Super Soil Results

is it local only? whys it better? I'm ready to get started on the supersoil but wanting to make sure the roots is best available so far.
its a local thing here, but what i have found, among many others, is that roots is not that hard to just takes some testing and experimenting with other base soils to get comes down to what is available in your area........subcool is in the midst of a really solid test between roots and down to earth etc. on the weed nerd......i have a test going also in nugs lab.....imho, roots used to be a lot better then it is currently, and i would advise you to find an alternative.....imho.
thanks for the response has pushed me to continue my search for the best base soil for my mix!! Anything you are noticing in the new mix you are using that was lacking before??

What about guano selection? Once again, tons of options and prices!!
Hey supersoil guys ive got mine all mixed up and cooking right now in baby pools with tarps covering them i have a good question for you all that i hope someone can answer. Well i am growing outdoors in 45 gallon smart pots i made the supersoil following subs recipe to a T so im all set on that but its my water now that im having to change now im thinking. Ive been watching the weed nerd for the last few days i love it and sub said something that got me concerned he answered a question about well water that some guy sent if his well water would work and it was like 550 ppm or something and sub said he needed to look into a filter than anything over 100 ppm is too much and get a RO machine. Well i dont have that luxury as i have already spent enough on my indoor stuff and now im doing the outdoor. I have a 250 gallon tank that i bought to get water to the ladies i went and checked a place today that i can fill the tank and that water was like 200 ppm so that still isnt good enough but not quite there. I am gonna try to rig it up so i can fill it with rain water but up here in Montana it could go the whole summer without raining so should i use water from a stream or river water i dont think i can get an accurate reading right now on the ppm because of it being so high and muddy tho but it will clear up by summer. Could someone please give me a bit of advice i have been getting myself all sick in the stomach thinking about this i dont wanna kill my microbial life with shitty water.
Hey supersoil guys ive got mine all mixed up and cooking right now in baby pools with tarps covering them i have a good question for you all that i hope someone can answer. Well i am growing outdoors in 45 gallon smart pots i made the supersoil following subs recipe to a T so im all set on that but its my water now that im having to change now im thinking. Ive been watching the weed nerd for the last few days i love it and sub said something that got me concerned he answered a question about well water that some guy sent if his well water would work and it was like 550 ppm or something and sub said he needed to look into a filter than anything over 100 ppm is too much and get a RO machine. Well i dont have that luxury as i have already spent enough on my indoor stuff and now im doing the outdoor. I have a 250 gallon tank that i bought to get water to the ladies i went and checked a place today that i can fill the tank and that water was like 200 ppm so that still isnt good enough but not quite there. I am gonna try to rig it up so i can fill it with rain water but up here in Montana it could go the whole summer without raining so should i use water from a stream or river water i dont think i can get an accurate reading right now on the ppm because of it being so high and muddy tho but it will clear up by summer. Could someone please give me a bit of advice i have been getting myself all sick in the stomach thinking about this i dont wanna kill my microbial life with shitty water.

