supersoil: 20 days cooking and no mycro web?


Well-Known Member
Are you completely closing the lid on the container storing the soil? If you are, that's your problem. The soil needs to breath, it needs some air.
Yea, was trying to follow directions as closely as possible, so yes, lids were closed and I added about half a gallon of water to each container. Gonna use the mesh screen for a top idea, and not add water this time.

So after spreading the whole batch out on my garage floor, the smell dissipated in 2 days. Its starting to get kinda dry now so I'm gonna treat it with an ACT, let it dry a bit, then start over


Well-Known Member
thats strange you had soil issues both times, Ive never had a problem and Ive even mixed the stuff inside my apartment before.

I never add more then a gallon or two of clean water to each trash can, it doesnt need more then that.


Well-Known Member
you'll want to add some water. I add water and turn from pail to pail a couple of times. Just enough water so when you squeeze some in your hand it will form a ball, yet when you poke it it crumbles. That's what I do, anyway.


Well-Known Member
i dont know why so many people have issues with the soil.. i mix it quickly, throw it in a garbage can that was bought new for the soil, no garbage has ever been in it.. add 2 gallons of water per can and put the lid on put it on the side of my house where it gets sun for half a day and do not touch it for a month.. never had a problem and always have great results. no turning regularly, nothing. right before i use it, i dump it back into the kiddie pool i use for mixing, and just shovel into the pots from the middle. dont even remix it then. like sub says its just dirt its not rocket science.


Well-Known Member
you'll want to add some water. I add water and turn from pail to pail a couple of times. Just enough water so when you squeeze some in your hand it will form a ball, yet when you poke it it crumbles. That's what I do, anyway.
I watered ACT into it yesterday, just gonna put it all back into the bins with the rig moisture level already achieved this time and not add any additional water. Then definitely gonna make sure to turn it every now and then. Thanks for the advice man.

i dont know why so many people have issues with the soil.. i mix it quickly, throw it in a garbage can that was bought new for the soil, no garbage has ever been in it.. add 2 gallons of water per can and put the lid on put it on the side of my house where it gets sun for half a day and do not touch it for a month.. never had a problem and always have great results. no turning regularly, nothing. right before i use it, i dump it back into the kiddie pool i use for mixing, and just shovel into the pots from the middle. dont even remix it then. like sub says its just dirt its not rocket science.
Well good for u...? Obviously shit can go wrong. thanks for telling me exactly what Ive already read a thousand times or more. Which, by the way, has failed twice now.



Well-Known Member
Having a can with a lid can create anaerobic conditions. Some lids may fit tighter than others. Yes, shit can certainly go wrong. Know that there are aerobic microbes, and they need air.


Well-Known Member
I believe what sub means is that there is no need for newbs to make it overly complex and get hung up on the little details. Sure, there is a lot of science worth knowing. I highly recommend Teaming With Microbes. However, you really don't need any understanding of the science of soil to mix up a great batch of Super Soil.


Active Member
I believe what sub means is that there is no need for newbs to make it overly complex and get hung up on the little details. Sure, there is a lot of science worth knowing. I highly recommend Teaming With Microbes. However, you really don't need any understanding of the science of soil to mix up a great batch of Super Soil.
Hey man, I don't care what zero cool, sub cool or sub zero says bro. Dirt is what we use to make building pads with -- what we are using to grow MJ with is NOT 'just dirt'.

I know what he was 'trying' to say, but you can't say something like that because yes, you can fuck this up. Sometimes the little details matter, and there's no problem with asking questions.

While you may not need to completely understand the science of the soil to mix SS, it certainly helps to know what the fuck you are doing. I recommend if you want to learn more about the 'rocket science' behind it all.


Well-Known Member
You put the seed in the dirt and it grows. No PhD needed.

Growing dank is more about experience than understanding soil science.


Well-Known Member
I would put in a shameless plug here for ROLS soil. Recycle your investment in your living soil. Use it again and again.


Active Member
You put the seed in the dirt and it grows. No PhD needed.

Growing dank is more about experience than understanding soil science.
Right... not sure why a Doctor of Philosophy is even relevant to this field.

