corectomondo. All things a shpere does not tell you.
So we can all agree they both have they're uses. But whn it cones to comparing two fixtures sbs , the best way is par-mapping by far. Those who disagree have fixtures with a poor ppfd disruption like PLC & are weighing on that to safe face. To bad guys like this have to deceive growers to buy their products.
Wait, LMFAO! Didnt he say on live media? "He sure is glad thos cob lights 3yr warrenty ran up. LMFA! Pathetic.
Fuck the buyers is his modo.
I'll tell you whats fucking pathetic are your hateful little diatribes and character assassination! Can you even spell? Drunk? Why don't you go party under your disco lights. Greengenes honored the warranty process for three years, you can't even get a pcb for the shitty light you prematurely splooged all over for! Do you still have Scammie's feet in your mouth, and her junk stuck in your ass? What's a spere test going to prove you wrong? Why you running Jack's now? What happened to your led deficiency? Not the first time Gene's been copied. Cutter copy writing his strips is strait bitch! Messing with lively hoods your a punk ass bitch! Gtfoh! Go pedal some unicorn weed on your old Amare kid.
I'll tell you whats fucking pathetic are your hateful little diatribes and character assassination! Can you even spell? Drunk? Why don't you go party under your disco lights. Greengenes honored the warranty process for three years, you can't even get a pcb for the shitty light you prematurely splooged all over for! Do you still have Scammie's feet in your mouth, and her junk stuck in your ass? What's a spere test going to prove you wrong? Why you running Jack's now? What happened to your led deficiency? Not the first time Gene's been copied. Cutter copy writing his strips is strait bitch! Messing with lively hoods your a punk ass bitch! Gtfoh! Go pedal some unicorn weed on your old Amare kid.
You need a valium or 2