Super thrive?!?

that nigga ice

Active Member
some one told me that they use super thrive in their plants... and it make them grow faster and better! does anyone kno if this is true and or even healthy?


Active Member
Wanna save some money and get better results?
Do you want enough to have on hand for pennies
on the dollar compared to superthrive and thrivealive?
Go spend $8.00 at a tractor farm supply store,TSC
in the midwest get a bottle of Vitamin B12 for livestock
and a syringe.

Now go to walmart ,Home depot or a nursery and buy a
cheap gallon of liquid humus,,very nasty stuff and only about
$5.00 a gallon.It stains everything it touches,be careful.

Now mix 30 milileters of the V B12 into the gallon of Humus
shake the shit out of it...

Now you have a gallon of primo soil activator with all
the mojo that those product could dream of....
There are no sea weed kelp additives ,but it doesn't
matter...This cost you under ten bucks for the gallon..

Mix 250 ml per 5 gallons of water and go at it....

seedling s and freshly rooted cuts love the shit!!
Hit the plants with this every other watering between
nute regiment.


Active Member
Listen people,,,,15 dollars will get you about 4 0z of that basicly enough
to get your teaspoon wet!!!
But after all who gives a shit? it's really not that great any way!! JUst more hyped up
stuff sold at the hydro stores...

There are benefits to adding VB12 to all living organisms and that's the secret recipe to that stuff and thrivealive both costing a small fortune...
Don't believe me though!!!! do your own research like I did....and maybe if you don't believe me you'll believe the editor of the Carnivorous plant society,,,these guys take their plants serious,,like a dog or cat!!

The Carnivorous Plant FAQ: About SUPERthrive

See what Barry ahs to say about the stuff ....
maybe you will start to believe there's hype out there!!!

The solution I made creates a platform to get the B vitamins to the
plants and allows the roots to uptake it more efficiently by bringing
dead soils to life,,,it's true the shit you buy in bags is far from alive
as soil would be in humus...

I'm just trying to share some good ol common sense and knowledge
as usual,,,ohhh and saving you money also,,,,lots of it...

A gallon of your good ol superthrive is $175.00 @ wormsway....check it yourself.

Superthrive, gal - Worm's Way

Now maybe you'll get the picture??????


Well-Known Member
what is snake oil? Could you be more spacific and at least say good or bad sorry maybe im an idiot?
if you only need a few drops a gal it's plenty and using it like once a week i have been using the same bottle forever and it's still half full.
carbon must be one of those who thinks more is better, and i keep hearing you talk about how you dont mean to be a dick but frankly most of the time you are more annoying than anything. You need to respect the fact that we all do things diffrently andRESPECT each other around here.

maybe you should get the picture and shut the fuck up after you say your piece, you suggestion was worth concidering but i think you need to smoke a fatty and calm the fuck down!!!


Active Member
"carbon must be one of those who thinks more is better, and i keep hearing you talk about how you dont mean to be a dick but frankly most of the time you are more annoying than anything. You need to respect the fact that we all do things diffrently andRESPECT each other around here."

Then goes on to say

"maybe you should get the picture and shut the fuck up after you say your piece"

Well my lil genius I havn't attacked anybody ,,only tried to save people Fuggin money..
more isn't better but having as much as a gallon for the price of 4 ounces would usually appeal to those with a brain....but then again somebody that can't even spell
Cabron correctly and makes replies like you have, to somebody trying to do some good
says enough about your intellect ..

Geez I'm getting attacked by a Newb grower has a tiny lil closet grow under their belt,and they link to it in their sig...must be proud?
Couldn't read enough to even figure out to post a pic when the instructions are in your face,,not that anybody with a brain should even
need them...

You're on my ignore list from now on,I'd suggest you do the same with me,,I'd hate to influence you in any way..

"what is snake oil? Could you be more spacific and at least say good or bad sorry maybe im an idiot?"
You can say that again!!! LOL!


Well-Known Member
you are right i dont give a shit about spelling and newb grower who the fuck are you, hahaha im pissing in my pants crackin up right now.

all i know is that of your 50 post most are negative and annoying and you dont see alot of that around here... im gonna cry now you are ignoring me? I bet you are a well liked person in real life:)


Well-Known Member
i didnt mention that the post you left for dangly bits was not his other journal you posted in it was mine, please do me a favor and dont do that again, thanks! Termite is a diffrent person also, damn newb's just come in and act like they have no manners?


Well-Known Member
Hey, Cabron -thanks for the recipe. I normally just give my outdoor plants plenty of well rotted cow shit but since coming to RIU I can see that there could be a benefit to supplementing that in flowering. I think Superthrive and other fancy, eyecatching rips like Carboload do have a place-in citys it can be hard to get and store vast quantities of filth, and the bottles look quite cool.


Well-Known Member
i think carbos are easily derived from molases have you ever tried that? I also grow orgainic, and live on a farm but superthrive is very old school and farmers have used it for a long time? My favorite way to give life to the soil is with my worm shit and they eat my garbage at the same time!