Such a poor attitude to have when it comes to spreading knowledge to the new growers, is that what you tell all the new growers? Put the seed in the dirt and it grows! Any 3rd grader knows that shit. The details matter. THAT is what I'm getting at. People have questions, answer them - don't be a dick about it. We're all here for the same purpose and sharing of knowledge should be the backbone of this forum.

Why recommend Teeming with Microbes if you believe understanding the soil science is not necessary? :roll:

See, I'm the kind of person that loves knowledge. I like to know things. I like to know WHY this does that.

Sure man, go ahead and throw your seed in the dirt and watch it grow, more power to you. But some of us like to KNOW what the fuck is happening and why.


Active Member
I would put in a shameless plug here for ROLS soil. Recycle your investment in your living soil. Use it again and again.
It's a killer thread. I actually just finished reading it last night and will be using it to grow from here on out. ICMag also has some damn good threads about ROLS and teas/brewers.


Well-Known Member
It works extremely well. I like simple botanical teas but not AACT. Botanical, not mechanical for me. But that's just me.


Active Member
You put the seed in the dirt and it grows. No PhD needed.
Sorry, I can't let this comment slide. It just doesn't sit right with me.

So wait, you're telling me I just have to put this little seed in some dirt and it grows? No fucking way man, that is a mind blower right there. Why have I been wasting my time these past 3 months reading and researching methods and techniques of growing MJ if all I have to do is just throw the god damn seed in some dirt?! Jesus, I've been wasting my time! Just throw the bitch in some dirt, whodathunkit? Get outta here with that shit man.

See what I did there? There is more to all this growing than just 'throwing your seed into some dirt'. Way more. I'm sure if you like to smoke some garbage weed (I've looked at your plants, they are beautiful, not saying you smoke garbage) than yeah man, throw that bitch in some dirt and call it day! But that's not what we do here, now is it? No sir, there is a lot of science and knowledge behind all of this and simply coming thru this thread and telling the OP "hey man it's just dirt, it's not rocket science" is absolute BULLSHIT and it's cocky and it's fucked up if you ask me.

The details matter. The details matter, and guess what? The details matter folks. Help your fellow growers out, answer their questions. Don't just say - hey man, its just dirt, it's not rocket science. Because it's NOT just dirt (I work with dirt every day of my life for the past 10 years, I know what DIRT is) and yeah, it may not be ROCKET science, but there is a whole helluva lot of science involved with growing organically. Sure, you can 'keep it simple' and really organics, does keep it simple. But when you start asking why and how... you learn very quickly - it's not so simple.

I came to this thread originally because I have a similar issue as the OP, sorta. I came here looking for answers, some help. What do I find? I find some cocky asshole saying "it's just dirt it's not rocket sceince" Well, shit. That helps me out a lot. I'll tell ya what man, if it was so simple and it was 'just dirt' and all we have to do is throw the seed in some dirt and watch it grow - then there would be no need for these forums or any of the other countless other sites just like this one out there. There would be no need to ask questions or learn anything, because hey man, all you gotta do is throw it in some dirt - no PHD required, right? Understand what I'm saying now? The details matter, there is more to this than just throwing a seed in some fucking dirt and watching it grow.

I do not want to create waves or enemies here. I'm here to LEARN, I'm here to soak up knowledge from all of you experienced growers. But when I come across some cocky asshole saying some shit like, "hey it's just dirt man..." ... "Don't need a phd" I tell ya what that just rubs me wrong man. We're all here to share information and help each other grow some dank smoke, whether it be used medically or to just catch a buzz to relax and get away from this fucked up world we live in - we're all here for the same reason - learn the best methods and techniques to grow some killer dank.


Well-Known Member
Such a poor attitude to have when it comes to spreading knowledge to the new growers, is that what you tell all the new growers? ... We're all here for the same purpose and sharing of knowledge should be the backbone of this forum.
The point is that new growers should not get overly concerned with all of the little details. The important thing for a new grower is not to worry about, did I add enough Azomite or could I boost my yield by 10% with Miracle Super Gigantic Bud, but to learn to "read" their plants. That is where experience comes in. (As far as a poor attitude, check yourself. I help people all the time and do it without insults.)

Why recommend Teeming with Microbes if you believe understanding the soil science is not necessary?
I said that for inexperienced growers, worrying about the science of the soil is unnecessary. You do not need to know a microbe from molecule. Just follow the Super Soil directions as best you can and pay attention to your plants. Do that, don't over water, provide enough light, and you will grow some very good weed.

