Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

is any of that a by-product of the conduct of the Black Community?

classic racist move. insinuate that the problems lack face are all of their own doing and perpetuation.

they sent out the exact same resume with only one difference: the name.

emily walsh and greg baker versus lakisha washington and jamal brown.

the "white" sounding names got twice as many callbacks. every other detail of the resumes was the same.

so you tell me, racist.
classic racist move. insinuate that the problems lack face are all of their own doing and perpetuation.

they sent out the exact same resume with only one difference: the name.

emily walsh and greg baker versus lakisha washington and jamal brown.

the "white" sounding names got twice as many callbacks. every other detail of the resumes was the same.

so you tell me, racist.
of course they did. people hear Lakisha, Jamal, or Trayvon, or Shi'thead..................and they form a negative stereotype. why?
Lakisha has become a stereotype in itself
Jamal is going to blow your building up

employers aren't perfect. they wanna make money. they spend a lot of money training new people. they don't want problems. they identify black names as trouble. why?
of course they did. people hear Lakisha, Jamal, or Trayvon, or Shi'thead..................and they form a negative stereotype. why?

probably because of the racism that shitheads like you espouse, rather than their resumes which are identical to greg's or emily's.

it's a shame that there are so may people like you who are too incredibly stupid to realize this.
classic racist move. insinuate that the problems lack face are all of their own doing and perpetuation.

they sent out the exact same resume with only one difference: the name.

emily walsh and greg baker versus lakisha washington and jamal brown.

the "white" sounding names got twice as many callbacks. every other detail of the resumes was the same.

so you tell me, racist.
Is this real? Where were the resumes sent out to? KKK headquarters? What aren't you telling us?
google "are emily and greg more employable than..."

fuck it.
The Boston Globe has been in the news multiple times for racist practices. Same with the Chicago tribune.

Seems to me it would have been much better to blindly send resumes to various entities other than JUST newspapers which have been found to have some amount of racist policies.

Certainly there are prejudices at work when it comes to hiring new people for a job, white people don't always get hired at the exclusion of all other minorities, but if a workplace is 75% white then that is pretty representative of the makeup of the USA.
Buck.........the names, the attitude, the loud, the child abuse, the absent fathers, the criminality.
most of the racists that I do hear, aren't going on about melanin, and hair texture. a few rabid ones, yes, but most are using the above mentioned issues as their battle-cry.

you say its Uncle's gun that ensures Civil Rights. look at the state of "Black America." how's it workin' out?
Oh well...still not legal.

Unless you're the Government.
Dude, I'm telling you, in the state of Tennessee you can record audio at will in public places.

Now, I'm perfectly willing to accept that other states with nearly identical laws have courts that say no. But the supreme court of Tennessee says go for it.
Ok, I thought the obvious keyword before the more ambiguous keyword I pointed out was electronic communication.

Dude a talking to dude b, in a room somewhere, face to face, is not electronic.

This law only applies to electronic communication.

If you are talking to Bob in the lobby of an office either of you are allowed to record the conversation without telling the other you are doing so.

What is also legal is if Kim was sitting there earlier and walked off and left a tape recorder to record the conversation.

Anytime you open your mouth and say words, you have no expectation of privacy from anyone or anything within the sound of your voice
The office lobby where Bob and Kim work is not public. It's a secured private building. I know this because I own the company.


The office lobby where Bob and Kim work is not public. It's a secured private building. I know this because I own the company.


Public was the wrong word, not accurate in all senses. Quit being so literal.

By public I meant a place not the domicile of either of the men being recorded.