Super Soil Outdoors . . .


i have been a reader of this forum for a few months now, and i am ready for my first inquiry . . .

im am looking to use the super soil recipe however i haven't seen anybody with a similar setup as mine post their experience with this seemingly perfect soil recipe.

here is the setup im curious about . . . 1 plant, outside, in a 6'x6'x2.5' raised bed with 3-3.5 yd soil. i use roots og as my base mix.

is the volume of amended soil available for the roots to grow into proportionate to the size of the plants, or would the mix have to be more concentrated to compensate for the heavy appetite of large plants? perhaps adding more slow release N and trace elements to the mix or maybe just some supplemental top-scratching would be needed? is there anybody with experience with large plants in the supersoil?

i have seen the repeated posts that "dual mixes" are unnecessary, and that this soil recipe needs no further explanation, but i haven't seen a post chronicling this method in large holes or beds.

if this is redundant, please refer me to the proper thread or an article or something.

thank you.