

Active Member
Just curious what kind of experiences everybody has had with Superthrive and what doses were given


Well-Known Member
its mainly used for transplanting, 1-2tbs/gal works great. you can also foliar feed with it, atleast you can with B1 Thrive Alive which is essentially the same thing. i wouldnt use it as a weekly nutrient, only for transplanting or helped shocked/stressed plants.


i use it like it says on the directions, one drop per one gallon of water, use it all the time

Mob Barely

Active Member
just wanted to know which one of you dudes was right
is it 2-3 tabelsponns or 1 drop per gallon
seems like a big differentc of opinion to me


Well-Known Member
I use it all the time... Should be 1 drop per gallon. I think the tablespoon formula if I am not correct is for the transplanting plants.I add like 3/4's a tablespoon to 10 gallons of water. Superthrive is something that I live by. It was apparently created during the second world war so the USA government would be able to produce greater yields and bump up crop production to support the war. USA hired Scientists to created this formula that would help out the situation that the us government was facing since alot of it's men were gone to war.