Super Soil Results


Well-Known Member
My tap water is loaded with chlorine, I finally moved on to R/O water. Before I went with R/O water tho, I would allow my water to sit out over night 24hrs and noticed that it did help. If I water with just straight tap water, i would get yellowing and dying leaves. I don't know if chloramine is evaporated as well as chlorine if at all tho.


Active Member
looking at my local water company website they metioned chloramine in our tap....

will bubbling the water for 48hrs remove this?
chloramine as far as i understand does not bubble out. i do not know if an ro filter removes it, however.


Well-Known Member
CHLORAMINE DOES NOT EVAPORATE. I learned the hard way, and it blows. Yes, you need a RO filter. I've been using a cheap one lately just for my plants in veg, and it seems to be working alright. You can get good ones for $100, so look around before you buy.

And not to sound like a dumb ass (but oh well), but I use RO filters on my drinking water, too. Chlorines and Chloramines are not only bad for our plants, they are bad for us, too. It's funny, I have a pepper growing out in our garden that I was giving straight water from the hose. It was literally stunted! Until, that is, I switched over to filtered water, at which point it has taken off like a weed growing again. I shit you not. So think about how it affects everything.

Hope everyone is well in the world of Super Soil. :peace:


New Member
ro water was the best thing to happen to my garden.
why not collect rain water be allot better then Ro

The shifting of water from liquid to gas (evaporation) and the condensation of the gaseous water vapor back into liquid form is the hydrologic cycle. In nature, this is evaporation of water from the land, lakes and rivers that forms clouds and then falls back to the earth as rain or snow. This is also the process used in water distillers.



Well-Known Member
rain water varies by region and can be as low pH 2 or as high as pH 8. rain water is great and all but in a place like northern california it's not possible as it doesn't rain after May until October at the earliest unless you're coastal of course.


Well-Known Member
A cheaper and much less wasteful way to remove chlorine and chloramine is a Small Boy filter (or Tall Boy for the big guns). Get the upgraded carbon, and you're golden.


Well-Known Member
why not collect rain water be allot better then Ro

The shifting of water from liquid to gas (evaporation) and the condensation of the gaseous water vapor back into liquid form is the hydrologic cycle. In nature, this is evaporation of water from the land, lakes and rivers that forms clouds and then falls back to the earth as rain or snow. This is also the process used in water distillers.

rain picks up pollutants on its way down.

i have the ro filter for my fish tanks first. the garden gets the benefit of it also.

i use this unit but i bypass the di cartridge for garden water.


Well-Known Member
I think $100 is about right for the filter, then the upgraded carbon (for chloramine removal) is about another $50.


Well-Known Member
damn... there is never cutting corners in this hobby, eh? Chloramine is the devil... cannot stand that shit. It frosts me even more that they put it in our water. Lame!


Well-Known Member
i was going to whip up another batch of SS i will not need it till november.

should i go ahead and make it, the longer it cooks the better?


should i time to where itll be ready by the time i need


Well-Known Member
i was going to whip up another batch of SS i will not need it till november.

should i go ahead and make it, the longer it cooks the better?


should i time to where itll be ready by the time i need
I had mine sitting for a long time in the past (6 months) I think the longer the better, make a compost tea and spray it over your pile a few days before you use it


Active Member
Hey Nerds i got a question for you all i think i know the answer but i wanna make sure before. Can i use the Fox Farm Big Bloom with the supersoil thats the nutrient thats like worm castings and liquid bat guano i thought that i heard subcool say it was all good to use it cause it was basically just like a concentrated tea. Ive read about people using the Earth Juice stuff too? So am i right its ok and actually good to use the big bloom with the supersoil to feed the plant and mykos?


Well-Known Member
Hey Nerds i got a question for you all i think i know the answer but i wanna make sure before. Can i use the Fox Farm Big Bloom with the supersoil thats the nutrient thats like worm castings and liquid bat guano i thought that i heard subcool say it was all good to use it cause it was basically just like a concentrated tea. Ive read about people using the Earth Juice stuff too? So am i right its ok and actually good to use the big bloom with the supersoil to feed the plant and mykos?
sure, if needed.....but if mixed and applied properly(super soil) you shouldn.t need it.