supercropping??? how and when to do it


Well-Known Member
I planted at the end of may outside and the plant was indoors growing under cfls for a month and is only 1 and a half ft tall getting taller. Keep in mind one season I got ripped they stole my crops I had 2 indica and sativa one time was a male inside and the other 3 times outdoors yes I got a half oz at most dry and that was off a purplehaze/northernlights cross 2 different times one was like 9g and the other 11 and I used fox farm atleast 2 times the third strain was different not as strong as the nl/phase and I got around 11 on that one. This time im using mostly fox farm soil and planted directly in the ground other times I was in 5 gallon buckets so the plants themselves were like 3 actual feet tall. I had also used alil guano I got from a chick that was something fancy from some cave not a cheap kind I guess and I would sprinkle it on top. This time im using a big bloom organic fert fox farm so I hope it really improves this grow. keep in mind that the other grows which you can still view on here and see pics I had slug problems and spider mites once which prolly stressed them alil. this year also slugs and snails are really bad worse then ive seen im trying to keep up on them but they just keep coming and coming and I cant afford to go into the site every week and jeperdise the whole crop as I mentioned I been robbed once lost 2 crops


Well-Known Member

This is my largest, she's just shy of 3' tall. If this yields any less than a half POUND I'll be disappointed. I am not using any cannabis specific, overpriced nutes, I use MG Tomato food. It's planted in Sunshine Mix #4 in a 3 gal pot and watered with the hose. It's not the money you throw at it, it's the understanding you have about how it grows, the care you give to it and the patience you have before you take them down.


When I supercrop, i twist the branch so that just the inner membrane snaps. Usually, the branch will still hold itself up. I'll do 2 or 3 branches at a time, and go up a node every other week.

ETA: I also tie all my branchehs down to spread them out, and get light to where it needs to be...


New Member
Supercropping is used to train the tree and to increase yield not potency...

(posted this on another thread but.. think it may help here too)

you can squish the stem use your finger and the side of a lighter and squeeze it a bit you will feel it kinda give way use a softer part of the plant..

like this..
original super crop date 6-19-13

taken 7-5-13

this is a pic from 2012 with the same planter.. (diff strain but you can see she was about 5+

super cropping lst and scog are my only style this year testing yield to last year

I have an OG Kush / Trainwreck clone and im looking into super cropping was wondering if you could point me in the right direction here is a picture of my girl.image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Just search "LST", it involves tying the top down then the main branches as they emerge. The goal is to create a low even canopy with similar sized tops. This method should cause very little to no stress.


Just search "LST", it involves tying the top down then the main branches as they emerge. The goal is to create a low even canopy with similar sized tops. This method should cause very little to no stress.
It hasnt caused any stress in my plants at all ever.... It always helps them out, cuz you are getting more sun to the smaller under side branches...

I tie mine down, but I also supercrop... I'd say the op needs to wait a while before super cropping tho, let it get a lil bigger. Its almost never to early to start tying them down tho....


Well-Known Member
idk I supercropped the one I have indoors just a reg green strain not medical and what im noticing on that one is that when u do a side branch say just break the inside trying to leave the outter skin intact and a week later I notice a big difference.

Before I supercropped I had a bunch of lower micro buds. Now a week or 2 after super cropping that same branch or 2 I bent had buds the size of the upper most branches. see what happens is the buds that were once being blocked mostly by upper branchs were now growing straight up and away from the canopy so they get more light way more.

see all the other outdoor attemps where in 4-5 gallon buckets mostly last season I used round black laundry baskets lined with trash bags and buryed them in the ground had cut the bag in spots before I buryed it figuring it would root better but it was prolly too visable got ripped so ill never know the yields of that. I obviously must have told a few to many ppl about em so they went looking.

with the northern lights/phase once was clone other time was seed and they dident very big buds. and I was checking the trichomes color waiting till the hairs turned mostly and the amber trichs maybe I was supposed to wait intill the middle of October with that strain I don't know. I just went by the normal eye test used a microscope seemed ready to mei harvested at the end of septemeber


Well-Known Member
potency doesn't have to do with plant size, shape. potency is based upon genetics and overall health of the plant.


Active Member
From my personal opinion i when i supercrop, i usually don't squeeze to the point of making the branches bend or snap, at least not to much, don't get me wrong you can do that, it just takes more time to heal, i squeeze just to the point that you can feel a small crunch, and then i try to squeeze it a little from the other side kinda like unflattening a straw. In my opinion this speeds up the process of healing and for the most part, i can come back the next day or two to see alot more growth above the knot, it pretty much always does this for me and it definitely differs in the amount i have to squeeze from certain types of strains, but I definitely see more of a burst above the knots from the larger feeding tubes, i go from plant to plant and branch to branch and give them a lil pinch, and if i snap something i give it support, to help it heal quicker, if i wanted to use this technique to keep the plant low and bushy i may snap them but there are easier ways for me to do that with less stress to the plant, Thats why i use fimming in conjunction with the supercropping. Think of fimming this way, to paint a picture, put your hands together like your getting ready to pray, see how that resembles the top node coming out of the plant.? Now pretend someone cut your fingers off down to the center knuckles, leaving the rest of your fingers intact minus the upper half. Once you can visualize that do the exact same thing to those leaves coming out the top node of the main stock or branches. There are many things that people should know and learn when they are in quest for yield and potency, All it takes tho is practice and research. There are many thing to consider, Hows your soil, are you prepping the ground, how big of a hole have you been digging, or do you just plant it right in unamended soil., are you feeding, are they getting enough light, water. The list goes on. Theres alot you can learn from this site and the people on it, its a very valuable resource. The only way i can diagnose the problem your having with yield for sure is you''ll have to share a lil bit more on how you actually do what you do. Again writing a book here. I'll try to check back in quicker this time and not leave you hanging


Active Member
Sorry for the end of the post, i just saw that you explained a little more on what you did, and i think you are headed in the right direction with the changes you've been making, i think you'll have a much better year. Slugs suck, been there. But your choice to put them in the ground was a good one and the fact that your using some nutrients helps. I've been using the General organics plus some other things i like them getting a well balanced diet.


Active Member
read my last post, there is no need for links. I think i might have described fimming in a way anyone should be able to visualize. I hope it helps you.


Well-Known Member
thanks man you have givin me good info wahdey but one guy I see posted that size has nothing to do with potentcy well who ever said size matter in that way. I never implied that a 10 ft plant would be more potent then a 2ft plant. all im concerned about is getting medical potentcy buds and lots of them I understand that you can have a small plant and get a couple strong buds but im looking for the whole package bud that is not really leafy and very strong and plenty of it. I wanna be able get that say 300-400 a zip quality which is doubtful. what is funny that when I tried growing from seed the same strain as the clones another was growing in bulk and were much taller 7-8ft tall it seemed like the small 4-5ft one I did was stronger then those bigger ones and all I used was fox farm soil and alil bit of guano some grandma molasses for budding in the water. This time im in the ground and using spring water mixed with the big bloom however im noticing the leaves turn that yellow color so I had to weaken that mixture I figure ill just let it be for a few days and flush out itself when it rains ill just skip the nutes for a few watering cycles


Well-Known Member
1sttimeguy doesnt look like a 1lb plant there seems alil far fetched you cant tell what a plant is going to yeild that early and what strain is that might i ask. i will say this i know of several growers and maybe 3 plants out of 25 produce a pound of pot most produce 4-5 ounces