Like now, I listen to a Master Gardener every Sat. & Sun Morning. He says that Super Thrive has a Snake Oil type packaging, but it does everything it claims. However, the MG usually only advises using Super Thrive when plants, etc. are sickly. It appears to be an emergency IV quick fix. Other than that, I use Medina Hasta Grow Plus, along with greensand, epson salt, whole ground cornmeal & molasses. Each item has different benefits. The greensand & epson salt adds all the minerals needed, so whatever you use, always use the 2 additives. For a one stop fert, I was VERY impressed with the "Earth Juice Bloom" when flowering. If I didn't use the above, I'd get the Earth Juice Vegetable. The whole ground cornmeal kills any mold/fungus, plus it's also a good fert. (Regular cornmeal is worthless). For icing on the cake, see "mosser" peat moss. It holds 20 times it's weight in water/fert. I mix that, organic potting soil, pearlite, vermiculite & mushroom compost. A little fish emulsion is a good thing also. Liquid seaweed kills spider mites when misted on the affected plants. 3% hydrogen Peroxide adds oxygen to the soil & kills bad things on your plants, also. Hope this helped.