supernatural in soil questions +rep given


Well-Known Member
i should know this by now this is my 5th indoor grow . anyways im using supernatural bloom terra i also have bud blaster and floronectar and roots organics trinity. my question is how do i use all these products without putting my ppms off the chart? if i give what the bottles say i will be way over 2000 so i know i should scale back but how much should i scale back and which is most important to give more of?


Well-Known Member
yeah, but of what first. im over a week into flower i dont want have a deficiency cuz of scaling back too much
man u have to do some leg work in this endevor ... read the bottles and then ask pepole specific questions .. im shure pepole her have used what u have .. nothing is for free u want us to work with ya hell work with us at least try to understand the directions .. for example goto the web site of the manufacturer and see how they blend your products that u have .. as far as strength cut everything in quarters and go up from there .. as far what one to use first .. post up some pics of the directions .. and then we will tell u whats up ..

ss ..


New Member
Simple math dude scale back on each using equal proportions to attain the ppm you want.
Nothing more nothing less, then go from there with increasing gradually! BTW post some pics let us see what we are working with!