
I've done my first supercropping with my current crop. I believe I am doing it correctly. I'm into my third week of flowering so I probably shouldn't still be doing it but I'm starting to run out height space. Anyway when I supercrop them I bend them 90 degrees. However they don't bend back up themselves which I thought they would have. Instead the stem stays vertical but the growing tip and all nodes on the bent stem grow upwards. I get the knuckle forming on where the supercropping was done but I had assumed that it would straighten itself up. Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
That's late into flowering for super cropping, I usually will stop all forms of training at day 10.

Eventually the knuckles will heal and then the branch will head back to the light, this may not be happening for you due to the fact they are no longer in veg and growing.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you did it right, I will supercrop after the initial stretch to even out the canopy, any stunting of growth to the top will promote growth to the branches, good luck.


Active Member
Sounds like you broke the stem, try the 'Squish and Push' no breaking and the top is headed back up the next day. Even do the branches that get too long. You squish with a pair of reg pliers.

John Jacob

Active Member
3rd week into flowing is kinda late to be pinching and bending, I've noticed it slows the bud growth slightly to repair the slight damage you make. In my ideal world I pinch and bend right before I switch to 12/12, use the two week stretch to fix the damage and make that knuckle to super crop. We've all run into height issue at one point or another my option would be to start tying the branches down. You should be past the 2 week stretch so it shouldnt get too much taller but LST would be your best bet without the damage to your lady IMO Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like u stressed and damaged the plant. i been supercropping every grow for the past three years and they always come back after about 3-4 days, my branches never stay vertical.