Supreme Court rejects Texas' effort to repeal Democracy. Trump says he will appeal to a higher authority


Well-Known Member
It's not odd, why would Trump want to investigate states he "won" and kept as wins ? It makes sense he would want to investigate the ones he was winning in, until they shut down and then reopened the next morning with "coincidental" changes.

Congress doesn't matter if you own enough congress critters from both major parties.
For instance, Mitt Romney is a "republican" . Pffft.

What is happening here is many people are adopting a utilitarian partisan attitude to the election process rather than looking at it from a disinterested third party perspective. If the circumstances were reversed and Trump "stole" the election from Biden, those people would want Dominion machines to be fully examined etc.

I want the entire political process to be examined and rejected, so I AM that disinterested third party. This election had major fraud and possibly will lead to bloodshed. I will continue to grow turnips and be happy while I watch the slaves bickering. Interesting times are coming.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I am confident that regardless of what happen, Biden still would win.

It upsets me more to see that there were votes that were not initially counted.
So you would be okay with a forensic exam and if the circumstances were reversed you believe it would be reasonable for Biden / supporters to want that ?


Well-Known Member
It's not odd, why would Trump want to investigate states he "won" and kept as wins ? It makes sense he would want to investigate the ones he was winning in, until they shut down and then reopened the next morning with "coincidental" changes.

Congress doesn't matter if you own enough congress critters from both major parties.
For instance, Mitt Romney is a "republican" . Pffft.

What is happening here is many people are adopting a utilitarian partisan attitude to the election process rather than looking at it from a disinterested third party perspective. If the circumstances were reversed and Trump "stole" the election from Biden, those people would want Dominion machines to be fully examined etc.

I want the entire political process to be examined and rejected, so I AM that disinterested third party. This election had major fraud and possibly will lead to bloodshed. I will continue to grow turnips and be happy while I watch the slaves bickering. Interesting times are coming.
See thats where you got Mitt Romney wrong, hes not a republican, hes a god damn conservative. They are completely different since trump hijacked the republican party and went all crazy.

Politicians should be able to cross over lines when they see its either for the good of the country or they see that their leader is WRONG. Trump is wrong and everything about him is anti democratic. I dont agree with joe biden, but ill be dead before i let this country turn into a fucking autocracy.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
See thats where you got Mitt Romney wrong, hes not a republican, hes a god damn conservative. They are completely different since trump hijacked the republican party and went all crazy.

Politicians should be able to cross over lines when they see its either for the good of the country or they see that their leader is WRONG. Trump is wrong and everything about him is anti democratic. I dont agree with joe biden, but ill be dead before i let this country turn into a fucking autocracy.
Except free people don't have leaders imposed on them.

Mitt Romney is a douche bag.


Well-Known Member
This is hilariously sad.

Seriously, we have a president who is trying to literally upend democracy, we have Americans who will gladly hand over the power to live in an autocracy that seems to fit their world view. Its a fucking trip.

This is literally what the founders cautioned against, when they drafted the constitution, the founders were asked as they were leaving the constitution center what type of government they had drafted and Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."
Do you really think that this influx of trolls are anything other than paid trolls?
While the statement "correlation doesn't equal causation" may be accurate, it might not be the best response to the matter at hand.

I'm not a fan of either Trump or Biden and find much to dislike about both of them.
It's not odd, why would Trump want to investigate states he "won" and kept as wins ? It makes sense he would want to investigate the ones he was winning in, until they shut down and then reopened the next morning with "coincidental" changes.

Congress doesn't matter if you own enough congress critters from both major parties.
For instance, Mitt Romney is a "republican" . Pffft.

What is happening here is many people are adopting a utilitarian partisan attitude to the election process rather than looking at it from a disinterested third party perspective. If the circumstances were reversed and Trump "stole" the election from Biden, those people would want Dominion machines to be fully examined etc.

I want the entire political process to be examined and rejected, so I AM that disinterested third party. This election had major fraud and possibly will lead to bloodshed. I will continue to grow turnips and be happy while I watch the slaves bickering. Interesting times are coming.
Screen Shot 2020-12-12 at 9.09.43 AM.png


Well-Known Member
Except free people don't have leaders imposed on them.

Mitt Romney is a douche bag.
"freedom" is based on perspective

He is, but i respect him a little more cause at least he stood up to the trump, the bigger douche bag. It seems like to me his views on freedom are the same as yours, thats why he stood up the the leader that was being imposed on him and his party.


