Support Boulder's Cannabis Farmer's Market!


Well-Known Member
Got an email regarding this today and thought I would share, this is definitely worth supporting. Hopefully I don't break a board rule by posting the link...

Real farmers grow weed. But can’t even admit they farm.

Life should be simple. And logical change and progression to and within society should be even simpler. That is SimpleGov‘s clearcut motto and approach, as the intriguing–and kushy–startup seeks and delivers an interactive canvas for change. The most relevant change: certify an Organic Cannabis Farmer’s Market in Boulder.

SimpleGov allows citizens in any city in this country to make a simple request to its elected government officials–and then allows other citizens to echo this sentiment. In other words: rather than writing fruitless notes to elected officials, you can create your own campaign, call your officials out, and put them to task.

And in Colorado–where marijuana is about to become legal–that’s exactly what the A64 Local Task Force is doing. Cannabis is largely about community, but, unfortunately, the growers and cultivators within the community are forced to remain in the shadows. However, in a legal state, this could–and should change.

That’s why the Task Force has requested that Boulder’s Community Planning and Sustainability agency helps to allow the dream of a Marijuana Farmer’s Market become a realty.

As cities around Colorado discuss how to implement the legalization initiative Amendment 64, we believe it is important that local communities create standards and opportunities that are appropriate to the local culture.

For this reason, we are proposing that Boulder certify an organic cannabis farmer’s market zone district, where growers from around the state can sell their products to adult residents in designated places.

We would like the city to clarify that such a zone can operate under an Agricultural Zone, pursuant to 9-5-2 of the zoning code.

This is good timing since Boulder is currently working on a plan to redevelop the area around the existing farmer's market. It would be great to have a cannabis market there as well.
Actually, there are businesses that CAN and DO sell cannabis and many of them will be expanding soon to fill the recreational market, so they COULD set up tents and sell. There are also a lot of other folks who sell things to the mmj market, glass, art, grow stuff... I can see where it makes sense.
Actually there are rules about the facility selling the herb, I don't think a tent could be used, at least not very easily. Something about controlled access, cameras and such, might not be possible to install in a tent. But there might be a way. Creative thinkers can always outwit stupid rules. Bet I can find a way to purchase and smoke a jay at the Boulder Cannabis Market.:bigjoint:
I like the idea but why should the farmers get out of paying the licencing fees that the regular guy has to set up due to 64?
How are people gonna be certain that buds there are "organic"?
Just sounds like it could get realllly shady really quickly
I don't see how this could work anytime soon. Don't get me wrong: it'd be awesome! But that would be a largely unregulated market, and the State's hard at work eliminating those in favor of major regulation. As 420 said, things like cameras, secure areas, etc., must be established and approved before you can get a license, and none if that would work at a temporary booth. Of course, without a license, its illegal to sell. Particularly after Eric Holder's announcement, all a market like that would do is attract lots of law enforcement attention. One day, perhaps, but I doubt anytime real soon.

The peripheral products could be displayed and sold, bags of soil, lights, nutes, glassware, books, who knows, maybe there is a way to get seed sales allowed, something for the 'good' lawyers to figure out. Always looking for a good deal on head shop stuff like smoking accessories, vapes, rolling papers... The dispenasaries could get their names out there in front of potential customers and perhaps pay for it with sales of accessories like stash jars and grinders, T shirts and hats...