200 ppm is actually in the ideal range. Supplying some calcium, magnesium, iron from rusty pipes.
I would be very happy with 200, I have 50-60 ppm from tap and add cal-mag sometimes or even molasses to boost me up.
But my worst enemy is the chloromines in the water, they are bad for your soils microherd. I use citric acid (vitamin C) to neutralize it in my water.
Hey supersoil guys ive got mine all mixed up and cooking right now in baby pools with tarps covering them i have a good question for you all that i hope someone can answer. Well i am growing outdoors in 45 gallon smart pots i made the supersoil following subs recipe to a T so im all set on that but its my water now that im having to change now im thinking. Ive been watching the weed nerd for the last few days i love it and sub said something that got me concerned he answered a question about well water that some guy sent if his well water would work and it was like 550 ppm or something and sub said he needed to look into a filter than anything over 100 ppm is too much and get a RO machine. Well i dont have that luxury as i have already spent enough on my indoor stuff and now im doing the outdoor. I have a 250 gallon tank that i bought to get water to the ladies i went and checked a place today that i can fill the tank and that water was like 200 ppm so that still isnt good enough but not quite there. I am gonna try to rig it up so i can fill it with rain water but up here in Montana it could go the whole summer without raining so should i use water from a stream or river water i dont think i can get an accurate reading right now on the ppm because of it being so high and muddy tho but it will clear up by summer. Could someone please give me a bit of advice i have been getting myself all sick in the stomach thinking about this i dont wanna kill my microbial life with shitty water.
i agree with well water is at 200 also.....and i am almost happy with it.....i know the kind of deposits it leaves in my tea kettle, and i know my plants can only tollerate it for about three straight waterings, then they crave pure rain water, which i try to catch once every week or two....i don't store it for fear of pathogens......sometimes i break down and buy some r/o to cut into my ideal ppm for me would be 100-150....try to catch some if possible....a small steel roof is ideal.....
I was gonna try to set up some raingutters off the lean too to try and catch the water and fill the tank since its supposed to rain this weekend i did think about filling it up with RO water but that would cost me like 100 bucks to fill it up and thats just for the water the tank is big 250 gallons. I was also thinking about getting some out of the mountain streams that the water is pretty pure its all basically snow melted off the tops of the mountains i drink it straight out of the crick when im hiking and have no problem getting sick its crystal clear awsome water the taste is unbelievable but thats a good drive to get there and hour each way i might just throw the big tank in the back of the truck and drive up for day hikes and fill it. I was seriously making myself sick over this and my 200ppm water. I wnt it to all turn out great and im sure if i do it the same way as sub then i be ok I got the genetics so theres the biggest part to growing good weed.
I was gonna try to set up some raingutters off the lean too to try and catch the water and fill the tank since its supposed to rain this weekend i did think about filling it up with RO water but that would cost me like 100 bucks to fill it up and thats just for the water the tank is big 250 gallons. I was also thinking about getting some out of the mountain streams that the water is pretty pure its all basically snow melted off the tops of the mountains i drink it straight out of the crick when im hiking and have no problem getting sick its crystal clear awsome water the taste is unbelievable but thats a good drive to get there and hour each way i might just throw the big tank in the back of the truck and drive up for day hikes and fill it. I was seriously making myself sick over this and my 200ppm water. I wnt it to all turn out great and im sure if i do it the same way as sub then i be ok I got the genetics so theres the biggest part to growing good weed.

don't stress too much bro, you are real close to ideal......the stream water would be nice.....ours here is all spring fed, which comes out of the ground hard, but melted stream water should be real nice......think of it this way...plants want rain (unless its polluted).....they don't get ground water in nature....usually quite hard.
Thanks Nug buckets i just have invested enough money and went all out on everything and i dont want to go half assed on the thing they need most besides dirt and air. The water coming out of my well out there is pretty hard i have a spring that comes out of the hill and feeds the crick further down were the crick flows i should go test that water it usually flows all year not alot but enough that i could fill the tank in an hour. I was going to go buy a tarp and some stuff to try to make a rain catcher for the tank.
Just recieved the TGA strains from the tude that i am going to try outdoors here i got some a few weeks ago but they were all sativa dom and got real tall so i placed another order i dont know how good those tall sativas will do in winds up to 60 mph so i got a few of the few tga strains that were indica dom i love my sativas but its not all about what i like my bro does have MS so i gotta grow a few shorties so for the strains im gonna pop today for outdoors are the Ripped Bubba and the Qush and for my sativa i will try outdoors chernobyl. I still have 3 of the 5 packs of Timewreck, space bomb and Pandoras box. So damn excited ive been having a good week yesterday i booked my trip to amsterdam for the final cannabis cup in amsterdam and i got my seeds. Cant wait till November should be a good month my stuff should have a good cure to it and i will be going to the cup. Last night my mom told me you need to be careful and stay out of trouble. When i used to drink alot i would often get into trouble and do a few days to a week in some strange jails like down in mexico fucken sucked. Now that i dont drink i dont worry about doing the stupid shit drunks do right. My mom also was like you cant take any pot on the plane over there or you will get in trouble. I was like Ma jesus i dont need to take any pot ma all the ganja i need will be there its the mecca of pot well atleast for another 6 months or so before they shut it down to tourist. I was talking to my friend last night about it and i was like yeah this is a once in a lifetime thing going to the cup in amsterdam. My buddy was all like oh no its not hes an idiot i forgot to mention but i was like dude yeah it is cause if you havent gone to the cup in amsterdam yet and your not going this year then you never will this is a once in a lifetime event for those who havent been. The only shitty part is that i will be traveling alone by myself i would have liked to take a hot chick along but there should be plenty of hot euro chicks there. Ive traveled alone alot and dont seem to mind it. Except for when im alone and get thrown into a mexican jail and cant use the phone for 5 days and miss my flight home. That truly sucked.
can any of you guys give me something to help get rid of my fungus knats that i have in my roots organic soil i heard subcool mention something on weed nerd and i cant remember what it is i need something that will not harm my plants or the mykos in my soil any help would be great i sprayed the plants last week with neem dont know if that does shit for fungus knats or not someone like nugbuckets i have a feeling has a good answer