Well-Known Member
"freedom" is based on perspective

He is, but i respect him a little more cause at least he stood up to the trump, the bigger douche bag. It seems like to me his views on freedom are the same as yours, thats why he stood up the the leader that was being imposed on him and his party.
I got to give it up to the guy, he was right about Russia and Obama was way wrong.


Well-Known Member
This is hilariously sad.

Seriously, we have a president who is trying to literally upend democracy, we have Americans who will gladly hand over the power to live in an autocracy that seems to fit their world view. Its a fucking trip.

This is literally what the founders cautioned against, when they drafted the constitution, the founders were asked as they were leaving the constitution center what type of government they had drafted and Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."
It's not just Trump, though he is over the top in his willingness to say and do anything to stay in power. We have one party that wants to keep our democratic republic and the Republicans who want an autocracy. They aren't going to go away. We are just one election away from them accomplishing what they clearly tried to do this time.

Democracies have to be defended from autocrats. They are fragile. Fact.

This from the English Civil War:

If we fight 100 times and beat him 99 he will be King still, but if he beats us but once, or the last time, we shall be hanged, we shall lose our estates, and our posterities be undone. '' Cromwell: If this be so, why did we take up arms at first?


Well-Known Member
He and his magats are not ever going to stop trying to get their revenge on us for voting him out of office. There is some indication that the cycle of grievance and revenge can be addictive:

What the Science of Addiction Tells Us About Trump
It turns out that your brain on grievances looks a lot like your brain on drugs. And that’s a problem not just for the outgoing president, but for the rest of us.

Scientists have found that in substance addiction, environmental cues such as being in a place where drugs are taken or meeting another person who takes drugs cause sharp surges of dopamine in crucial reward and habit regions of the brain, specifically, the nucleus accumbens and dorsal striatum. This triggers cravings in anticipation of experiencing pleasure and relief through intoxication. Recent studies show that similarly, cues such as experiencing or being reminded of a perceived wrong or injustice — a grievance — activate these same reward and habit regions of the brain, triggering cravings in anticipation of experiencing pleasure and relief through retaliation. To be clear, the retaliation doesn’t need to be physically violent—an unkind word, or tweet, can also be very gratifying.

Although these are new findings and the research in this area is not yet settled, what this suggests is that similar to the way people become addicted to drugs or gambling, people may also become addicted to seeking retribution against their enemies—revenge addiction. This may help explain why some people just can’t let go of their grievances long after others feel they should have moved on—and why some people resort to violence.

It may just be fluff-science. Still though, having watched Trump's presidency, his cycles of rage and retaliation seem to have the look of somebody who gets off when he has his moment of revenge.
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Well-Known Member
Even the pillow guy said so.
He must be back on the glass saxophone.


I knew it could get this bad and still strongly suspect that it will get worse. I half expect an armed attempt at a coup but it doesn't seem to have the momentum. Biden will be inaugurated but I fear that we are in for a wave of domestic terrorism and very possibly an assassination attempt on Biden as well as pretty much any Democratic official that has the bad fortune of drawing their ire.

What really blows me away is that Trump seems to have consolidated his control of the Republican party at the very time they should be repudiating this sack of shit as a dictator. Instead these cowardly pieces of shit are fearful of losing their spot on the gravy train of ignorant white trash money. They know that their refusal to sign onto this ridiculous power-grab is going to result in losing their next primary to some semi-illiterate Qanon believer. Maybe its a good thing, having a fuck-ton of elected Republicans who care little about the principles of democracy compared to their own narrow career interests, but maybe it isn't. I guess we'll find out.

The Republican party has sown the wind and we're all going to feel the whirlwind in the very near future.


Well-Known Member
He must be back on the glass saxophone.

View attachment 4766724

I knew it could get this bad and still strongly suspect that it will get worse. I half expect an armed attempt at a coup but it doesn't seem to have the momentum. Biden will be inaugurated but I fear that we are in for a wave of domestic terrorism and very possibly an assassination attempt on Biden as well as pretty much any Democratic official that has the bad fortune of drawing their ire.

What really blows me away is that Trump seems to have consolidated his control of the Republican party at the very time they should be repudiating this sack of shit as a dictator. Instead these cowardly pieces of shit are fearful of losing their spot on the gravy train of ignorant white trash money. They know that their refusal to sign onto this ridiculous power-grab is going to result in losing their next primary to some semi-illiterate Qanon believer. Maybe its a good thing, having a fuck-ton of elected Republicans who care little about the principles of democracy compared to their own narrow career interests, but maybe it isn't. I guess we'll find out.

The Republican party has sown the wind and we're all going to feel the whirlwind in the very near future.
Careful with that nut that works at your shop. Those are the ones I worry most about.

Cant fix crazy.