Supplemental UV


Well-Known Member
I have been looking into building a supplemental light bar for our grow space, problem I have been running into with UV diodes is they all seem to be in the 390-400 range which is Just inside the UVA range of 320-400nm. 400nm is actually just violet if I am not mistaken. UVB 290-320nm would be much more useful. Perhaps the better way of putting it is that the existing UVA diodes are "useless" for our purposes. Maybe not.

tanning lamps (as I understand them) pump out as much UVA as possible while filtering UVC and to a lesser extend UVB. Like 95% UVA 5% UVB. this output should be useable, however finding such a diode may be problematic.

I have seen some COBs in the 365nm and 380nm wavelengths, but not specifically 3 watt diodes. I am thinking that most OEM's are using violet (390-400nm) which is just useless in a panel and for which they charge more for, and potentially reduce your panels output. (depending on the voltage of the UV diode). I am convinced they are a bad idea to include in your LED panels, but also just as convinced that periodic intense UVB will increase resin production significantly.

i could do this with tanning bed floros, but would rather have LEDs, if the same output could be achieved. Any ideas?

Atmospheric filtering
Sunlight in space at the top of Earth's atmosphere, at a solar constant output of about 1366 W/m2, is composed (by total energy) of about 50% infrared light, 40% visible light, and 10% ultraviolet light, for a total ultraviolet power of about 140 W/m2 in vacuum.However, at ground level total sunlight power decreases to about 1000–1100 W/m2, and by energy fractions, is composed of 44% visible light, 3% ultraviolet (with the Sun at its zenith), and the remainder infrared. Thus, sunlight's composition at the zenith at ground level, per square meter, is about 527 W infrared radiation, 445 W visible light, and 32 W UV.*

Since with the Sun at zenith the Earth's air and ozone layer allows passage of a total of 32 watts/m2 (ground UV power) out of a vacuum value of about 140 watts/m2 (i.e., 23%) of Sun's UV light, this is equivalent to a minimal atmospheric blockage of 77% of the Sun's UV. However, most of the Sun's UV that is blocked by Earth's atmosphere lies in the shorter UV wavelengths. The figure rises to 97–99% of the Sun's UV radiation at the average mixture of other Sun angles encountered through the day.

The Sun's emission in the lowest UV bands, the UVA, UVB, and UVC bands, are of interest, as these are the UV bands commonly encountered from artificial sources on Earth. The shorter bands of UVC, as well as even more energetic radiation as produced by the Sun, generate the ozone in the ozone layer when single oxygen atoms produced by UV photolysis of dioxygen react with more dioxygen. The ozone layer is especially important in blocking UVB and part of UVC, since the shortest wavelengths of UVC (and those even shorter) are blocked by ordinary air.* Of the ultraviolet radiation that reaches the Earth's surface, up to 95% is UVA (the very longest wavelength), depending on cloud cover and atmospheric conditions.

5% of 32 Watts = 1.6 Watt / m^2 of UVB

Artificial sources
"Black lights"

A black light is a lamp that emits long-wave UVA radiation and little visible light. Fluorescent black light lamps are constructed in the same fashion as normal fluorescent lights, except they use a phosphor on the inner tube surface, which emits UVA light instead of visible white light. BLB type lamps use filtering glass with a deep-bluish-purple optical filter that blocks almost all visible light above 400 nanometres.[15] The color of such lamps is often referred to in the lighting industry as "blacklight blue" or "BLB", to distinguish them from UV lamps used in "bug zapper" insect traps, that do not have the optical filter coating. These are designated "blacklight" ("BL") lamps. The phosphor typically used for a near 368 to 371 nanometre emission peak is either europium-doped strontium fluoroborate (SrB4O7F:Eu2+) or europium-doped strontium borate (SrB4O7:Eu2+), whereas the phosphor used to produce a peak around 350 to 353 nanometres is lead-doped barium silicate (BaSi2O5:Pb+). "Blacklight Blue" lamps peak at 365 nm.

A black light may also be formed, very inefficiently, by simply using Wood's glass, a deep bluish-purple nickel oxide doped glass that filters out all light besides UV, instead of clear glass as the envelope for a common incandescent bulb. This was the method used to create the very first black light sources. Though cheaper than fluorescent UV lamps, only 0.1% of the input power is converted to usable radiation, as the incandescent light radiates as a black body with very little emission in the UV range. Incandescent bulbs used to generate significant UV, due to their inefficiency, may become dangerously hot. High-power mercury-vapor black lights that use a UV-emitting phosphor and an envelope of Wood's glass are also made, in ratings up to 1 kW, used mainly for theatrical and concert displays.

