Super Strong Cannabutter


Well-Known Member
Last night I made a mistake and added more weed into my butter than I had originally planned. I used 89 grams of bud and 2 cups of butter which resulted into 1.5 cups of butter.

My concern is that when I use a potency calculator it comes out to be close to 13,000 mg which I know is not exact. I just don't know what type of ball park number I should be looking at while including potency loss through the whole process and don't really wanna send my friends into a coma.

Has anyone made a similar ratio of Cannabutter and how was your experience? Plan on maybe using a few teaspoons per recipe.


Well-Known Member
Last night I made a mistake and added more weed into my butter than I had originally planned. I used 89 grams of bud and 2 cups of butter which resulted into 1.5 cups of butter.

My concern is that when I use a potency calculator it comes out to be close to 13,000 mg which I know is not exact. I just don't know what type of ball park number I should be looking at while including potency loss through the whole process and don't really wanna send my friends into a coma.

Has anyone made a similar ratio of Cannabutter and how was your experience? Plan on maybe using a few teaspoons per recipe.
Test it yourself...put a dab on a cracker....see what commences.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it will be really strong. I have limited experience myself, but I’ll share what I’ve done.

TEK: I fill a ~1 cup jar about 2/3 with finely ground trim (CDB Warlock flower tested @ 11.5% CBD and 9.7% THC; trim should be weaker than that). I melt some coconut butter and pour in just enough to cover the herb. Set that on a candle warmer/double boiler/queso warmer/crock pot for several hours. Strain solids and toss the oil in fridge. Dose: as an 11 year daily user with solid tolerance, I can use about a teaspoon or so of that and it gives me a great functional effect that takes the edge off of pain or whatever ails you. Seems close in effects to ~15mg THC and ~20mg CBD products I’ve had.

I’ve made this recipe with good bud, and also kief in place of trim. Obviously the flower is stronger: a light teaspoon is good. A tablespoon is very medical. The kief budder is really easy to have too much of: taking a piece the size of a green pea is about right (~20mg estimated equivalent), but a chunk the size of a medium blueberry is all there (~45mg est. equ.). Much more than that and it gets a bit uncomfortable.

I’m not much of a numbers guy, so I just eye ball it and then dose myself carefully and work up from there. Hope this helps some!
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice, I don't have time to try it out so I think I will just err on the side of caution and use a little. If it's not enough I will just pump it up for the next recipe.


Well-Known Member
And maybe you’re already aware, but if you have access to CBD water or pure CBD flower to vape or smoke if things go south, that can quickly reduce undesirable effects from too much THC.


Well-Known Member
I don’t know what your experience level is with stronger psychoactives including oral THC, but I’ll restate a few tips and suggestions I’ve read and applied with success when venturing into altered states.

Semi-quoting Terence McKenna (I think? Hell idk): “You can always take more if you’ve had too little, but you can’t take less once you’ve had too much.” Also McKenna: “If at some point you don’t feel like you took too much, you didn’t take enough”. Thankfully, it’s very rare, like almost unheard of to have a fatal overdose from cannabis (I’ll exclude isolates and concentrates here, as I can’t confidently claim that a strong isolate/concentrate wouldn’t pose an elevated risk of a life threatening condition and are beyond my experience). However, if you’ve taken too much of a standard flower extract (or other common entheogen), it can be very uncomfortable to where you feel like you could die. Fast-acting CBD can really take the edge off in my experience. I’ve tried various nano-CBD waters and they seem to set in within 5-10 minutes. But if you had a HIGH CBD:NO/LOW THC flower to vape or smoke, it acts in seconds to counter the worst of the THC/OD panicky effects.

Deep breathing helps. Main thing to keep in mind is that it will pass in time. Don’t fight the effects, just stay relaxed, oxygenated, hydrated, and minimize lighting and noise.

I’ve had some pretty rough experiences on several occasions and we all react a little differently when in the altered state, but these tips have helped me through. And rough experiences have value too, so embrace them as well for what they are.

All that being said, it’s awesome when you properly prepare and get it right: the dose, the set, and the setting. Nature offers some interesting and awesome experiences in many forms. I pity the people who go through life without the lessons that lie within these experiences: the sense interconnectedness, the reduction of fear of mortality, the realization and awareness of one’s insignificance and ego, the gratefulness of life and all the experiences it offers, and endless boundless love. It’s all there when you pay attention.

And it doesn’t always have to be so serious and philosophical I guess, my consciousness just tends to reside in the deep-end if you will. I’ve had great times too with friends and parties and there wasn’t too much thought or planning involved. I just always had enough sense to stick with the earthy stuff and stay away from the isolates and chemical drugs. The herb and other common natural entheogens can be a lot of fun and laughter and that’s fine too as long as there is a level of safety and understanding upheld as a baseline.

I did my best avoid wording that could be used against me in today’s world regarding legal fallout, but just in case, here’s a disclaimer:

I do not advocate or recommend anyone take any substance or drug or entheogen for any purpose or for any reason, ever. This post was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as advice of any kind. You should always consult with a licensed medical professional before consuming any substances, natural or otherwise. And I have a really really good lawyer.

Best of luck!


Active Member
I make infused oils and syrups from reduced tincture
Dosing is the single biggest problem I encounter
The above posts contain sound advice and researching green outs and how to deal with them is advised
You are going to have to do step dosing
Take your calculations, they are not exact but will give you a very rough idea of a dose
Weigh or measure your butter
Portion out what you think is a dose
Cut that into 4 smaller portions
Take 1 of the smaller portions every 20-30 minutes and record the effect
If you notice the desired effect before you finish you have YOUR dose
If you finish them all and there is not much of an effect you can try the same amount all at once the next day
This will give you a chance at avoiding a green out
I basically do this to every batch of oil or syrup, its from Brassnwoods hash cap recipe where he shows you how to dose with some strong cannabis oil. He uses a drop in each capsule and you take one every 15 minutes, I think, until you achieve desired effects which is usually a coma
Just throwing it out there, not sure if it helps


Well-Known Member
I've been enjoying some similar cannabutter for the last month or so, had 4 or so ounces of flower from last summer that sparked no joy, so I put it into a pound of butter. It's definitely super strong, at the very least I'd probably use half as much as normal (for someone with tolerance, I would split whatever you think is an appropriate dose for a given user's level of experience in half). TBF I've also been trying a different ingestion technique than usual... in the past I'd put a pat of cannabutter on some toast or whatnot and eat that... now I've been taking a chunk of butter and letting it dissolve under my tongue: works really well but does leave you with a serious case of herb breath.