Super Soil Total Cost Calculated

Supersoil is the way to go man.
$200 is very cheap when you see the look on your friend's face who grows hydro after he looks at your grow and asks you about growing in soil. :)
um i've never paid $11.73 for a 1/2cup of lime ever.. your calculations are slightly off but not a bad estimate. If it costs too much for you all, substitute a different base. i used promix ultimate organic mix and added a little espoma biotone starter plus to make it more like roots. So at $5 a 1 cu. ft. bag it would only be $60 for soil, and biotone is $8-9 for a whole bag which you won't use. That seriously cuts the cost for a base soil. Also this soil lasts a long time as u only use a 1/3rd to 1/2 pot. I only made a 1/4 batch and it has lasted me a long time in a small personal grow. Just try it, don't be afraid, you will not have any regrets.
um i've never paid $11.73 for a 1/2cup of lime ever.. your calculations are slightly off but not a bad estimate.

Yeah I just looked it up online and maybe it's more lime than needed I'm not sure, but none the less it's the price of the lime that I found. But like you said, a good rough estimate for all entertaining the idea of super soil.
yea you basically have the right price of everything you have to buy to make it so you are correct there with the up front cost but you will have so much leftover of some things cause you use very little of them and they will last forever for the next batch, and the next. Also whoever said recycle it is correct. I recycle into my veg soil and supplement with biotone and castings... no problems over a long period
I mean its basically 208$ here for like 300 3gallon pots that would get u about 300 ounces if you want to look at it like that give or take thats less than a dollar an ounce so no it doesnt seem very expensive if you actually think about it lol - you can grow good bud with a lot less however but its like arguing for the case of laziness and/or cheapness to say supersoil is too expensive. I guess there is nothing wrong with being lazy or cheap to a degree but too argue in favor of it makes you look, well, it makes you look lazy and/or cheap. (which I will admit I am guilty of all to often myself)

One thing we learn in gardening is that hard work, attention to detail, and actually giving a shit makes a huge difference in our results.
One thing we learn in gardening is that hard work, attention to detail, and actually giving a shit makes a huge difference in our results

Amen Brother!!!!
$200 is cheap. See what $200 gets you at a dispensary and compare.Spending $200 on supplies, along with a little physical labor has the potential of producing hundreds of times more product.Plus you know whats in your meds.
K so you can't actually click on any of the links in the imagine but you can type it in your address bar just fine. I went and found everything online and adjusted prices accordingly. I used sunlightsupply for as many things as I could because it is the supplier my local hydro store uses, so if they have it my store has it. At MSRP I got a total of around $290. With my hydro store's current spring/summer sizzlin' sale I get 20% off of everything that's a sunlightsupply link. It brings my total to a little more than $230. Very affordable! I calculated the assumed cost of 1 crop in stink buds aero setup and estimated around $230 for all the nutrients for one crop rotation (veg and flower cycle for ONE, not all 3 like he does perpetually) that also include price of two cheap meters, ph and tds plus ph up and down plus clearex and stuff like that. That's not including the price of the system itself and the tools required to build it (2" hole saw, etc..) just the nutrients and pens and stuff. So after you have all the pens and stuff it would cost around $150-180 per crop in nutes I'm assuming using the aero deal. I wasn't sure how often he has to top off nutes or anything like that so I could only GUESS the amount needed. I believe Sub or someone else said they could get 300 3gal pots off of one batch of super soil, that seems to me like a lot more crops from $230-290 (I tailored the prices for me, you can do the same for you) vs. $180 for 1 crop. Both are organic. I figure that the $180 stink bud formula is gonna get you 1 lb and easily cover your expense for nutrients and the $230 investment into super soil would indeed get you 1 lb+ easy so the only difference I find between the two is how much work do you want to do? Do you want to mix a bunch of stuff, let it sit for 30 days, then add water? Or do you want to mix nutes and check ph and tds and water levels daily as well as clean reservoirs and misters and stuff? This is my short analysis and no way intended to bash anyone, their methods, or info. I did this last night to figure out the next direction I would be taking my grow. Seems to me I like the super soil route. Granted, with the aero system you don't have to physically water the plants and it's supposed to be the fastest way plants can grow but I feel like super soil is pretty fool proof. Get the stuff, mix it, let it sit, put it in a pot, grow some pot. ;-)

Give me some feedback.
updated super soil cost.jpg
I picked up a batch on the weekend and my cost is only 135$.
Now granted I get some really nice discounts but if your loyal to a local shop you should be as well.