See, I'm the kind of person that loves knowledge. I like to know things. I like to know WHY this does that.
Me too. However that does not mean that every grower has to know as much as we do to get good results. Every able bodied person can grow good weed with a small investment of time and money. No one reads a book on soil science and then grows dank (or hardly anyone). It takes experience more than book knowledge. If you have both, even better.


Well-Known Member
I've looked at your plants, they are beautiful, not saying you smoke garbage
Thank you. I appreciate that. I think our points of view are not really that far apart. I honestly believe that every healthy person who smokes pot can and should grow their own, if their living situation allows. I hate to see newbs get scared off by a lot of complex talk. My elderly mother does not know the first thing about soil, but her organic veggie garden turns out delicious food year after year.


Well-Known Member
I agree. The natural living soil, if you let it establish the system the way IT wants, rather than the way you THINK it wants, it can be very much a set and forget / plug-n-play. No worries.

I also like to understand what and why. It's fascinating. The forgiving soil means we don't have to have a command of protocol and procedure like we did with hydro. We all respect the living soil.

The three of us are on the same page.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I can't let this comment slide. It just doesn't sit right with me.

So wait, you're telling me I just have to put this little seed in some dirt and it grows? No fucking way man, that is a mind blower right there. Why have I been wasting my time these past 3 months reading and researching methods and techniques of growing MJ if all I have to do is just throw the god damn seed in some dirt?! Jesus, I've been wasting my time! Just throw the bitch in some dirt, whodathunkit? Get outta here with that shit man.

See what I did there? There is more to all this growing than just 'throwing your seed into some dirt'. Way more. I'm sure if you like to smoke some garbage weed (I've looked at your plants, they are beautiful, not saying you smoke garbage) than yeah man, throw that bitch in some dirt and call it day! But that's not what we do here, now is it? No sir, there is a lot of science and knowledge behind all of this and simply coming thru this thread and telling the OP "hey man it's just dirt, it's not rocket science" is absolute BULLSHIT and it's cocky and it's fucked up if you ask me.

The details matter. The details matter, and guess what? The details matter folks. Help your fellow growers out, answer their questions. Don't just say - hey man, its just dirt, it's not rocket science. Because it's NOT just dirt (I work with dirt every day of my life for the past 10 years, I know what DIRT is) and yeah, it may not be ROCKET science, but there is a whole helluva lot of science involved with growing organically. Sure, you can 'keep it simple' and really organics, does keep it simple. But when you start asking why and how... you learn very quickly - it's not so simple.

I came to this thread originally because I have a similar issue as the OP, sorta. I came here looking for answers, some help. What do I find? I find some cocky asshole saying "it's just dirt it's not rocket sceince" Well, shit. That helps me out a lot. I'll tell ya what man, if it was so simple and it was 'just dirt' and all we have to do is throw the seed in some dirt and watch it grow - then there would be no need for these forums or any of the other countless other sites just like this one out there. There would be no need to ask questions or learn anything, because hey man, all you gotta do is throw it in some dirt - no PHD required, right? Understand what I'm saying now? The details matter, there is more to this than just throwing a seed in some fucking dirt and watching it grow.

I do not want to create waves or enemies here. I'm here to LEARN, I'm here to soak up knowledge from all of you experienced growers. But when I come across some cocky asshole saying some shit like, "hey it's just dirt man..." ... "Don't need a phd" I tell ya what that just rubs me wrong man. We're all here to share information and help each other grow some dank smoke, whether it be used medically or to just catch a buzz to relax and get away from this fucked up world we live in - we're all here for the same reason - learn the best methods and techniques to grow some killer dank.
Three months and you're already this big know-it-all asshole? That's f'n ridiculous!


Active Member
Three months and you're already this big know-it-all asshole? That's f'n ridiculous!
Yea, that makes zero sense. You obviously did not read anything I wrote, except what you wanted to read. (I can bold stuff too)

I'll tell you what's ridiculous, your posts. I've looked at your post history and it's full of negative comments.

An asshole? Yea, I can be an asshole. I consider it a side effect of living on this planet.

A know it all? Nah, not even close - which is why I specifically say in my post that I'm here to LEARN.