Super Steath SCROG box/tv stand plan

Hey guys, just lookin to see what you think, i will be building this project in the summer.

My plan is to build a box that is 36" high, 26" deep and 6' long, i will be using it as a tv stand. The main growing chamber will be onthe left side and will be roughly 5' long 36" high and 26" deep, the remainder will be seperated in half, the front will be for dvd, cable, xbox etc. and the back half will house the main eletrical, as well as a home made carbon filter to cut down on smell as it will be in my living room ( the only time it needs to be completly smell free is when my landloard/parents etc. come up to visit) The growing chamber will be disguised by a false front made from drawer fronts with a hidden lock.

I plan on having a screen roughly 2' x 4' giving me 8 sq ft of grow space for 6-8 plants, i plan on using 4' T5's , depending on how i feel i may go for a pre-built 4 bulb lamp that is 2'x4' and gives our around 20,000 lumens, or i will go with 5 or 6 single lamps in the same amount of space, giving 25-30,000 lumens.

I want to have a 6'' space between the top of the net pot to the screen, and a 10-12 inch DWC, the container will measure roughly 10" high x30" wide x 20" deep. will that be enough water for 6-8 plants? i will have tons of air stones at the bottom and plan on using atleast 2 double output air pumps.

for my exhaust, i was thinking of using just a regular old fan and building a mantifold into the chamber for the carbon filter. and having passive intakes on the opposite side aswell as a fan or two blowing around inside. Let me know what you think, this will be my first grow on my own, aswell as my first scrog attempt.