Well-Known Member
Went From Super to Supercilious
Next step is forward, superLICIOUS!
Used to walk the streets like I was vicious
lost pride, left me feelin' less viscous
used to live like no tomorrow.
used to act like i was with it
never been content withsorrow,
till I
took a puff and 'came complacent,
just like addicts who cant quit it,
ill, a cowardice
stand up to
kick it.
Too Discontent to
STAY indifferent
was afraid to hope or change it,
so was sticking w/the same shit:
and got stuck more than a tidbit.
When I would just get hi,
get by,
ripped, and pay rent,
I coulda utilized Time better,
gone is where it all went,
'stead of making things happen,
only spent my days getting spent.
Rollin' up another cigarillo. To fill the hollow inside the pride.
Smokin the nights away
contemplating fate and asking Y?
choosing NOT to do, 'steada gettin on the train
left hopeless
still going insane,
now mind filled with haze.
stay up too late, get too baked,
end up dissatisfied, waylayed.--
effects from doing nothing,
but long, bongin'-nights
o'puttin resin in my brain.
next day after smoke is gray
I will puke if I choose to take
another hit again too
scared to take a chance only to play it safe,
the risk free route
in this game
i participate
there's an infinite way up,
finite desireable way out
when will my thoughts return to clarity?
forming into spout?
cas-cading in ability ?
Then will my insane
turn to sanity?
this hazey maze, can't quite find the outlet .
Don't wanna die
stuck in-a-rut-o' the same ole' shit,
this I cannot permit,
allowing the mundane,
this I cannot permit.
theres so much more to me than this.
IF I don't break the chain
and kick the habbit.
left to the only solace
of smoking days away-- becoming empty nights: will repeat the process
I cannot have it.
had no one to berate me,
lost sight and full of ignorance
not even I could tolerate me,
sick o' my own impudence.
slipped and kept on slippin'
but don't know y i didn't stop it.
no passion,
let it more than once slip away
a pathetic apathetic
instead of picking up the beat,
i dropped it.
I miss waking and feeling wide awake.
Now when i wake up I'm still baked.
Smokey nights make for Foggy haizey cloudy days
Keep floa-ting Tryin'a catch my feet.
Influenced by complacency with the help of ganja green,
dull thoughts make my conscience weak.
Awake, but not truely,
my thoughts
revert to states of sleep.
Let that precipitate.
It can enhance the experience,
but eventually reduce prurience.
used to live like i had nothing
at stake.
Tho I say I do, CANT fully
life's gifts so precious and sweet, if not utilized
become bleak.
Cuz until I WAKE UP! I'M still asleep.
Next step is forward, superLICIOUS!
Used to walk the streets like I was vicious
lost pride, left me feelin' less viscous
used to live like no tomorrow.
used to act like i was with it
never been content withsorrow,
till I
took a puff and 'came complacent,
just like addicts who cant quit it,
ill, a cowardice
stand up to
kick it.
Too Discontent to
STAY indifferent
was afraid to hope or change it,
so was sticking w/the same shit:
and got stuck more than a tidbit.
When I would just get hi,
get by,
ripped, and pay rent,
I coulda utilized Time better,
gone is where it all went,
'stead of making things happen,
only spent my days getting spent.
Rollin' up another cigarillo. To fill the hollow inside the pride.
Smokin the nights away
contemplating fate and asking Y?
choosing NOT to do, 'steada gettin on the train
left hopeless
still going insane,
now mind filled with haze.
stay up too late, get too baked,
end up dissatisfied, waylayed.--
effects from doing nothing,
but long, bongin'-nights
o'puttin resin in my brain.
next day after smoke is gray
I will puke if I choose to take
another hit again too
scared to take a chance only to play it safe,
the risk free route
in this game
i participate
there's an infinite way up,
finite desireable way out
when will my thoughts return to clarity?
forming into spout?
cas-cading in ability ?
Then will my insane
turn to sanity?
this hazey maze, can't quite find the outlet .
Don't wanna die
stuck in-a-rut-o' the same ole' shit,
this I cannot permit,
allowing the mundane,
this I cannot permit.
theres so much more to me than this.
IF I don't break the chain
and kick the habbit.
left to the only solace
of smoking days away-- becoming empty nights: will repeat the process
I cannot have it.
had no one to berate me,
lost sight and full of ignorance
not even I could tolerate me,
sick o' my own impudence.
slipped and kept on slippin'
but don't know y i didn't stop it.
no passion,
let it more than once slip away
a pathetic apathetic
instead of picking up the beat,
i dropped it.
I miss waking and feeling wide awake.
Now when i wake up I'm still baked.
Smokey nights make for Foggy haizey cloudy days
Keep floa-ting Tryin'a catch my feet.
Influenced by complacency with the help of ganja green,
dull thoughts make my conscience weak.
Awake, but not truely,
my thoughts
revert to states of sleep.
Let that precipitate.
It can enhance the experience,
but eventually reduce prurience.
used to live like i had nothing
at stake.
Tho I say I do, CANT fully
life's gifts so precious and sweet, if not utilized
become bleak.
Cuz until I WAKE UP! I'M still asleep.