Supersoil baking/cooking


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if supersoil can cook in a plastic garbage can? I know it doesn't actually cook. I had mold on top of a 5 gallon pot but none in the garbage can. It's been cooking 3 weeks but just last week I added rock dust & lenebrite ( spelled wrong ).


Well-Known Member
It was made with FF Happy Frog large bag. 3/4 of a bale of Sunshine Mix #4 .Pro mix organic herb n veg small bag. 1 bag of shrimp n sea compost 1 cup bone meal 1 cup blood meal 1 cup lime 1 cup langbeinite 1 cup epsom salt. PS please let me know what your thoughts are of the mix as well. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Worm castings also I put in. Alphalpha meal & rock dust volcanic variety lol was what I went fior but the broad at the store kept telling me langbeinite it's spelled wrong but I hadn't heard of it until the other day. The mold thing is normal I hope?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
The broad at the store should have also sold you some worm castings; you need compost in your mix for it to work. You want at least 1/3 of your mix to be active compost. EWC is the best form of compost to use for cannabis and the fresher it is the better.
"Cooking" is just giving time for the ph to normalize after what you added in. Usually adding a bunch of organic matter will drop the ph a bit. You also would need a good quality soil probe to check it at the root zone with any kind of accuracy; runoff tells you nothing useful. I don't have one myself but if you just wait 30 days after amending the soil it should be ok to use.
Mold is not always a bad thing but depends upon what kind it is. If it is white mycelium breaking the surface that's good. If it's blue or green that could be bad especially if it's been kept very wet for a long time inside a sealed container. You might want to turn it and give it a whiff; if it smells bad like a stagnant pond it could have gone anaerobic. You want it to smell earthy like humus; turn it over every so often and let it get some air.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if supersoil can cook in a plastic garbage can? I know it doesn't actually cook. I had mold on top of a 5 gallon pot but none in the garbage can. It's been cooking 3 weeks but just last week I added rock dust & lenebrite ( spelled wrong ).
Are u sure it's mold and not mycelium? Mycelium is actually very very good for your soil! Here's a pic



Well-Known Member
I had the worm.crap already & thank you for your detailed response R Drysift. It was a white on top of a 5 gallon pot. It could have very well been Mycellium. QUESTION not answered. Can I keep my Soil in a plastic garbage can without any issues outside?


Well-Known Member
Here's my recipie maybe u can use it to help with yours!

I've had a shit ton of help tweaking this recipie! I also use dolomite lime now as well I took it out them added it back in bc my soil seems to get too acidic without it!!!!CM180729-003541001.jpg


Well-Known Member
Also I usually cook my soil between 2 and 3 months in a 60g tote with air holes in the lid! Another thing I like to do is top dress the cooking soil with grokashi water it in them let the mycelium growth cover the tophone then I mix it all up and let it keep cooking!