I went with 4 bags of Roots, 2 bags of Biobiz light and 2 bags of Happy Frog as my base this run as I have been hearing more and more good things about HF

Nice! I'm sure your local shop gives you a wonderful discount on top of prices that are pry already cheaper than they are here. I already have about 2 bags of roots so for me to get all the other materials it will cost around a reasonable $200 after my local shops discount including taxes. I'm sure the cost of super soil varies by region/state/country. It's probably a bitch to get to a hydro store in Alaska but I could be wrong.

Would you recommend using a combination of different kinds of base soil or all roots? I suppose biodiversity is what it's all about when it comes to soil composition. Were your results with 6 Roots and 2 Biobiz light better than your results with 8 Roots?

I could not have said it better. heavier harvest of organic meds. More budsites with fewer small lower popcorn buds. The flowers that used to be popcorn lower buds ending up as hash or edibles are now nice thumb size buds that go in the jar not for hash or brownie.:hump: Just easier...worry free...add your molassas or sweet or bud candy or whatever....just forget the chem nutes and toss out your tds meter and ph meter....

Its like crop insurance...use it will insure a good crop.....hehehe

When I mix up my soil I don't make a full batch & calculate for using less materials.

I used to used the common nutrients like most folks then switched over to using SS & my end product has never been better & it makes life so easy not worrying about what to add & when with nutes

If you are worried about cost this may not be the thing for you for as with any hobby it takes money, like my old fishing buddie used to say when we would get off his boat

" This thing doesn't run on thanks."

Just finished making a batch of supersoil about an hour ago. I used 8 bags of Happy Frog but was worried since it doesn't use coco coir; we'll see how it goes. This will be used on my first grow. :) I didn't have much problem finding the ingredients and added about a 1/3 of bag of coarse perlite. In honor of Subcool I will be growing some Vortex amongst Super Lemon Haze, Tangerine Dream, Trainwreck and some C99. His Astroboy (watermelon pheno) is one of my favorite sativa-dominant hybrids.

The mix totally filled two 50 gal rubbermaid trash cans. If you would average 3.5 gal of supersoil per 7 gal container I figure you can grow about 28 plants. At 7 plants per 1000w that should be about 4 grows.
dam roots soil for only $16 a bag.. I wish.. Grow stores around me don't even stock the stuff so I gotta have it special ordered.
Hey sub. Just popped some Querkles and want to get some SS cooking but here's my prob. All shops around my area are infested with gnats, fruit flies its a problem. Seems like only places that don't have this problem are places like Menards, Lowes, or Walmart even. So with this being said what could work for your base soil? I saw menards had pro-mix organic. Seems to be the only decent one Ive seen so far.
There is a place I know that carries HF that is clean could I mix all HF as my base?

Just today I went to store and every bag of every brand I lifted up and looked at there was hundreds of these bastards.....I don't know how they can sell that shit.
Look up Predatory Nematodes. You can order them online.
They work quickly and are extremely effective for a multitude of pests including fungus gnats. Just treat your new soil when you put it your storage bins or when you plant your crops.
Best of all they are harmless to humans and pets and most of the beneficial bugs we want in the garden or green house.
I believe Sub recommended these to you in the beginning check them out.
I did believe wrong sorry about that. So I would just get what soil Sub recommends and treat with "Steinernema feltiae" should be around $10-$15.
I have a local producer of beneficial critters right in town which is great because overnight shipping can be really expensive. They are called Hydro-gardens. You should see if you have a local company in your area to save on shipping.
Good luck