Some UV fluorescent bulbs specifically designed to attract insects use the same near-UV emitting phosphor as normal blacklights, but use plain glass instead of the more expensive Wood's glass. Plain glass blocks less of the visible mercury emission spectrum, making them appear light-blue to the naked eye. These lamps are referred to as "blacklight" or "BL" in most lighting catalogs.

Short wave ultraviolet lamps
Lamps that emit shortwave UV light are also made. Fluorescent lamps without an internal phosphor coating to convert UV to visible light emit ultraviolet light with two peaks in the UV-C band at 253.7 nm and 185 nm due to the peak emission of the mercury within the lamp. Eighty-five to 90% of the UV produced by these lamps is at 253.7 nm, whereas only five to ten percent is at 185 nm[citation needed]. The quartz tube passes the 253 nm radiation but has impurities that block the 185 nm wavelength. These "germicidal" lamps are used extensively for disinfection of surfaces in laboratories and food processing industries, and for disinfecting water supplies.

Standard bulbs have an optimum operating temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius. Use of a mercury amalgam allows operating temperature to rise to 100 degrees Celsius, and UVC emission to about double or triple per unit of light-arc length. These low-pressure lamps have a typical efficiency of approximately thirty to forty percent, meaning that for every 100 watts of electricity consumed by the lamp, they will produce approximately 30–40 watts of total UV output. UVA/UVB emitting bulbs also sold for other special purposes, such as reptile-keeping.

Gas-discharge lamps
Main article: Gas-discharge lamp
Specialized UV gas-discharge lamps are sold, containing a variety of different gases, to produce UV light at particular spectral lines for scientific purposes. Argon and deuterium lamps are often used as stable sources, either windowless or with various windows such as magnesium fluoride.[16] These are often the light sources in UV spectroscopy equipment for chemical analysis.

The excimer lamp, a new UV light source developed within the last two decades, is seeing increasing use in scientific fields. It has the advantages of high-intensity, broadband radiation (no spectral lines) and operation at a variety of wavelength bands into the vacuum ultraviolet.

Ultraviolet LEDs
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can be manufactured to emit light in the ultraviolet range, although practical LED arrays are very limited below 365 nm. LED efficiency at 365 nm is about 5–8%, whereas efficiency at 395 nm is closer to 20%, and power outputs at these longer UV wavelengths are also better. Such LED arrays are beginning to be used for UV curing applications, and are already successful in digital print applications and inert UV curing environments. Power densities approaching 3 W/cm2 (30 kW/m2) are now possible, and this, coupled with recent developments by photoinitiator and resin formulators, makes the expansion of LED-cured UV materials likely.

1 Watt = 1 Joule / sec .
12 h=43200 sec ( 12*60 min*60 sec )

Takes 14000 Joules/square meter of UVb energy to increase THC concentration from 25mg/gr to 32mg/gr ( +28% increasement )
That regarding flowers.
For 12 hour illumination and constant UVB power :

14.000/ 42.000 = 0.333....

For a +28% THC increasement ,over a 12 hour illumination,a constant power of 0.333 Watts (radiant power )
is needed per square meter (~ 3'x3' space )

.5 Watts (500mW ) / sq.meter UVb is more than enough .
Notice the keyword in that article is ..... PROMOTES....

It only PROMOTES production.. =) The genetics have to be present. It won't MAKE the stuff, it only promotes it, like, water and nutrients promote it.... I imagine that there is a point of diminishing returns and that more is less over the long haul.
Notice the keyword in that article is ..... PROMOTES....

It only PROMOTES production.. =) The genetics have to be present. It won't MAKE the stuff, it only promotes it, like, water and nutrients promote it.... I imagine that there is a point of diminishing returns and that more is less over the long haul.

Exactly ...'Promotes" ....

Can be translated very easily and ...successfully as...
" inhibits genetic drift to a non/less -phycoactive variety"

You got the point exactly ...
But it affects genome ,actually ...
(It remains unknown and untested if a non-phyco active variety can become
a phyco-active one ,through the evolution the same genetic pool ,successive generations ,under artificial UVB irradiation treatments...Nobody knows...And if somebody does ,it remains still a 'secret' ...

