Supplements with Subcool's Soil


Well-Known Member
I will be starting a new grow soon, and plan to use Subcool's soil mix. I was wondering if anyone has used/tried any supplements with Subcool's soil recipe. I have used his mix with great success. I have also used his mix with a little extra King Neptune's fish emulsion and Maxicrop sea weed.

I know the mix is a complete mix designed to not require any additional additives. I like the organic nature and the simplicity of the mix.

I was wondering though if anyone has used any supplements with this mix to even further enhance it's effectiveness. For example: Amino Acids, Molasses or a Sweetener, Microcorzie or a root stimulator, etc.


Well-Known Member
I use Oregonism XL in the first couple weeks and I will hit them w. some Roots nutes if I think they will fall short in the finish.


Well-Known Member
I use Cap Bennies

Compost Tea with Cap Bennies also:
Kelp Meal
Cap Bennies
Brew and bubble and feed every 2nd watering