Supersillybilly's Light Experiment


Well-Known Member
this is the first thing I see at the moment when I open your thread and it makes me smile. Reminds me of some cheeky banter back hame.
My phone is pish cheds. I don't wanna be embarresed. Im going to buy a cracker of a camera today, just so I can win. lol


Well-Known Member
Cheers DST. I ran out of my green wire stuff ad don't have any string(thats why she was leaning against the lamp post er I mean tent pole).......wait a minute Ive got fishing gut. Problem solved. Canny c it being long now bro. Just smoked some early harvest bud from my fiasco last week. Its not bad, just should have been a whole lot better


Well-Known Member
Ach well, these things happen. Just been smoking some DPQ, lovely stuff. Gotback to my desk and battered out an email to this client who was aksing me to drop my pants basically, we shall see if they like the stoned reply the French ......!!!!


Well-Known Member
aye, but the last time they asked, I was left hanging around with my bits dangling around never to hear back. ONce bitten, twice....and all that. Oh they are always polite, right before they stick the boot in. You think criminals are bad, I have had the HEad of a Department of a big Derivative House around my own gaff with lawyers being all nicey nice. Then I got bailliffs at my door the fuks. People in business in my experience are just getting plain nasty, super power hungry people these days.


Well-Known Member
Know what u mean, especially if their company is bigger than yours. They think they can do what they want, when they want. Im involved in a dispute with a large company. Ill post the headlines when they go to


Well-Known Member
I had a 18 month court battle with a company, I won but I still ended up loosing 25 grand in costs, sickening. It's not like the UK where the looser pays all the costs. The legal system in Holland is supposed to be for everyone, but it sucks imo. If someoen pisses you off, you can come up with a story, go to the court and tell them you want a bond put on the persons house, and for them to get it off it can cost around 3-5grand. And that's even if the person has no right whatsoever to do what they took quite a bit of getting use to living in a country with totally different laws, you would be surprised how things are dealt with, crazt cloggies. lol.


Well-Known Member
Think our company will be changing law if we win our test case. Got Councils opinion(an advocate) and they said the law is on our side, but costs are just over 15k so far. Of course if we win, its all good in the hood but there is always a risk with litigation. Anything can happen on the day. £25k loss. Sore one m8. Never been stung like that before. Me and a few m8's got ripped for 5k when we were younger(still got the scar on my leg from that one) One of the grow houses went down a few months back and we lost all equipment, product and expenses paid, that was a sore one to but 25k and to win the case. Bollocks

the uk greek

Active Member
I had a 18 month court battle with a company, I won but I still ended up loosing 25 grand in costs, sickening. It's not like the UK where the looser pays all the costs. The legal system in Holland is supposed to be for everyone, but it sucks imo. If someoen pisses you off, you can come up with a story, go to the court and tell them you want a bond put on the persons house, and for them to get it off it can cost around 3-5grand. And that's even if the person has no right whatsoever to do what they took quite a bit of getting use to living in a country with totally different laws, you would be surprised how things are dealt with, crazt cloggies. lol.
That sounds insane. Does the 3-5grand go to the state or to the person who took you to court?


Well-Known Member
the 3-5 grand is just for lawyers costs and court costs. And that is just to life the bond that gets put on your house. Even if your case is 100% full proof, you still then have to answer at another court date for the actual case. It's mad!! But luckily behind me for the time being
That sounds insane. Does the 3-5grand go to the state or to the person who took you to court?
Hey Bill, how are the Lodges down your way today? Any new funny handshakes you can teach us? lol.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Everything is good. Ive had to tie most of the buds up due to excessive weight(not a bad thing). Ive lost my phone and waiting on another getting delivered. Ill have a pic update before the weekend


Well-Known Member
Ha ha lad lad i ve tied a few up myself but they still look like the diein duck fuck tien anymore just let the light penertrate more of the lower canopy i thinks lmfbo