Also 'officially untested' is the genetic alterations(aka mutations ) that might be induced to a drug-type cannabis variation..(with over 0.02% w/w of phyco-active cannabinoids at dry plant flower matter ) ,under the exposure of artificial (higher than natural ) levels of UVb .Will successive generations show/reveal an increasement in active cannabinoids' concentrations ?

This remains unknown ,so far ....

(Rumors say ,that somewhere in SouthEast Europe ,some are contacting intense experiments regarding UVb and mj ...Probably just rumors,though ...;-)...)

And yes ... there is a point of diminishing returns and that more is less over the long haul
Quite an 'unforgiving ' one ,I should say,once you go over it ....
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Everything is 'two-sided'...
Yes ..
Prolonged /long term exposure into moderate/high levels of UVb can cause melanoma.
And permanent/non-reversible eye damage or even blindness...(glaucoma)
From the other hand ...
Strictly controlled short duration exposures to UVb ,are used to treat psoriasis and some other
(severe ) skin diseases /disorders ...
Not to change the subject or anything, I've also heard that they are using hemp around the Chernobyl reactor in Ukraine to leach radiation out of the ground....
You're actually changing the subject ..LOL...
But yes..
Also correct ...
And more than that ...
Cannabis plant has -amongst many others- a rather 'unique' 'feature' as a plant ...
(and sunflowers have it also ...)
She just loves 'heavy-metals '...
Specially the radioactive -ones !!!
(Or the slightly radioactive isotopes of non-radioactive elements like Cadmium,Nickel and Chromium..)

Yes ,after harvesting the 'polluted' cannabis palnts,they 'extract' the radioactive elements back from
the ashes of plant matter ...

Cannabis is an excellent phytoremediator ... with hemp by Laura Cascardi.pdf
In 1998, Consolidated Growers and Processors (CGP), PHYTOTECH, and the Ukraine's Institute of Bast Crops began what may be one of the most important projects in history - the planting of industrial hemp for the removal of contaminants in the soil near Chernobyl.
Phytoremediation can be used to remove radioactive elements from soil and water at former weapons producing facilaties. It can also be used to clean up metals, pesticides, solvents, explosives, crude oil, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and toxins leaching from landfills.

Plants break down or degrade organic pollutants and stabilize metal contaminants by acting as filters or traps. PHYTOTECH is conducting feild trials to improve the phytoextraction of lead, uranium, cesium-137, and strontium-90 from soils and also from water.

"Hemp is proving to be one of the best phyto-remediative plants we have been able to find," said Slavik Dushenkov, a research scienst with PHYTOTECH. Test results have been promising and CGP, PHYOTECH and the Bast Institute plan full scale trials in the Chernobyl region in the spring of 1999.
Awe some stuff guys. So back to the UV diodes, I dont see UVA doing anything measurable, but maybe I am underestimating UVA. Loved the data

great little site btw

Seems there are UVB diodes after all. Now the question is are there any 3 watt (or higher) UVB diodes? I am thinking 310nm

Synopsis: UVA, waste of money. Which is what all these 7,9,11 band lights are using. Likely 390/400nm diodes. So really you are just adding a bit more in the blue/violet range and likely not having any measurable effect.
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1 Watt = 1 Joule / sec .
12 h=43200 sec ( 12*60 min*60 sec )

Takes 14000 Joules/square meter of UVb energy to increase THC concentration from 25mg/gr to 32mg/gr ( +28% increasement )
That regarding flowers.
For 12 hour illumination and constant UVB power :

14.000/ 42.000 = 0.333....

For a +28% THC increasement ,over a 12 hour illumination,a constant power of 0.333 Watts (radiant power )
is needed per square meter (~ 3'x3' space )

.5 Watts (500mW ) / sq.meter UVb is more than enough .

How much actual bulb power does that translate too when using florescent bulbs like the zoomed 10% or Arcadia 12% bulbs?
How much actual bulb power does that translate too when using florescent bulbs like the zoomed 10% or Arcadia 12% bulbs?
If 10-12% of light output power is at UVB range then ,you've to know the actual output of those bulbs ...
(CFLs are not very efficient ...And have a poor light spread ..
But I guess one or two cfls ,will show some effect ...
Not an "WoW ! " effect ,but something will be different ...
I used to have them ,along with my HPS ..
But due to their high price,short operational life and low ewfficiency ,I quickly dropped using them ...Although ,they did affect positively the herb quality ..
(Quite of few people's opinions and claims,after 'testing' the herb ,
experiment was done,plenty of times ..)

I'm waiting for some affordable and efficient UVb leds to show up ...
It will take only couple of them ,per sqr. meter ...