Surprise! Arrested for red eyes

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I swear sometimes... He blew a .000

SURPRISE, Ariz. (CBS Cleveland) — Arizona authorities charge a man for driving under the influence despite him blowing a .000 on a breathalyzer test. KNXV-TV reports that 64-year-old Jessie Thornton – a native of Ohio – was recently pulled over by Surprise police after he recently left an LA Fitness gym. Thornton then says the officer accused him of driving drunk.

“He walked up and he said ‘I can tell you’re driving DUI by looking in your eyes,’” Thornton told KNXV.Thornton was then given a sobriety test.

“I take my glasses off and he says, ‘You’ve got bloodshot eyes.’ I said, ‘I’ve been swimming at LA Fitness,’ and he says, ‘I think you’re DUI,’” said Thornton. “He goes, ‘Well we’re going to do a sobriety test.’ I said, ‘OK, but I got bad knees and a bad hip with surgery in two days.’”

Documents obtained by KNXV shows that Thornton did have hip replacement surgery shortly after his arrest.
After the sobriety test, Thornton was handcuffed and placed on the curb.
“I couldn’t even sit on the ground like that and they knew it and I was like laying on the ground, then they put me in the back of an SUV and when I asked the officer to move her seat up because my hip hurt she told me to stop whining,” Thornton explained to KNXV.
At the station, Thornton took a breathalyzer test and was examined by a drug recognition expert. The breathalyzer test came back .000 and the tests done by the drug recognition expert showed no signs of drug abuse.
“After he did all the tests, he says, ‘I would never have arrested you, you show no signs of impairment,’” Thornton told KNXV.

Despite the DUI charge being dropped, his car was impounded. He is now suing the City of Surprise for half a million dollars.
“This is a case of D-W-B, driving while black,” Marc Victor, Thornton’s attorney, told KNXV.
The Surprise Police Department did not comment on the case.
That's ok I swear all the fucking time.

I bet that they didn't see that one coming.

I think he should sue for more or make part of the settlement that the police officers lose their jobs. By God he blew a .000, he might have been a jerk but he blew a .000
the black card, my sympathy for him went right out the window. when you blame something on the color(being pale is a color) of your skin, your no better then those you blame.
In the UK you'd just get searched for that. Over here - nothing! It was only recently I got pulled on my bike with my eyes blazing and they didn't even ask me !! God I love Spain! :)
In NYS they can give you a "common law" dui. All the LEO needs an idea about you being impaired.Red eyes,beer smell,anything.Sure,its easily beat in court.By that time you already lost your license,etc,etc.AND it stays/shows on your driving record that you were charged !!!!!!
the black card, my sympathy for him went right out the window. when you blame something on the color(being pale is a color) of your skin, your no better then those you blame.

every study out there shows blacks are far more likely to be pulled over, searched, or arrested ceterus paribus.

care to grace us with any more fail?
In NYS they can give you a "common law" dui. All the LEO needs an idea about you being impaired.Red eyes,beer smell,anything.Sure,its easily beat in court.By that time you already lost your license,etc,etc.AND it stays/shows on your driving record that you were charged !!!!!!

in utah and arizona (maybe one or two other states) you can get a "per se" DUID. if you have any amount of cannabis in your system, you can be given a DUI, even if you are not impaired at the time or haven't smoked for a week.

thank goodness for bastions of conservatism.
in utah and arizona (maybe one or two other states) you can get a "per se" DUID. if you have any amount of cannabis in your system, you can be given a DUI, even if you are not impaired at the time or haven't smoked for a week.

thank goodness for bastions of conservatism.

^^^SAME HERE----
do you remember the court case in Nevada where the 18 or 19 year old girl fell asleep at the wheel and ran over some kids picking up liter on RT 80 ? She admitted to using x and pot three days prior.She got life in prison.
i know a guy that got a dui for bud in cali...thats hard as hell ...its like getting a public intoxication charge in mexico...weird
I was arrested for dilated pupils once, the cop actually had a little card he held up next to my face to measure them.
I was arrested for dilated pupils once, the cop actually had a little card he held up next to my face to measure them.
Them some mind reading MF ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,How the hell did they get the card? Get people to do drugs so they can arrest them,
Wow. I know here you can get away with a few DUI's before anyone does anything about it. Hell I wouldn't doubt if the popo were drunk too. Not saying its a good thing, I definitely stay home on Friday nights.
We have a friend that absolutely refused to come to our house in the suburbs. He was afraid of DWB. Getting him to visit us in FLA seems just as difficult. When we attended his wedding we were the only white folks there. We stuck out like two marshmallows floating in a cup of hot chocolate.

Edit: One of the best times I've ever had.

never leave home without it~