Support NC Medical Marijuana HB84 Feb. 12!!!!


Active Member PLEASE come to Raleigh on February 12th to meet your NC Representative or Senator and ask them to support House Bill 84 to legalize medical cannabis for NC residents! You alone as an individual can help make this happen!
PLEASE, if you have not done so; CALL YOUR LEGISLATOR AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR NEXT TUESDAY. It is very easy..If you go to the home page of the "NC General Assembly", click on house and senate members. You will see a telephone for their office. When you call, the Legislative Assistant will most likely answer. Tell them your name and address; that will identify you to them as one of "their" constituents. Tell them you would really appreciate their attendance at the Legislative Auditorium for the presentation by Dr. Kevin Baiko at 11 AM. He will answer questions and provide an overview of how cannabis works.
If you are you going to Raleigh on February 12:

  1. To do BEFORE Feb 12 -- Now or as soon as possible.....Call, write, or email your NC Representative and NC Senator. What to include in the email or call:
  2. A. Express your support for the medical cannabis bill and ask for theirs.
  3. B. Ask for an appointment to meet with your Rep or Senator: if you can meet them on Feb 12. Let them know there will be a program in the LOB auditorium and LOB courtyard from 11 am to 2 pm.
Need to know who your representative and senator are? Check out

  1. What to do on February 12 at the Rally in Raleigh...
  2. A. Make sure you sign in with a Event Day volunteer - there will be Representative contact forms available with sign in volunteers.
  3. B. If you are working as a volunteer, check in with the Event Staff
  4. C. Visit your representative and senator and inquire as to their support for the medical cannabis bill.
  5. D. Report your contact on the Legislative Contact sheets provided by Volunteers - be sure to inform your rep or senator that the results of where the candidates stad will be published and made available to NC Citizen voters.
  6. E. Always be polite, do not argue or attempt to convince a legislator who is not supportive. Politely inform them that we are publishing the results of our contacts with our elected officials that day.
  7. F. Remember that our impressions on Feb 12 can impact the outcome of this bill -- kindness, civility, etiquette and protocol must rule. This event should be dressed and acted as if one is in church, court or other formal setting.
  8. G. Make sure you turn in your Contact Reports to a Volunteer before you leave.
Six rooms have been reserved at the Clarion Hotel in Raleigh for Monday evening. All have been reserved but if anyone wants to come to Raleigh on Monday, we have a rate of about $89 and they have additional rooms available.
This is promising to be a "happening". We have over 1700 who now say they will attend and over 400 who say maybe. Over 13,000 have now been invited. DON"T MISS THIS ONE.
Not positive I will make Raleigh, but I have emailed my Rep., and signed his petition for support. Thanks for posting this, exciting times ATB!
As a newly transplanted NC resident, I hope this passes. I hate to sound pessimistic, but this state has a long way to go. I live up by Greensboro and only two reps are for this bill. Too many people are afraid of people smoking weed, especially "the children". It's all a bunch of bullshit. I don't see this going any further than it is now. I support it 100%, but I'm being realistic.
It started the same way in all 18 of the mmj legal states, and I'm sure it will be no easier task here. However, we have 18 reference points to go by.... I'm encouraged myself. ATB!
I emailef my rep got no reply. can't get to raleigh. MF'rs need to start rallying in charlotte.
Have you signed K. Alexander's petition...? I got a reply the next day....and I agree with the meeting/rallying place should be Charlotte. Far more media attention there.....Exciting times in the Carolinas!!!
So, ain;t shit in raleigh. everything is in charlotte. If you want to be noticed by the public. go to charlotte, have lobbyist work in raleigh.
So, ain;t shit in raleigh. everything is in charlotte. If you want to be noticed by the public. go to charlotte, have lobbyist work in raleigh.

Having lived in both areas, including Asheville for extensive amount of time, I can tell you Charlotte is no different than Raleigh. Same amount of wealth, Raleigh was voted number one place to live in the whole fucking U.S. 2010, 2011, 2012 by various sources including business week magazine.

Charlotte has the same amount of clubs and same quality restaraunts as Raleigh.

"aint shit in Raleigh" Fucking please. Raleigh gets more national attention than any other city in North Carolina, and with the Hurricanes, NC State and it's rivals Duke/Carolina, that area DEFINITELY is a hotspot. What the fuck Charlotte got? Not as much when you lay them out side by side.

But Asheville is the shit. Laid back hippies, progressives and a whole lot of grade A pot flying around.
As I said, having lived in North Carolina for around 20 years, you can take Charlotte and shove it up your ass. A slum with tall buildings. At least Raleigh has nice neighborhoods that would rival the rich suburbs of Bergen County, New Jersey.
Having lived in both areas, including Asheville for extensive amount of time, I can tell you Charlotte is no different than Raleigh. Same amount of wealth, Raleigh was voted number one place to live in the whole fucking U.S. 2010, 2011, 2012 by various sources including business week magazine.

Charlotte has the same amount of clubs and same quality restaraunts as Raleigh.

"aint shit in Raleigh" Fucking please. Raleigh gets more national attention than any other city in North Carolina, and with the Hurricanes, NC State and it's rivals Duke/Carolina, that area DEFINITELY is a hotspot. What the fuck Charlotte got? Not as much when you lay them out side by side.

But Asheville is the shit. Laid back hippies, progressives and a whole lot of grade A pot flying around.
As I said, having lived in North Carolina for around 20 years, you can take Charlotte and shove it up your ass. A slum with tall buildings. At least Raleigh has nice neighborhoods that would rival the rich suburbs of Bergen County, New Jersey.

the money is in charlotte buddy. #2 in banking in the country. It is about making a public impact, raleigh is out of date compared to charlotte, charlotte is way more progressive. plus it being closer to SC isa rub-off advantage. raleighs population is 416,468 and that is mostly students. charlotte has 751,087 that consist of a much wider array of people. Lets be real, a hippy community int what will get this moving.

Just like they say in cali. " get behind the money and youre gold"
how about we look at this from a state perspective. you wanna see change in your state? shouldnt matter where you live, make the drive. I was out there this morning.
Bills don't get passed in Charlotte...Raleigh is in the middle of the state so majority of the people don't have to drive as far!
Plus the fact that more people live on the East Coast than the Mountains is another good reason.

Who cares where it is held at?> If you can't drive 2 1/2 to 3 hrs. for the cause then you don't care much about it.
Not true, some just can't fit that trip on the days they need. But you are right, They should lobby in raleigh, but charlotte needs publicity to get voters this way noticing. The bill was introduced .

HB 84, The Medical Cannabis Act, is now in a committee called "Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House." Republican representative Tim Moore is the chairman of that committee, so everyone needs to call him every day until this bill gets out of committee. His number is 919-733-4838, email is [email protected]

dunno if I believe prices will drop to 50% of blackmarket. that would put it at about 150-175 a zip for high gradeeee.

I'm hopefull. those numbers are pretty real, and thats def the thing that can put it in a real light for politician.