Well-Known Member
will super glue kill a plant if i had to use it to save a big branch from snapping completley? i pushed the parts back together then put a little bit all around the skin on the break point to hold it together. none shoulda been able to enter the inside. it broke right at the main stem but only about 50% was broke (clean break luckily. wait the right word is snapped). it was too close though to have any possible way to tape it up. and all i could come up with is what i did w/superglue cuz it was snapped where it is, the branch is/was still developing very very well b4 this and is growing very fast making tons of flowers and just plain exploding in growth so i dont wanna kill the branch and for sure dont wanna kill the plant,so i will remove it if i have to. any thoughts? would of the liquid skin stuff worked? did i poison her?